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Posts posted by travelmann

  1. "According to Dr. Surawit, alcohol consumption results in the expansion of blood vessels, causing the body to lose heat and the body temperature to drop. The occurrence, he explained, will lead to leg cramps, or worse, a body shutdown".

    "Therefore, the Deputy Minister encouraged all consumers of alcoholic beverages in flood-affected areas to refrain from drinking near waterways as they would not be able to help themselves and could drown if they fell into the water".

    What a clown!!!

    I think that being submerged and trying to breath water might just be a tad more responsible for drownings than peoples blood vessels contracting and leg cramps.

    He must have known that this would invite ridicule........or there again, it seems not!!!blink.png.

    Unlike this minister who has has a brain shutdown

  2. I have thought this for a long time.

    Quite a few are just cranks with nothing better to do and after a few posts it soon becomes apparent that the OPs are trolls and time wasters. I find many of the newbie posts rather suspect and it is extremely irritating when one puts a lot of thought and effort into giving advice only to realise later that the OP is an oddball and it`s all been a waste of time.

    The problem is that it is easy to set up a Thai visa membership with Yahoo and Hotmail email accounts. I read that TV is going to refuse membership applications for those using Yahoo emails and the same will apply for Hotmail applicants later on.

    Perhaps this will reduce the number of time wasting trolls when they are no longer able to remain so anonymous, having to use gmail and some others which requires SMS verifications.

    Gonna lose a lot of members inc. me in that case........................waddya mean I wunt be missed!!!!!laugh.png

  3. ^^ I'm not even a Brit ... though can admire talent and freely acknowledge it yet still keep a strong sense of pride in my nation.

    What I am surprised is that no-one to date has listed the literary talent that the Brits have produced over the years..

    Yer mean like the Mrs In Stratford??? although its rumoured she didnt write wot Shakespeare writ?


  4. Two days in advance?

    What about the people who have an emergency and get an urgent flight somewhere? Are the covered.

    Every time I extend my retirement visa, I get a multiple re-entry permit. Saves my pages and lets me make last minute trips.

    How big is the stamp?

    I dont bother with any border runs except Singapore as its uses the least space in my passport when I fly in/out

  5. Let yourself go? Quite inexcusable!

    Normally, in my village, I like to wear a cream silk shirt with a pastel blue cravat. For the nether garments, a pair of well pressed linen trousers and white silk socks and two-tone leather shoes. I like to set this pleasant dress off with a jaunty cap or fedora, the latter enhanced with a colourful hat band. I find an ebony cane, (silver tipped), seldom fails to impress and a long cigarette holder, with a nice Balkan blend tobacco smoke nicely completes the picture of elegant affluence that I like to present and which. I believe, the local rice farmers and the poorer folk recognise and appreciate.

    It gives them an example.......something to admire and aspire to, don't you think?

    I supply all my staff with their own T shirts when I had them building my house, I like them to rise above the other locals,


  6. maybe not a case of giving up, possibly they have always been slobs and the reasons their first western wives left them and they had to come to Thailand to get a sh*g...just a thought

    I think nail... head

    We do get here some of the worst guys, complete failures ect.

    Then again when i go fishing or in and around the house i don't really care how i look. When going out to shop i do change and make myself presentable. So if you meet me around the house you might think im a total slob too.

    Can't be "complete failures" if they're living the dream over here as opposed to home country, wherever that might be.

    As some else said, to each his own.

    If i were to go into a bar in my country, there would be a lot of good looking guys (not into guys but just saying). Now if you take the average guy from my country who lives or holidays in Thailand, they would not hold a candle to the guys that you would find in bars in my country.

    Good looking younger guys go to Spain to party, older guys come here to party. Also of course difference in how much money is available ect.

    Anyway i just dressed up to go out, nice pair of jeans, some dr martin shoes, bodyglove t-shirt. Nothing fancy just a bit above the average stuff i wear.

    When im in and around the house i just wear a pair of fisherman pants and an old t shirt.

    I just wear my pink fluffy doll nighty

  7. Wasn't Edisons father a Candian ?...ergo, Edison is only half American, so it could have been his Candian side which perfected the light bulb..rolleyes.gif

    and most of them are French eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek

    Wasn't Edisons father a Candian ?...ergo, Edison is only half American, so it could have been his Candian side which perfected the light bulb..rolleyes.gif

    and most of them are French eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek

    There is a thing called the Internet.......check it out sometime you may learn something. Canada is not mostly French it is what we call a cultural mosaic.

    Rubbish no good will ever come form learning , pig ignorance is the way forwards.tongue.png always worked for me anyway???

    • Like 1
  8. I don't know how many of you are Americans but we have a very relaxed dress code. I work all over the world and normally feel underdressed compared to people in most other countries. I'm tall, in shape and have the means to dress better but I feel the pressure not to look too nice as my mates will comment about it as I'm trying too hard to impress.

    BTW, I'm invited to a dinner and they said "Casual Smart UK." Anybody know what that means?

