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Posts posted by travelmann

  1. "over paid, over sexed, and over here"

    Havnt met an American yet who wasnt loud, il-mannered and a show off, and was either a retired Seal or hitman.....but couldnt talk about it,

    extremely wealthy, naturally and the only correct opinion was theirs, and if they wanted your opinion they would give that to you too.

    Sorry chaps, but only speaking as I find.

    On the flip side, the Aussies I have encountered seem to be genuine, down to earth types, but like the drink a little too much but that's probably just me as I dont drink and tend to notice those that do more. I think the phrase "rough diamond" comes to mind with our Australian fellows.

    We cant help it if we're always right. Best thing to do is to learn how to deal with it and ask a lot of questions.

    ...and stop asking us to borrow money.

    Dont worry we'll just keep inventing things and give them to you, Harriers ok are they or have you mastered that F35 yet?? better late than never eh, well its only 50 years between emwhistling.giftongue.png

  2. Is it me or are there more and more British on Thaivisa lately?

    You've actually checked everyones teeth? ohmy.png

    I aint got no teef. cept the ones I paid for?

    Must dash me masters calling me got to get back up those chimney Mary Poppins

  3. Chill, KRS1. No one is punching (but if we do, it will be 100% Marquis of Queensberry rules, OK?)....far too busy laughing at the image of Mr Bean on crystal meth clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

    I'd like to think that the catalyst for your original question was the heightened quality of posts, but I somehow doubt this will be the case now.

    Dont worry, i know some of you are actually cool in person. Its when you guys run out of meth that you start to get troublesome. tongue.png

    Hell, that's nothing....just wait till you see us after a nice cup of tea....we can get quite frisky.

    Earl Grey obviously, and please speak the Queens English, its " tootle loo", dont forget to extend the little finger whilst sipping the tea.

  4. ..... I see the OP is "on an extended vacation" in the L.A. allegedly watching "old chubby men with unshaven faces walking around in drag"..... Have all our brollies and bowlers scared him off? What a bunch of jolly rascals we are.

    So sorry, old boy. Do pop back for a spot of tiffin soon..

    Toodle pip wink.png

    Just checked the forum rules, and can't find one that says "Colonials only"..... but don't worry, no one is going to make you feel in any way inferior......unless you give us good reason... whistling.gif

    Was just asking if there were more Brits than usual.

    Is it normal behavior to lie and twist words around, or is it a part of being British?

    edit: what the hell is a Toodle pip ?

    See you still havent found that sense of humour then??

  5. Poor man my condolences to his family but alas this probably happens more than is publicized, I really do hope that the British Gov get involved and put pressure on the Thai authorities to bring the case to its rightful conclusion.

    But I fear that if she has access to money she will walk, I had a close personal friend who was murdered by his wife's lover and her brother she managed to get her hands on his cash and is still free also there was the case of Donald Whitting (I think that is the correct spelling) in Hua Hin that is a horrific story, shot 6 times paralyzed from the neck down the woman who paid for him to be killed was caught attempting to cross into Laos or Cambodia she had 300,000 THB on her she gave up the shooters etc they in turn grassed on her and guess what the out come was? She spent a month or two in a temple to cleanse herself and has walked about free ever since.

    The LoS definitely has it's dark side, and you really have to remember that 'Money is #1!

    Dont forget she shagged her lawyer to and got pregnant...............a nice touch a real class act like the husband drug guy Darren wotshisname, still no sign of him?

  6. Well that's a new one to me! Its all the fault of plastics that there are transgender persons in this world. If yahoo, answers says so it must be true!!

    What a load of C**p. Next the OP will say if we get rid of plastics we can cure their sexual proclivities! Really glad your not prejudiced towards the as you put it "the third gender population"

    Sent from my GT-P6200 using Thaivisa Connect App

    looks like their avatar has had too much plastic!!

  7. I always love the way "paradise" ends up....................just a great big noise!!

    I used to go to the Maldives 25 yrs ago for the "no news no shoes" nothingness, last time I went was 12 yrs ago, totally change, the escapism of it has gone out of the window but the worst thing................constant bloody noise..........music everywhere.

    Theres a time and place for it sure, but it seems to be inescapable these days.

