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Posts posted by Sandman77

  1. Loved ice cream !

    Haagen daaz ok exoensive delicious , but picture on menu card lie, not same big in real!

    Buds ice cream cannot eat!

    Mc medium!

    Best ice cream we have here in isaan

    Coconut ice cream hand made, only 10 baht

    In Pattaya central some good ice cream shops with macadamia nuts

    Ice cream in restaurants often not good and old!

    The best ice cream in my life I eat

    In amalphia coasts Italy!

    In one word forget the rest take the best

    In walls I eat only magnum almond

    And cornetto vanilla the choice is lower

    Then in Europe!

    Cornetto in this more cheap magnum

    In Europe in the big pack!

    In Bali was more magnums avalible then here also hazelnut

    And in eu also white chocolate

    Someone bought a ice cream machine here?

    What are step by step guide make ice cream?

    Must stop now writing here getting ice cream hungry coconut ice cream with peanuts

  2. On a German website yesterday I read

    Under current political situation, there is no court with no government avalible! Or Lawer that defend you!

    People come on conflict with law have no possibility defend themselves !

    The military court makes a decision and that's final !

    Don't know is it a German hoax report or true ?

    Proberbly you wait better one year a new gov comes back!

  3. When i met my wife , 3 year ago she was very sexual open minded, and promize me, when we build the home finish, she want do it 3 times every day, but now after 3 years , the house is finish, and her feelings cool down!

    Now I don't know, how I can handle this, because Iam first time in this situation!

    My wife still love me, and via versa, but she use this to make pressure on me, and say you can go to another woman, but we still can be friends !

    One our later, she change the mind

    And says i have only you!

    My advice , to go to a pharmacy, buy some herbal or what every that the feeling come back she now follow!

    Now the question, what option has a man with sexual hypertension under this surchmstances ?

    I want be a ownest man, but when my feelings ignored completely is not a easy task!

    Sure the pink neon light is everywhere also in our village!

    A quick Mia Noi , is not that what I want !

    Because it makes me only happy for the moment!

    I think the only option I have , is a triangle relation ship, but not with a thaiwoman any more, because after 10 year here always ends in the same problems, or simular!

    After a long search on google, I read one article on google of a frustrated expats , he says, try a retaliation ship with a akka woman, in every village is a house where people can met each other and he says Akkas are very sexual open minded, honest and not lie!

    Have someone experience about this?

    I will concider I half year from now, when situation not change, maybe I have to go to akka land , because I not want get disappointed again! Daily money talk etc!

    But Iam not sure , is it somewhere possible , to learn the akka language in Thailand , and how many dialects the realy have!

    One time I heard , more then 30

    And some village , also not understand the nabour village!

    True or not I don't know!?

  4. On the country side , most busses are operated by private company's!

    But there are indead some vip busses from Pattaya with dark windows , that pick up there customers everywhere?

    But this is another story!

    Importend , please apply a new tv rule now , that cross over of older topics, of always the same posters into a new topic is not allowed anymore!

    Thank you!

    I also not do this style in postings of other people!

  5. I have to join the bus to time same way! Go and back!

    Looks like you have all luxury busses that don't smell, and not shake because the shock absorber is broken!

    And know where are the technicians here, that can tell me, how strong the engine is?

    I think to elephants have more power, when the try to run!

  6. Want change to direct debit

    When Iam outside Siam

    Last year in a true shop allready apply payed 100 b fees , but fax never send to bk HQ!

    Now hotline says

    Give us cc number we can apply for you

    But this I not want do !

    For security reasons !

    You can go to bank either hotline says!

    Visiting next scb bank

    No body speaks English, my wife translate

    Bank stuff fill out a paper

    We send to true

    Maybe you wait one month

    Next bill you must pay

    You got SMS when finish

    Got no confirmation paper nothing

    From scb

    After 2 weeks called hotline again ask you receive paper for account

    Debit on scb or not!

    Of course not here..

    Why in hell a bank needs one month to apply

    A simple service,that should Be done with one mouseclick?

    I don't know what I should do know?

  7. Can some one tell me what kind of old engine Thai local busses use ?

    Visiting my embassy 2 time in one week of a distance to bk go and back to time a total distance of 1600 km

    I getting crazy with this vehicle..

    One bus here, the old curtain smell do strongly , that me and the half of the bus leave after 20 minutes , after that the breakfast comes back from the stomage!

    Often aircon not working or very bad,

    Risk of breath ways infection very high!

    I hate most are that kind of buses that show tv soap opera , in a volume

    Level that could broken your eardrums

    Or that one when a cd hangs, no one says anything over a half our

    And the driver unable to change the song

    Are we Falangs it sensitive about noisy , or Thai ears allready damage coz of the daily deep basses?

    On the way to Cambodia

    New star wars movie was showing with a massive deep bass beat in Dolby sourround, that all windows are vibrating !

    In 10 year only 3 damage of smoking motors with a waiting time of serval hours!

    One time drive 1000 km chumpon

    Isaan the VIP bus was so cool that all

    Windows are freezed and cannot look outside!

    Why Thais not have, any kind of sensitive feelings?

    And find the medium way , same on fridge temperature in stores!

    In meantime I bought a 3 m breathing protection mask

    And a noise ear protection headphone

    Within last 3 years I got more sensitive about loud noisy!

    Please tell now your bus story !

    I travel in many country in the world

    Also in Mexico , but nowhere is so teribble like here!

    Plz mr thaksin when you read!

    Buy new busses for Thailand we all will say thank you to you!

    • Like 1
  8. My last information was that ps4 is region free


    I imported us version to home not here in Thailand

    The online download games sometime cheaper on eBay

    Then in the store itself!

    But for me before I download a game I buy 2 hand

    Then I have manual and booklet

    And often someone pays more when I resale!

  9. I can read in the eyes when someone ly

    It's called intuition !

    And I was always right , of Daily Cheating!

    It's like a voice in my soul , that I can trust!

    But the western advice, never talk to a stranger , here not work !

    Some Falangs are very strict, Thais cannot read them!

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