    Im from the Uk and can guarantee you this is smart casual UK

    Check first so any colour you choose doesnt clash with other guests.


  9. Except some rare nutter, i didn't see many who fit in the description..Where are you living OP ?

    Wow just came back and saw all the replies ,must have hit the right note ,actually i live just outside Pattaya and must admit around the house tend to just wear shorts ,but when we go out always try to dress nicely ,not flash as i have got to the age where i no longer feel the need to wear the latest fashions ,but as i have stated on other threads her indoors is 23 years younger than me slim quit attractive and dresses nicely so i feel it would be a bit strange if i was out in my singlet long shorts with black socks and sandals,

    I can never get a good jacket to fit me........straight jacket excepted

    I liked the picture of quasimodo ,do you know its a fact that even his ugly brother is able to get a date in Pattaya

    Yes seem to see him all over Thailandlaugh.png

  10. Except some rare nutter, i didn't see many who fit in the description..Where are you living OP ?

    Wow just came back and saw all the replies ,must have hit the right note ,actually i live just outside Pattaya and must admit around the house tend to just wear shorts ,but when we go out always try to dress nicely ,not flash as i have got to the age where i no longer feel the need to wear the latest fashions ,but as i have stated on other threads her indoors is 23 years younger than me slim quit attractive and dresses nicely so i feel it would be a bit strange if i was out in my singlet long shorts with black socks and sandals,

    I can never get a good jacket to fit me........straight jacket excepted


  11. perhaps they are just like me and care a flying fàrt what others think of their attire?

    I've got to agree, I'm not here to impress anyone, especially living on the beach in a tourist area with not a care in the world what other wannabe's think. If I lived in Isaan...................well I'd never live in Isaan.

    w00t.gif , blasphemer. w00t.gif ................................huh.png

    We dress correctly here, if a gentleman, then a gentleman's apparel, sadly l am the only one. sad.png

    Am I the only one who dresses in black tie for dinner old chap ?....bloody heathens on TV, no class at all..

    Must be draughty round the crackers if thats all u have on?

  12. Depends if you feel "looking" good is important or not..... even in Thailand.

    Main point is to keep cool for me which often means baggy clothes.

    The world has become a bit obsessed by"look"

    I bet you like to look at sexy girls... or do you want the old ones with all the wrinkles. Looks are important and some nice clothes help a lot.

    Actually the last head turner/conversation stopper I saw, and I mean every male head in the area without exception, was a japanese mother who strode along in her bikini to join her year old child and husband in the pool

    I don't think black socks would have made one iota of difference, and clothes would have not enhanced the effect one bit.

    I think for the male farang comfort is important, especially if there is no need to impress. I find that I wear more long sleeved shirts and trousers these days if I am heading into 'civilisation' more to deter mosquitoes and sun than for the smart look

    There are not many guys in a shape and with looks (me included because im not that special) that can make all the girls head turn. Its easier for girls to make men turn their head. But a guy in moderate shape (no beer belly ect) dressed well looks a lot better to girls then one with flip flops and a t shirt

    Miight look good but doesnt mean its better, some arent out to impress women/men

  13. Depends if you feel "looking" good is important or not..... even in Thailand.

    Main point is to keep cool for me which often means baggy clothes.

    The world has become a bit obsessed by"look"

    I bet you like to look at sexy girls... or do you want the old ones with all the wrinkles. Looks are important and some nice clothes help a lot.

    Rather have an ugly wrinkled reliable thing than a pwetty young fool,

    Hey beauty is only skin deep and looks fade with age.

  14. Did the Poms give us James Bond ... Agent 007 ??

    The Yanks gave us ...

    oh, yes, Get Smart ... goof.gif

    Mostly any movie or TV show produced outside of the USA is garbage. That is why AMERICAN made movies are famous WORLD WIDE, Australians and brits havent had an international blockbuster film such as Star Wars, Toy STory or Avatar ever......

    Now we see Thaland copying all american TV shows=The Voice, Thailands Got Talent, etc......

    V for Vendetta is the best brittish film ever made next up is clockwork orange...

    Oh dear.... you dont watch much do you?

    The three movies you quote i dont rate at all.

    Isnt Thailands got Talent a spin off from the Uks Simon Cowells program ( again crap imo)

  15. old KRS1 seems to have bee in his bonnet today, first this then the go at blaming expats for getting shot by their greedy wives...

    do tell OP, what's your f' problem?

    btw, the brits have always been here - its just the americans are all tied up on the USA election topics, the ozzies are still talking about cricket matches from the 90's to themselves, the kiwis are looking for beetroot to put on their burgers, the canucks are trying to figure out how to play ice hockey in shorts and sandals, the french have surrendered their board rights, the norwegiens are busy with motorbike issues in pattaya, the russians are trying to bring back white pants into main line fashion - again.

    I resent that comment dear fellow you forgot about the Dutch.

    Ok and the Dutch are smoking their spliff's....better ?...biggrin.png

    I'd tell them to get on their bikes but......

    Dam..................n ooops

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