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Posts posted by Patronus

  1. From what you have said, the money is not staying with the in Laws, it is just for show.

    My suggestion would be to pick yourself up 10 nice shiny new £50 notes in UK.

    Take them to a printer in Bangkok and get them copied 20 times each.

    Take them to the village. have show and tell.

    Any dishonest relatives that try to pocket one will get what they deserve if caught.

    Do not try to spend them...

    When you are ready to leave the village, burn the money.

    Tell them you have plenty more back in UK, and cant be bothered carrying it.

    Good idea :D.

    However, I would challenge your first comment - I have seen nowhere that it is JUST for show.

  2. Having it all: money, youth, good looks, charisma, etc, is no guarantee in making a relationship last. And certainly not for a lifetime of harmony. There are too many other factors beyond anyone's control that can change things. If you get five great years out of a relationship then you are ahead of most people.

    I don't normally keep my cars THAT long Ian.

  3. I am not really interested as to who they are and why they feel the urge to exploit young thai girls.

    What I can't take is their moaning once they been ripped off /doubled.

    I mean what do they expect ? Been loved for who they are ? laugh.gif

    Who is exploiting who? :rolleyes:

    Have to agree.

    After a number of years here I find those with 'sob stories' were deservedly exploited.

    They are both exploiting each other, and there's no problem with that as long as both parties understand the situation.

    yes but for some reasons, only men come to moan about their women... never seen a woman complain here

    Can't be easy being a middle-aged woman living in Thailand.

  4. Just as well Thai women don't put Private Investigators onto their loving; and of course faithful, Farang partners.

    They do.

    It used to be that Farangs on the bones of their azz would become Teachers as a last resort, now it seems they can reinvent themselves as Private Investigators too.

    Lovely , cheerful , positive , sunny disposition you have !! Plus you think you are witty and humorous !!!! You're not .

    I found it amusing. :D

  5. Kind of getting nit picky here aren't you in terms of counting hours?

    I can only speak for the US but here are numerous places in the US where you cannot buy alcohol on Sunday and even some places you cannot buy it at all as well as states that ban the sale of alcohol during elections. Not to mention you are totaling hours (in your 30-hour claim) that regardless of the day, you can't buy alcohol and/or bars are not legally open. The actual affected hours are less than 24 hours.

    Point is sales of alcohol are controlled in most every country in terms of who, when, where and how alcohol is sold. These are the laws in Thailand but as we know laws are easy to get around in Thailand and even if somebody, who can't go without alcohol for this period, doesn't have awareness of the law or doesn't prepare before this time ... it is still pretty easy to buy at the small convenient stores.

    The other point was that Alcohol sales has nothing to do with civil liberties unless you also want to say that having laws or bans on forbidding marijuana and heroin sales are too.

    I would never use the US as my yard-stick !


    Yes - prohibition was never a great winner !

    in the UK they consider that the population is mature/educated/rational enough to be able to vote (if they wish) and drink (if they wish) on the same day.

    Sounds quite enlightened compared to the US and Thailand.

  6. I guess on the plus side (pardon the pun)... maybe it's time to setup a weight-loss coaching business... anyone interested? cool.gif

    As a business venture, a better money-spinner would be a "reverse-tanning machine" that lightens the skin rather than darkens.

    An absolute winner in Thailand and would save the Thais a fortune in cream and powder. :rolleyes:

  7. You were lucky...I once made the mistake of ordering a (v expensive) wet-suit on-line from wherever (can't remember).

    I was horrified to be charged 100% import duty! And, will admit, I entirely lost my sense of humour.

    Oh I do hope you recover your sense of humour again soon; for all our sakes.


    Edit: Facetious comment added, then accidentally ballsed up the formatting, and had to go back to correct it, and had to delete the facetious comment. My apologies for having to edit the quote to remove some damaged formatting...

    V funny - but I get your point.

    I've no idea why I get bad tempered so quickly on TV! :(

    Hormones - perhaps ? :whistling:

  8. You obviously have no clue what you are talking about because if you knew anything and the true story you would not be sticking up for someone who was ripping people off.

    ALSO if i was threatening or shouting so bad why didnt any of you or your band of beer bar stool heros come to her rescue as you clearly love her so dearly? Or you lot were just happy there to sit in silence like church mice as it gave you some much needed gossip in your sad existance of a life.


  9. What you forget that when you go in a macshit place is that you spend more on a crappy meal than a Thai person gets paid in one day, It puts it in prospective does it not ,


    Not THAT old bl00dy chestnut again !

