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Posts posted by Patronus

  1. Funny thing is my stepson and wife (both Bangkok born) pronounce it Falang not Farang....Just spoke with the stepson about it.

    Having had an Isaan gf before she pronounced it farang

    So, it seems and this was told to me before that Isaan people pronounce Law leua as raw reua...

    One can only conclude that the guys here that pronounce it as farang must have Isaan girlfriends or wives.

    Now of course we know also that a high percentage of BG's come from the Isaan area....

    One wonders???


    You might want to go back and recheck your post for ANY accuracy :)

    Rechecked.......nothing to change :D


    There is no "R" in Lao ... hence no "R" pronounced in most of Isaan.

    People from Buriram don't say Bulilam.

  2. rubbish? he freely admits it. hes quite proud of it actually.

    a rose by any other name....

    Of course you are correct, nocturn. I freely admit i enjoy sex with beautiful women. I don't know any heterosexual men that don't. The ones that SAY they don't are either liars or they've lost the hormones that make them a man. However, I will also say that every women I'm with is there by choice. Anyone who says they aren't are either liars or they don't know shit. Take your choice.

    I don't spend time with people who don't enjoy my company... whether it is male or female. But, I will also say that very few people want to be exclusively with one other person every day for 365 days a year... 10 years in a row. There is not a dam thing wrong with being a sexpat. It keeps the economy going and it provides jobs for thousands. I get tired of the self righteous bigots that say sex is supposed to end once a single man reaches the age of 50. What arrangements that married couples have between each other is entirely up to them. But I know for certain that there are a LOT of frustrated married couples out there... both men and women.

    It seems to me instead of saying you like Thailand you should just say you like cheap sex. I have my doubts if you would be coming to Thailand so much if you couldn't get your groove on cheaply. It is sort of like somebody going to Bolivia for just for cocaine and then claiming to love the place. I couldn't really care less but get the feeling of it weren't for the girls you would be waxing on about how you love the Philippines or where ever that happens to cater to your sexual frustrations. As far as the girls you pay for sex enjoying your company, you do realise they are paid to pretend they do right?

    I am not meaning to sound like I am attacking you or anything but those two points sort of stuck out to me.

    I like cheap sex and the more the girls fake it, the bigger the tip.

  3. Maximum pressure for colonostic cleanse is 2 psi , any thing over that can cause severe internal problems , show caution when ' Gunning ' your rectum .

    Where can one buy a device to monitor this? :D

    Maximum water pressure is good in my opinion as a trickle simply isn't fit for purpose!

    Although I have never batted for the other side, I now find it quite pleasurable.

    Should I be concerned ?

  4. Just the sort of topic that invites the same bores from "both extremes"....Oh and a very obvious troll..

    Very True.

    And it will not be long before the "Go Home Brigade"dominate the thread,which seems to have been the original intent,judging by the controlled pre answered sub title.

    Leave it out you guys. This is far more interesting than the Telly. Ah footie soon. A nice little drink and something to eat with the G/F. Think I will sit outside tonight. As I can.


    104 replies to a troll post - I suppose this forum is full of them.

    Nobody that I know is being held here against their will.

    If anyone is dumb enough to stay in a place that they do not like then they must be morons.

  5. Guys..

    Whilst filling in my tax form my wife asked..will it be easy for me to get my widows pension..I have a company pension..when you are not above ground...well not in those words.

    She is a Thai but also a British Citizen, however she never worked whilst living in the UK or had a NI number issued. I did enquire but wow they made it so difficult we gave up.....

    Speaking to the IR just now they told me that she would need an NI number so as to be able to claim a personal allowance, so as to get 20% relief.

    Any ideas of the way forward please.address etc for her to write to please....Google has not been my friend!!

    I seem to recall having answered this very same question before.

    When you die (assuming your wife is still living) she will be entitled to Bereavement benefits. She will claim these (or someone will assist). It will likely take the best part of 6 months, but once settled, she will be allocated a NI number automatically by the Dept of Pensions. This she can then forward to the Inland Revenue to be given a personal allowance.

    They will not give a NI number under any other circumstances, unless your wife is in the UK and wants to work.

    I can see my missus having a whale of a time with that claim !

