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Posts posted by Sandman77

  1. Iam part of euro zone and Iam still here!

    But let us not forget that the Bhat is also to strong!

    In Philipine I got around 30 Procent more for the euro at moment like in thailand !

    We must sit only in the next airplane move to another country and stop whining!

    Most of Russians here come to Pattaya make dirty bisness fake property's that never exists , and this kind of people are richer then before!

    The last 2 month the rubble rises little bit and not plunge !

    • Like 1
  2. Trip advisor shows only expensice hotels I never book online search over Google and call free or not 2 month ago I try not to call in chisng mai rent a tuk tuk and searched 2 hour a room because room full

    Booking company's are million dollar bisness with 10 Procent win each booking

    Some arrange company's to give fake feedback and manipulate the system trip advisor is nice but not always usefull!

    You can check asia rooms dot com

    • Like 1
  3. The Tempel music is nothing against the village leader that talk every morning in a laud megaphone the news from village or old people can go hospital free check sugar!

    We have to ask ourself why thais can handle laud noises and we can not, because we born and group up in quite areas and not on noisy city like most of the thais!

    Or another idea , simply the locals here not here the noise anymore because there ears Allready damage by to laud mowlam music!

    A deep bass over a range of 3 km must damage something in humans ear!

    It's make no diffrence a noisy dog let wake me up in nightime or a tempel music!

    The last one I find more romantic , and when you here all the time you find it normal!

    • Like 2
  4. And we forget Thai dept Is over 3 time higher then there gdp!

    This fact alone , is maybe enough to bring the Bhat crisis back and proberbly the last hope of expats here in this country!

    Now we pay because of bad exchange more then double like 5 or 7 year ago!

    This will also hit the tourism sector hard , when the regular 3 weeks traveler hard , and stay away from Thailand !

    It's in any massage shop same in Chiang mai or Pattaya , I have no customer don't know why, I try to explain about economy and reason why less farang here but I don't know understand or not!

    I waiting on that day that the Thai tourism industry make some promotion package but I never see any!

    Thais make one big mistake , when the go up In same amount of price like euro goes down , a resort in rayong always stay before January 15 450 Bhat with breakfast , after euro Christie breaks out and our magical sorcerer draghi press the red button , the price for same resort go up 1400 asking why need more money because no customer !

    Thai air do the same story last month I checked a flight go and back to Munich bk shows me over 3000€ on sky scanner now one month later 630€. , this is a sign that hopefully the tourism sector also plan to make promotion package or help hotel owners here with support or what ever!

  5. I stil not understand how super rich can make profit giving better or even not the best rate of all changer in thailand , better then any other bank!

    Small Notre 20 10 and 50 You Got lower rates, plz concider this when you change large , don't worry super rich can change every thing last time in front of me bisness Thai woman changing 3 million Bhat without any problem!

  6. If you want miserable food go in that street of Seam reap guesthouse and eat in the Khmer kitchen , everywhere flys no protection on food fish in black thick souce, a coleauge eat salad with a egg last year with salmonella bacteria in it then he got a black out in the hotel room later!

    Restaurant was the nest have 2 order 2 menus and one salad because size was very small with drinks I pay 40 us!

    And the driver must now maybe pay the coast of the blackout ?

    I stay in this city now 2 month in my life , everything I report here is real, because I see it with my own eyes and not fiction !

  7. 3 german bisness man allready complain the ecb for there policy , now the file goes to german court in one and have year we know more!

    The interesting thing Is that the ecb policy is a violation against there own rules!

    And I also not belive that 0.80 € for one dollar next year!

    When the fed stop his money printing mashines this June or until September this year the dollar crash again and then will be same exchange rate before euro crash of around 1.30 dollar for 1€

  8. Ais and true has extremely high roaming charge but true offers cheaper roaming package for fixed price

    Dtac is the cheapest with only 6 Bhat a minute for roaming in most asian country's all others 30 Bhat and more minute!

    Iam not sure why Thai phone operators not support call forwarding to a Phonenumber outside Thailand !

    I using calling apps only 1 euro cent minute to nearly every Mobil network in the world!

  9. During my stay in siem reap this week, was a today blackout of the electricity!

    Just was in a shopping center , klack and I stand in the darkness

    God bless I always have my iPhone flashlight with me !

    No counter was working no aircon in the room, it happens before noon, the hotel stuff was to stupid to bring some candles !

    After I talk little bit Lauder from the 3rd floor someone was able to bring me light in to the darkness with a candle but still no aircon the shower was the only cool place I move out because canot breeze in room and see one hotel near my one that have a big diesel generator so I rent to hotels with my wife, and on the next day the electricity still not here a day on a swimming pool, but also in fact that no restaurant can cook is full menu from every corner I heard every secound and every step I walk do you need tuk tuk tuk tuk sir!

    I begin to ignore them, and not recognize what the driver makes more aggressive !

    Then I got a deharrera infection with stomage problems include like all the time in cambodia loosing more then one liter water everyday I not eat in Khmer food restaurants , last time served me something look like dog bones instead of ordered chicken!

    I eat in restaurants like every tourist prices like 40 dollar up , but I got more and more problems!

    The hotel stuff told me, sorry problem in thailand light is broken generator at boarder , now I knot Siem reap not have his own backup system of generator!

    Btw the arms also not working but I withdrawl before, I move out because light not come back , this never happens before after 4 time cambo visit, I happy to come back to the land of smile the light comes back the aircon was working, and nobody ask me you want tuk tuk tuk , now I have silence coming across the boarder in osmach the van transport driver told me you must pay 50 Bhat for your big bag , others not pay in the bus only me , but I was happy the light comes back,!

  10. This year I stay 2 weeks in Siem reap yesterday come back from visa run

    2 time got problems with atm

    Shows the massage your transaction is in progress but money never come out!

    2. Problem on candian bank taxi was Allready waiting for go back to thaiboarder after withdrawl 500 US dollar my Visa card not come out of atm , bank stuff need over one hour to call some stuff to open the mashine then I have to fill out a paper that shows my Visa card number and signature to get my card back!

    Also I recognized that some banks also now in cambodia beginn to charge 500 U.S. Dollar charge me 6 dollar for withdrawl 1000 us 9 dollar at aba branch some still don't charge only one time in 10 years in Thailand a ATM take my card but I found out that my bank at home replace the visa within vslidility because of some security problems

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