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Posts posted by Sandman77

  1. Yes Iam realy interested in many thinks!

    This whyy variety of questions is very high! The thaivisa board has done thing special!

    That other expat boards not have, no matter what I ask, somewhere someone waiting that know the aswer no matter what it is!

    And this make tv unique!

    Nice book is the world radio and tv hand book!

    How far the distance now?

    Signal was only hear have hour then it disappears , like a fast train it goes away!

  2. That most of the website contents is missing

    It also happens when the cache is full

    Clean it up!

    Or your harddrive is out of space

    Trash the bin, defrag your hard drive, and delete all in nesarsary temp files

    Years ago I used the programm chleansweep for thid!

    Should be still avalible!

  3. Hello!

    I want order some hillttribe coffee

    It's much better then the bitter coffee in my home country!

    I not found many online shops for order

    Got only one price list

    But Iam not exactly sure what kind of coffee comes nearest to the taste of robusta and 100 Procent arabica coffee!

    Last year I visit a roast factory in Bali roasting the famous kopi luak!

    But the price in Indonesia was even higher then on amazon

    And the most exoensive coffee in. The world kopi luak got a bad rating on amazon

    Maybe because of bad exchange rate

    Last year!

    The price list I have shows

    This names

    Peaberry most expensive of all

    1200 baht kg

    Strong roast

    Italian roast

    Full city roast

    So what all this means in detail?

    What sort I must order that come

    Near to the taste of arabica, or robusta coffee?

    Lao coffe also famous , what's the diffrent to hillttribe coffee and where I can order online in Lao to find out the difference in taste!

    Thanks to all , that help me to find answers to my questions!

    • Like 1
  4. In One Year Sinne know how high was the loose , dollar to baht and via versa, comparing to euro rates?

    Last year 1 dollar was 28,5 baht or 29

    In the meantime , the dollar loose 10 Procent to euro this year!

    I still don't know how high the baht goes up or loose within one year to other currency's

    Means loose the baht more , then euro goes up or via versa?

  5. This information in this report I canot confirm according to my tests with older phones!

    First dtac is the only operator in Thailand that use 1800 mhz

    But only in advertising in real it does!

    True before orange always use 900 MHz

    Ais 1800 MHz was only a backup freqency, a real use of this spectrum

    That you coud receive only in big cities was never possible!

    You could manual select the 1800 MHz , after one minute signal disappears and never come back, same test done with a 12 year old gsm only 12 call sim with same result!

    And now comes the technical part

    In my collection at home I have around 50 diffrent nokias from the 90'

    One of the Modell that Is a real 1800 MHz only Modell type Nokia 6130

    In Eu was possible to receive 1800 MHz only some operator used before

    In Germany was eplus

    Coming to Thailand with this phone, I big surprise, absolutely no reception of any network!

    Also in Bangkok where all gsm operators used backup freqency, but in real not do, the advertiesing is not true

    I never heard that the 1800 MHz range was difference in other parts of the world I think it could be only 1900 MHz but I not have a us phone for test it!

    Operators using 2100 MHz

    Like dtac on 3G have much higher base station coasts to cover same area!

    • Like 1
  6. Comparing to eu insurance also inside worldwide operation company's the benefits and payment in case of high hospital coasts are very low!

    My insurance from home covers hospital coasts up to 120000€

    The problem some insurance did allowed only there nationals to apply

    For a lower monthly rate and covering

    All travel insurance I found in the eu

    Cannot extend without flying back home and make new insurance again!

    Aswer on hotline was , the risk that hospital coasts can rise, is higher when traveling goes longer!

  7. The ken gurus are not gone!

    Signal still here on telkom 108 East

    In Indonesia pay tv transvision!

    Here 2 live shoots !

    Signal on 68,5 east

    I belive only fta signal switched off

    Because want money from cable operators!

    Encrypted on 68, east also still here!post-114169-1401407824483_thumb.jpgpost-114169-14014078469905_thumb.jpg

  8. Please stop talking here , I getting very HUNGRY here so more I read..

    But now the best question, why indean food makes more diarrhea , then thaifood?

    I belive not the spice itself, it's the not presented clean less in the kitchen

    I have a friend , he is very straight!

    Before he eat in a restaurant he walk direct in the kitchen without knocking the door, and inspect everything

    If it's not his understanding of hygienic he leave the restaurant !

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