  8. Save yourself a lot of hassle and just bring them in. I have brought many plants into Thailand and I know many Thais who do frequent trips abroad and have brought in many plants especially from Indonesia, Singapore etc.

    Ditto cash. I have never been stopped in 7 years in fact I think on entering, Thai customs must be the most relaxed in the world.

    Of course the correct legal way is outlined above, your choice.

  9. Heres some advice, my Wife ( Thai) rents rooms for a living so meets many couples, quite often its a Thai woman and Foreign boyfriend/husband, the women on occasion are bargirls and the stories they openly tell my wife would have the OP running like hell away from this woman.

    Often she is asked to tell the husband/boyfriend the rent is higher than it is so they can milk off some of the rent money and how they want "extra keys" in case a friend wants to stay with them when hubby is away abroad. ( I must add before the TVers start she doesnt do this)

    On odd occasions I am there, the husband will tell me how wonderful his wife is, totally oblivious.

    I get some great stories sometimes, on the flip side I see young kids come teaching and using girls like sh*t and not bar girls just regular girls with jobs , the last one wrote on the wall when she left him "xxxxxx <snip> off"

    It was repainted and it was taken form the deposit

    I know that at the back of his mind he'll be thinking it will work................. we were all stupid like this at one time over a particular girl and I'm no exception.

    IT WONT.

    That said no amount of "talking to" will change what he does.

    • Like 1
  10. I love it when someone comes with 1 post and the first thing they write about is there Thai girl/bar girl experience. I mean, when I first joined Thaivisa all I did was tell personal details of my love history and all. whistling.gif

    Anyways to cut to the chase:

    (1) You need to crawl back to her and tell her you are a fool and it is all your fault

    (2) Propose Marriage

    (3) Move to Thailand

    (4) Burn all your bridges in your homeland. Like tell your boss and business associates to F off. When Cortez reached the new world he burned the ships so his men would not think about returning. You should do the same.

    (5) Transfer all of your assets to Thailand.

    (6) In Thailand, transfer all of your assets to the name of your BG new wife.

    (7) You will need a source of income to remain in Thailand. You should open up a bar.

    (8) Continue to remain on Thaivisa. Post regularly. All the gripes and unpleasantries that you feel about Thailand and the Thai people, you should share with us on Thaivisa by posting about them regularly because we love hearing about it and are very good at giving a sympathetic ear.


    And build her and her parents and "Brother" a house.

  11. Hmmmm interesting comment at the bottom, dont know if true or not from Pattya ones comments section.

    Bubu sounds a real nice guy, salt of the Earth.

    Bubu can follow what the hi-so's do and run to the temple for a week or so and be "too busy" to deal with this.

    The dead guys girlfriend was approached the next morning by Bubus “wife” pretty much ordering her to say it was an accident. She was warned the consequences would be dire if she did not. As she was not present at the time she cannot actually say anything at all. So far the police have not even been to interview this woman. FWIW he took just one punch to the side of the head. A lesson to people to be very careful if they wish to dish out violence, the consequences could be dire.

  12. Thx breadbin ..appreciate any good references.

    One thing I would add also is "inconsistency"

    Example: your friend has Somchai in to re decorate and Somchai does and excellent job and your friend recommends him.

    Somchai then comes to your place and does an awful job....................it happens and more often than you might think.

    There seems to be little consistency so dont be surprised.cheesy.gif .

  13. If you have any ability at all save yourself a lot of time and hassle and do it yourself.

    Many "workmen" here clearly arent and have almost zero skill level.

    I built a house here and if you have anyone in youll have to spend all day watching everything they do or you will get a bodge job guaranteed.

    • Like 2
  14. So, you ask how to make friends amongst a bunch of strangers........from........... a bunch of strangers on an anonymous internet forum.

    Good choice.

    Gotta start somewhere, never understand this " you cant make friends on the internet" met my wife there almost 7 yrs ago.

  15. ok, gotta run, heading to the meet now to prove my bonafides...

    About which, only you care.

    Yep, unfair leaving us for what will be worth nothing for us while we enjoy picking on him..

    I will be back my flock. I shall return.

    Code red, initiate operation "takedown" operative in place at Sushi bar "terminate Aurelllion"cheesy.gif

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