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Posts posted by Patronus

  1. "Dual pricing for anything other than national parks etc is unacceptable"

    Sorry, I'm new here. Why is it acceptable at national parks?

    New here ?

    Since 2005 ?

    A slow learner perhaps.

    Where property is owned by "the nation" it is not unreasonable for the inhabitants of that country to enjoy free (or at worst, nominal fees) access. Equally, it is not unreasonable for a foreign visitor to pay a higher fee for the same privilege.

    Not rocket science.

  2. The sooner the Thais grow up and learn to live without the nonsense of "face" the better off they will be all round!

    They currently gain enough "face" just by having a farang in the family. No need for a dowry.

    Actually, marrying a foreigner, especially one much older than the bride, is a slight loss face. It's an admission of defeat; the woman could not find a suitable mate within her own community. The oblivious foreign husband of course is led to believe the exact opposite and blithely takes this delusional aggrandizement to his grave.

    BTW, in many cases, 'face' is just another word for dignity. I'm sure, when you say Thai's should live without the nonsense of 'face', what you mean is that they should reexamine and then redefine what constitutes 'face'. If so, I agree.

    This is typical of the arrogance one sees sometimes with Thais. it is the same arrogance that spawn s the belief that Suvarnabhumi airport is better than KL, Preah Vihear belongs to Thailand and that Thai silk is the best in the word.

    My partner has said that she chose to look for a Falang because she wanted a better life than that which a Thai could provide. I think her ex Thai husband's excessive drinking and adultery was also a factor. Apparantly, Falangs do not get p!ssed everyday, treat their women like possessions, take a series of mia noi's and fornicate with anyone in the village who 'wants it'.

  3. ok it is free, I have just found the relevant website for it


    Yes may be free to send but can be assured rate received through into bank transactions wont be anywhere near the 49.42 available real time now 0900 Thai time via ukforex.

    Edited in,

    However when you log in and do a dummy transaction up to actual transfer its showing 48.51 so not sure whats happened there.

    I will have a look

    No need to look - Chivas is spot on, they will make their money on the rate. You cannot send Sterling (the way to get the best rate in Thailand) so you have to take the rate they give you - and that will be laced with profit.

    Halifax GBP 9.50 still takes some beating.

  4. I love Udon Thani after many trips to the flashing lights im now so happy to fly into Udon and just cruise around so many young dudes now in pattaya im only 35 but it can be very noisy when your around the boys who visit the bars for the first time...

    so for me in Isaan you will find me @ the wifes village bun phan in Nong Khai or in the Udon town... I LOVE ISAAN

    Great place to get away from it all best thing about issan is the lack of tourists.

    It is the real Thailand

    A real Thailand was about 60 years ago.

    But Isaan is TODAY'S "Real" Thailand.

  5. Saraburioz recently had a topic closed on this subject and I believe that to be a mistake.

    The OP was all about trust and a belief that they are mentally ill. This is not a post (or a thread) that is derogatory to one group of people and is, therefore, not in breach of forum rules. A useful and interesting discussion was prematurely ended.

    I believe it is worthy of further debate.

    Saraburioz's original post is here:-

    My brother in law is a ladyboy and a nice affable ladyboy. I like him but don't trust him with my kids as I have posted about on here before.

    Many people say ladyboys are normal in Thailand but I believe they are mentally ill.

    I discovered that they do, in fact, suffer from a psychiatric disorder, stated by the American Psychiatric Association.

    This disorder is "Gender Identity Disorder" or GID for short.

    I feel that is important that people in this country know this and NOT to let their child decide for themselves. A child or teenager should be sent to a professional mentala health expert to be helped. Too often these people are accepted to easily as just being a ladyboy when help could be available.

    Also, do you think that a ladyboy should be put in a position of responsibility or trust?

    I'm not so sure but would like some opinions.

  6. If you're referring to motorbike riders than I have to say the Thais are the most stupid inconsiderate idiots alive.

    They just turn left from a sideroad on to a mainroad and never never look but pull straight out expecting car drivers to avoid them. This is not about driving "Thai style" put just plain stupidty and idiocy.