    Back to the KFC slave labour thread.

    blah blah.....and if McDonalds were not in Thailand another 1,000 Thais would be planting rice for less than F All.

  10. Patronus - No need for penance dear boy.

    Your error was trivial and is far outweighed by your perception regarding my original post; which was totally altruistic, intended to warn other simple souls like myself in a jocular manner.

    I am pleased that this thread has now returned to it's intended 'lighter' mode.

    PS: Dimple Joe Frank the Yank - do you or Dangerous Dave have any pictures of Fiona you can post on here ?

  11. Patronus – why would I seek the advice of erstwhile TV members?

    I suggest if you want to use big words to impress, it might be a good idea to check what they mean – maybe you could ask an adult.

    To save your time in looking it up, erstwhile in fact means former........

    Bugger Me !

    50 odd years and I always thought I could use 'erstwhile' to refer to (in this case sarcastically) 'quality', 'valued', 'esteemed' members of TV.

    I stand corrected and will immediately write out the word, and definition, 500 times by way of penance (I hope that is correct because I cannot spell repentance).

    Regrettably, my post back-fired because I wanted to draw out further criticisms of the OP. My intention was then to state that it is not obvious that there would be import duties payable on goods, ordered via the Internet, - particularly where they are known to have been produced in Thailand. Rather than criticising the OP for his lack of knowledge, perhaps the esteemed Thai Visa members could have offered advice.

    Or at least recognise the tongue-in-cheek nature of the original post.

    Somehow "Frank the Yank" doesn't have the right ring to it. ;)

  12. "Made in Thailand" does not mean that you can import it duty free. Reasons have been stated above.

    Give up, the bloke doesn't understand the concept of bonded warehouses and export processing zones. He only knows how to whinge. Telling him "to get his hand of it" is futile.

    Perhaps he should have asked the monkeys first.

    Or, sought advice from erstwhile TV members.

  13. I would have thought it was obvious!

    It seems you have a miserable time at work and consider this the norm??

    "Yum Restaurants International (Thailand) Co.,Ltd. - while it was called Tricon Restaurants International (Thailand), was recognized as one of the Best Employers in Asia & honored as one of the best places to work in Thailand by global management consulting firm Hewitt Associates & Dow Jones, the publisher of Far Eastern Economic Review & The Asian Wall Street Journal."

    According to a poll ? Or survey? Or according to whom or what?

    It's a business! Nothing more, nothing less!!!

    KFC - was supposed to be one of the "happiest" companies to work for a few yeas back.I will NEVER eat at either KFC or McD's as I've long considered their business practices to be beyond the pale. One can only assume that they concocted the story of happy employees themselves

    Link please? and

    Please underline where it says the "happiest"

    Also how did you arrive at conclusion that it is no longer the "happiest"?

    I believe out of 10 000 or so employees how many signed the petition?

    Out of those who signed, how many actually came forward?

    Out of all hose who signed, how many actually knew what they were signing?(considering that the managers used company email and fraudulently pretended to be something/someone who they were not.)

    How many of those who signed resigned? or protested?

    The only ones "wanting" to take legal actions and are not the "happiest" are the managers who broke company rules.

    Furthermore, if the company was so bad to work for, one would presume the managers should be happy to walk away and find a new job in a "great" place to work, where instead they trying to sue for wrongful dismissal, i can only wonder whywhistling.gif

    kufki - brick wall, head and physical contact come to mind

  14. My little one is born next month...Of course we'll take him along to upscale and down-scale restaurants....Besides in Thailand everybody loves babies and infants....

    I think you will very quickly discover that is not necessarily the case.....................

    Can you not accept that not everyone loves babies - especially in restaurants ?

    At least 5% of us anyway :ph34r:

  15. My little one is born next month...Of course we'll take him along to upscale and down-scale restaurants....Besides in Thailand everybody loves babies and infants....

    I think you will very quickly discover that is not necessarily the case.....................

  16. do not use HSBC. Be aware that they do not adhere to the Fair Credit Billing Act in Thailand. If your card or identitiy is used at any time then HSBC will charge you 100% of the damage. This is why they want Premier customers because they can simply take the money from your 100k deposit.

    Do not do it. Cancel any HSBC risk you have. Better to keep your money under the matteress of a cheap Pattaya hotel than give it to these people.

    Please let anyone who might have a card know the risk they are in.

    You must be some sort of <deleted> with a grudge against this bank.

    They are probably the most respected (slight misnomer when talking about banks) international banks.

    I believe the Fair Credit Billing is particular to USA ?

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