  6. As far as I'm aware there really isn't any way of producing a reliable chart over a meaningful period of time, let alone predicting from it. 3 reasons, the baht was pegged at a very artificial rate for a number of years, the Thai baht underwent an atypical plummet a good decade ago, and the pound has done similar now. Anybody who thinks that it is possible to drawn a nice straight line through that lot is indeed a candidate for the loony bin.>>>>

    Where he may no doubt share lodgings with anyone in the 32 baht to the pound camp. Correct me if I'm wrong but this would predict near parity with the dollar!!! This could compromise Thailand's price competitiveness just a smidgen.

    I'll guess at 45-50 bt to the pound over the next year. The currency under most pressure IMHO willl be the Euro.

    I agree that using historical charts of a currency pair is not going to be a useful tool in forecasting future rates, although not entirely for the reasons you state.

    To state the blindingly obvious, the exchange rate between a pair of currencies is dependent on the relative flow in and out of them. This is influenced by trade, investment, speculation and political interference.

    1. Trade, anybody seen any UK made produce in the shops recently? Apart from a few food items in Tesco I haven't.

    2. Investment, Thailand is hiking interest rates. BKK will give you 2.25%. The UK is not likely to raise interest rates for a long time. Investment money is flowing into Asia because it is cheaper and easier to manufacture in Asia than in the west.

    3. Speculation, the general speculative flow is into Asian currencies and countries.

    4. Political interference, QE, zero interest rates, massive debt and huge obstacles to small businesses in the UK has to be set against the strong Thai banking sector, little government interference in industry and small start ups (anybody can open up a street food stall and sell stuff anywhere; try that in the UK), and huge foreign currency reserves built up to hold down the THB. This cannot continue indefinitely, with the BoT taking the losses, the THB has to appreciate against western currencies.

    The UK government is also not interested in expats and their problems. They are trying to boost exports rolleyes.gif and increase local demand by ensuring the currency does not appreciate.

    I have to agree with MJP, we are now heading to the next slot down, and 43-46 looks about right. If the UK does not pull its socks and interest rates up, then the next move is a band beneath that.

    It can't be doing much for those of you on fixed pensions - and the outlook is no brighter.

  7. OP

    What do you think the 'rip-off' cost you in hard baht?, at the 1 baht per dollar difference.

    about 10 baht. however, i have to work for my money.

    You got my vote....Better this 10 baht in your pocket versus Sizzler's. Plus, I'm glad you brought up the DCC subject, if for nothing else, to remind myself to watch out for this "another hand in your pocket" transaction method when using a home country credit card in another country.

    I agree, it's not the 10 Baht, it is the principle .

  8. man, is this gonna be a long thread :rolleyes:

    Forgive me if this has been brought up already as i have only just started to read, but just to add something the OP might want to know.

    I have heard that if you marry a Thai who owes money you are also leagally liable for that sum..EVEN if you didnt know previously and she didnt tell you.

    I have no idea if this is 100% correct though, maybe someone in the know can set it straight..

    Are we also legally entitled to the gold ?

  9. Fish & Chips = Witch's = Eddy's finest

    Kebab = near Grace Hotel on Sukhumvit Soi3

    Sunday Roast = Many of the British pubs, eg Robin Hood, Dubliner etc

    Lamb Casserole = some of the British pubs. Bus Stop on Sukhumvit Soi 4 - if it's still there

    Burger Chips and Peas, also pies and pasties, Bangers & Mash + Pedigree/Tetley's Bitter = Crossbar

    Fishfingers = KFC !!! (No joke!)

    I have to agree about KFC - the fish fingers are delicious (creamy mashed potato not bad either)

  10. Yup. Pattaya has at least two chippies that are better than home.

    One does fish (Pacific dory) & chips for only 120 Baht. Delicious.

    In our neck of the woods (Buriram province) you can buy a small fish (Dory) & chips for 70 Baht at Coffee Corner in Prakhonchai. Burger & chips is 100 Baht and the 250g fillet steak 225 Baht. I like the Roast Chicken with Yorkshire Pud, stuffing and 4 veg for 165.

