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Posts posted by Sandman77

  1. 2 days ago we have strong windy

    80 km hour

    in our area in isaan electricity and power line was broken, also a lot of trees in nabour hood farm, our farm was flooded , loose around 40 Procent of banana trees and other plants round akso broken damage around 50 k!

    Yesterday I see on the road army was coming and help rebuild the damage house!

    There also financial support in case of house damage!

    Just 20 minutes ago , a government man come to our house , offering financial help for farm damage, but wife reject any help and the man go away!

    Mage told for water damage no help, only for wind damage when branches of tree broken, I was angry at this time that she reject any help from others , the Aswer was you not understand the government helping system, but she also cannot explain my how the gov help system in this case realy work?

    Someone knows more ?

  2. Yesterday I got a strange fault in iphone 5 c, it was impossible to connect, to my home wifi , without any further error massage, at same time connection with iPad no problem!

    Only a complete reset of network configuration helps that the connect working again!

    Before I make this reset , I try ignore my own wifi and connect again but it also not help!

    Now I lost all my old password

    Is there a article in apple knowledge base about this problem?

    Maybe number of pw of diffrent wifi network to save is limited ?

  3. New requerments for membership on Thai visa!

    Everyone must wear a tattoo , on his head or right arm!

    This can be done in every tattoo shop near by you, and the coasts must paid by our sponsors!

    Including free breakfast!

    A simple tshirt showing Thai visa Is not enough!

    Because all look same same and not diffrent!

    Every member can also make a air brush at his car front , and put a Thai visa flag outside his car window

    One on the left the other on the right!

    That also the public can see where we all are!

    Even a Thai visa tv or radio station nationwide would be the final result , of perfection of powered knowledge , and news , transmitted every day on this great board to the world!

    Keep on posting!

  4. I stop using medicine for high cholesterol, to many side effects

    I visit a Chinese doctor in Chiang mai and drink now chinese herbal tea to take cholestoral out body

    It helps when you drink every day 3 month directly from Mother Nature !

    If needed I can post a picture of the tea bag

  5. I never see a Kbank debit card not have a chip in it

    When k cyber banking is arrive by atm you can use world wide expect some airlines not accept debits in board duty free shop !

    For more question simple send pm!

    I am always here 24 h a day 7 day a week , 365 days a year!

    If you want your aswer , more quickly, no matter what it is , sandman always waiting to Aswer questions!

  6. Not sure exactly what device you mean , and for what you want realy use , because every monitor has Allready his calibration presets , that you can use!

    Some say the preset calibration settings are not perfect , in some viewers eye, but I not want realy belive this because the manufacture of monitor also use expensive studio electronic to optimize the calibration!

    And I think the do better like a mass calibration device in a public electronic store that is made in Nakhon nowhere!

  7. Hello!

    I eat around 10 kiwis every week , bought in Tesco but most of them also after 5 days when I put in the fridge are hard and still very sour!

    Can some new zee lander tell me here how many diffrent types of kiwi and quality classes in Nz exists?

    When I bought kiwis in hollyland eu , then the are always sweet!

    And also come from nz,

    I could imagine that tesco import a lower quality of kiwi to Thailand

    To keep price low but 15 Bhat each is proberbly more high then in good old Europe

    Now we need some experts from nz to bring light into the darkness of my questions!

    Thx a lot !

    Yeah and I forget a tesco apple never looks old also after 7 days of purchase!

    • Like 1
  8. This I allready report 2 days ago in another topic!

    What I read is , that one of the possible ban of Thai air flights is that stuff did not learn any saefty rules what you have to do in case of emergency, and the controll organizations also found out , that some certificates of crew members are faked!

    Proberbly the also ban Thai , is that the always serve me cold menus during the last 2 flights!

    When I want change, I got ignored , with a smiling yes sir we change ,

    but the promised hot warm up menu never come !

    Copyright by sandman77

    • Like 1
  9. Sure there was more treatment then realy needed like we must X-ray your body that was not have something to do with dengue this why price was higher but when insurance pay also you got tons of useless medicine in bang kok hospital , I told then many times that I have sonetimes high blood pressure please select medicine for me that not make blood pressure in side effect more high , yes we do sir don't worry

    3 day later fly back home give Thai medicine to doctor in eu land he only smile and put medicine in bin all the gave me makes blood pressure more high!

    Means even a doctor you canot trust also

  10. Was there for dengue treatment years ago , everthing was fine because my travel insurance pay the bill of around 3500€ for 5 days!

    I feeled like a king 7 pillows fresh roses every day, a seperate woman for the newspaper!

    30 nurse in one floor , that want check my blood pressure and temperature every 20 minutes ,all of them was very beutiful I feeled like in the little of a beauty contests !

    A separate woman Talk with me a half our what i want eat!

    A separate bed for my wife!

    Food also Include in room Price for her, And it was Even more tastfull then in Bangkok Hospital!

    There was also a Seperate Transistor if needed!

    Doctor Asistance 24 h, checked my Blood in night time and change medicine during night!

    Then later I begin ask the direct dialing number of each dr enter my room , I got them imidiatly , and can call them directly from my room phone!

    So for me I can say only positive about bangrunggrad !

    For sure some treatment ,was not realy needed , but and the end it was a outstanding service!

    Much better then the service deserts of European gov hospitals in my home country where you feel like the 5th wheel!

    • Like 1
  11. Where is the problem when you only pay 100 baht each withdrawl with Thai atm in your home country you not need any bank for transfer

    Reason why you canot send us gov make prasure to Thai gov

    For harder laws against money laundering

    Ps every credit card company supports visa cash

    You can go to your counter in the bank in your home country

    Show your passboard like I here also do and

    Get your savings out in your currency!

    My bank charge for this service only 5€

    For one time use, no matter how high the amount I

    Want will be , but every bank have diffrent fees ask first!

  12. Can you make a YouTube video when the ghost knocks on your door?

    Simple eat a lot of garlic this can keep vampires away!

    Also that one that only speak Thai!

    My advice watch some Thai zombie movies turn the volume laud , then the ghost in your house run away , and beaten by the nearest soy dog!

    If a ghost Is realy invisible a soi dog can catch it because it makes noise!

  13. Hello!

    Just watching a documentary on tv

    That corn sirup , controlls human apettite in many food products!

    I always very hungry heat hunger attack

    Must eat 3 or 4 Thai menû

    Street food 50 Bhat each!

    When I eat only rice vegetable or salad

    I only full one hour , then hungry again

    Same when I eat fast food in mc

    Now i want to find out, what Food make more Hungry feelings ,and what I can eat to be long time full , with less calories !?

    How a diagnosis of metabolic diseases looks like?

    I visit many doctor also in my home country but also not can give a clear aswer, only advice visit a diet group, I not sure the can realy help me , because there guide lines only based on behavioral therapy!

  14. Today I ask my self , what all expats here can do to weaken the Thai Bhat , could a mass of people copy the ecb sheme ?

    What would happens with the pounds when uk exit the euro zone ,? All talk about only the Greek exit!

    Yes and i Not bleibe that chinese Yuan hold Long Time String chinese goverment plan also next Year Same Strategy to weaken the currency!

    And I also not belive Bhat hold strong any longer!

    The crisis come back soon , because all the expensive hotels on beaches looks like ghosts town!

    Something must happen to clear up the overpriced money adicted hotel owners that the begin thinking and reduce prices to win tourists back!

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