    When they do it to me I put my hand on the horn and hold it there making sure everybody looks.Menace to all road users.

    They just turn left from a sideroad on to a mainroad and never never look but pull straight out

    This is normal. Don't know how long you have been driving in this country,but you better get used to this. :)

    It may be normal but it is still WRONG.

    I believe it is also contrary to whatever laws/highway code the Thais may have.

  7. This is the bit from HMRC's website that led me to believe you can be taxed (only) in Thailand.

    DT1926 - Non-residents: UK income: Pensions: General

    Pensions, other than Government pensions (see DT1927), paid in consideration of past employment to a resident of a country with which the United Kingdom has a double taxation agreement are normally taxable only in the country of which the pensioner is a resident but there are exceptions to this. For example, the agreement with Sweden gives limited taxing rights to the source country, the agreement with Zimbabwe .... (another circumstance that is not relevant to our debate)

    It seems to me that this gives a more general right to a resident of Thailand to be taxed only in Thailand, whether mentioned in the double tax treaty or not.

    This must be a regular issue with many Brits who have retired to Thailand. Anyone else know whether you can elect not to be taxed in the UK on your UK-sourced pension (includes the state pension) if you are a non-resident Brit - provided always of course that you are taxed on your pension in Thailand?

    Although I am over 10 years away from the State pension, I do have an occupational pension that is already 'in payment'.

    I would also like to consider the option to be treated under the Thai tax regime. After 30 odd years of filling in UK tax returns I would like to get away from that annual task !

    I am currently spending 10 months a year in Thailand and expect to be here permanently by the end of tax year ended 5 April 2013.

  8. For me CM is the best choice living in LOS for it is asmall and almost village like city very pleasant to live in and yet it has manyof the things we look for in a big city without being too sleazy with ladiestourism and the like so it is also great for family life .

    To be fair, you can get a shag as well.

  9. If you want to see an example of a well presented Farang establishment with decent food, and reasonable service, take a trip to Prakhon Chai and have a look at Coffee Corner.

  10. any cheese from the village of "Cheddar" in Somerset.... :whistling:

    Didnt realise Thailand and especially Pattaya had a cheese production industry....:rolleyes:

    Oh Yes.

    Can't provide the link but here is an extract from the website:-

    The home of traditional authentic Cheddar Cheese made in Thailand.

    We are a small family run business based in the Gulf of Thailand and as far as we are aware, we are the only cheese producers in Thailand that produce authentic English Style Cheese

  11. the best hamburger is the one i make in my kitchen...real cheddar cheese too :)

    How would you define "real" Cheddar cheese.

    any cheese from the village of "Cheddar" in Somerset.... :whistling:

    The Cheddar cheese from Pattaya isn't bad - certainly acceptable on a burger. :jap:

  12. 'it's up to them' 'it's their live' etc.....all of this is true of course but I find it very odd, very unambitious and a waste.

    Personally, I wouldn't disagree.

    However, there are people who probably don't move off the same bar stool or get out of their garden. That can be true of someone living in, say, the UK or Thailand.

    It wouldn't do for me but if they are content, so be it.

  13. On a posting of this sort, it would be helpful if you would give some indication of where this business is located.

    The Village Chippy was a bit of a clue.

    Anyone who has been around the Pattaya forum since 2004 would surely know that the Village is just off Third Road.

  14. How can anyone recommend it? First, its full of fat, bald falang (by the way, I have hair and I am not fat). Second, the service is terrible. Third, the food is very mediocre and the prices for what you get are very high. The first and last time I went to the one near Dolphin Roundabout I ordered green curry with rice...I think the price was about 90 baht in total, which makes it really bad value. What I got was a tiny tiny portion of rice and a tiny tiny bowl of very ordinary curry. In fact, I felt so cheated I paid and left without eating.

    Its a rip off for idiot tourists, big parties of Russians and Indians in particular.

    When you say its cheap, what do you mean by that? Compared to what? It may be cheap compared to getting a Thai meal in London, but this is Thailand and it should not only be cheap, it should be much cheaper. The reason its not is because of all the idiot foreigners that have no sense of value or perspective.

    Nice protest, pay and not eat - I bet that made you feel good :jerk:

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