  11. Transam - you see a little confused - the whole point of what I was saying is that signage in Thailand is crap - that includes your "yellow lines"If you don't understand - all you have to do is ask - unfortunately I won't reply because you give me the impression I'd be wasting my breath - I'm used to communicating a bit higher up the food chain.

    WOW ! - Ego, or what ?

    I imagine that if I were to refer to you as an arrogant <deleted>, I would be in breach of forum rules.

    In which case I will only continue to think it.

  12. Not an expert ...........

    Obviously not!

    The system of wills is similar here to most Western countries except that here instead of obtaining probate, approving a will and the naming of the executor/administrator is done by the local court. You would, therefore, need a copy of the court's approval to have car ownership transferred.

    Having a will in a foreign language is not "just another reason for the authorities to put obstacles in your way", as the armchair experts often tell you; all that is needed is a certified translation. Having a will exclusively in Thai, on the other hand, can delay the process considerably if it is shown that the originator could not read sufficient Thai to understand what they were signing and any objections are made.

    Intestate? Thai courts invariably accede to your Embassy's directions, so this is unlikely to be the problem it has been made out to be.

    Joint Ownership? Possible, but by the time you have obtained and paid for your proof of address letters, changed the registered owner and paid the transfer tax at the DLT, you could have each made a will, prepared by a lawyer, several times over. Pointless, as half the car would still be subject to the provisions of the will on the death of one joint owner.

    Keep it simple - make your wills.

    Obviously, SweatyPie IS an expert.

    But does he really think the question of inheritance of a car would involve an emabassy AND the Thai courts?

    In practice a few thousand Baht to the Poo Yai Ban and similar under the table at the LTO should get things sorted.

    Joint ownership is the way to go if you are not concerned about what happens to the asset after the death of the surviving spouse.

    Taking Sweaty's advice about making Wills is OK but you would need to make provision for what happens in the event of you dying first, your wife dying first and then you dying.

  13. 42 new killing zones, I hope they are all numbered to help the ambulances locate them.


    Sad but true.

    Compliance at these red lights is improving by the day. Stopped at about 5 sets today and quite a few over the past 2 days. I'm mainly seeing motorcyclists jumping through.

    Are the Baht buses stopping yet.

    I sense that if they comply, others (except motorbike taxis and few others) will comply.

  14. Thanks for the replies.

    I used to order som smoked ham, sausages and bacon from a company in Phuket, but unfortunantly they have now canselled their services. I live south i Ubon and i think a daytrip to buriram will be too far, but Prasat in Surin is about 200 km from here so that would not be so bad. Maybe worth at trie and stock up my freezer from this company in Surin.

    I imagine that any supplier can put an order on a bus for you - a lot cheaper than a 400 Km round trip.

  15. Mum and Dad buy my tickets, I trust them to give me the cash when I win millions :)

    Same here, but don't have them collect the cash and then transfer to you as capital gains will come into play. Have em hold the ticket, fly back and pick up yourself... not telling Camelot you don't live there of course.

    I also do a rolling direct debit - linked to my UK address and bank account.

    Sound advice. I look forward to dealing with that particular problem of collecting a large win sometime in the future :)

  16. Received this email today:-

    Please note that from 13th December 2010 we will be making some changes to our Terms and Conditions and Rules.

    Summary of upcoming changes:

    As well as being a UK or Isle of Man resident, to play National Lottery games online or by text you must be physically located in the UK or Isle of Man when buying a ticket.

    If you play by Direct Debit, you must be physically located in the UK or Isle of Man when setting up your Direct Debit Account and also when making amendments to it, including buying additional tickets, or changing your numbers or payment details. As long as you only make these changes while you are physically located in the UK or Isle of Man, your tickets will be valid if you travel overseas.

    If you do not meet these requirements, any ticket purchases you make will be invalid and no prizes paid, and we will have the right to reclaim any prizes already paid under these circumstances.

  17. His stuff is not too bad. I used to get things from him,basically because he was the only place around. For the past year or so I have been getting my food from a guy in Buriram. There is a thread on here somewhere about him. Search Buriram Pies. His products are,in my opinion, better. They are also cheaper.

    I also buy all my pies from Steve, the Buriram Pie Man. A visiting friend tried one this week and said it was the best he had ever tasted.

    I can also recommend his faggots.

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