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Posts posted by falang07

  1. c'mon, it is just 11 hours of your life, can not you just listen to mp3/relax/read something? if it is way cheaper, I better spend those 11 hours without the personal entertainment screen and saving some bucks (actually I prefer to just sleep)

  2. Give me country that does give you a "permanent" visa when you buy property....there is no such thing as a permanent visa

    What about the investment visa that is no longer in effect? You could have bought a condo for 2 mil baht and no more visa problems... Until they introduce something resonable like this again, I say no.

  3. ...last week, they increased the baggage fees by 50 % !!!!! (now 300 Baht for 15-kg bag, before last week it was 200 Baht ! ), and their "convenience Fee" by 40% ! (from 50 to 70 Baht)

    I think I have always paid 140 Baht as the "Convenience Fee" for using the credit card, or I am the only one?

  4. I see many farangs doing visa runs and complaining about the visa problems, and every time I tell them I would never buy a condo unless they provide me some kind of a permanent visa. (since it is the only property you can buy anyway, houses bought on Thai companies are never more than 49% in your name) If I invest here, I do not want to be forced to leave the country due to visa issues. That is why I rent, and since it is only 5000 baht per month for a new house, what the heck :) And when I see the condos/houses that have 20+ years (especially after being rented out), they are very often already worthless so you can not expect to sell them / get any money back if you want to leave/move. So why do you keep helping the Thai baht exchange rate with foreign currencies transfered over here? I could not resist asking :)

  5. Last time, well actually the only time, I changed my itinerary with Air Asia it was easy to do on-line there was a fee for changing and then I was charged the higher price for the ticket, so I didn't bother to go down that route. I actually purchased a new ticket and then didn't fly on the other one, I then claimed the airport tax back, it was a bit of faff but a fair bit cheaper.

    Can you really claim the airport tax back in such a case?

    EDITED: it seems you really can, see http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=18801397386&topic=13484

  6. Why pay an agent for such a simple task as bringing passport to the embassy when you have enough time in PP to do it yourself? Perhaps you could hire an agent to bring it to the visa agent, too :)

    If i could hire someone to bring it to the agent i would. Why would i want to waste 2 hours of my time waiting some hot awful embassy when i could possibly hire someone to do it?

    Well, in case you have rich parents or are too rich to spend it otherwise and do not have to waste your valuable time working for the agent's fee, why not :)

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