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Posts posted by Sandman77

  1. I prefer to order in Europe!

    The long answering time, or maybe never aswer, or the sorry we not have in stock phrase here in Asia makes me crazy !

    Order many things here in onlineshops got some replys but after 10 days. Was not able do give and bank account information to pay!

    I not deal with daydreamers anymore!

    Ordered everything on amazon, my family send to Thailand !

    2 kg for 5,90€ postage, when I have a faulty item I can send back also from Thailand to amazon and refund money is on my bank account!

  2. Thx for great aswer!

    Okay I try to open the box , but I not see any battery clip

    Do you have also

    The planet box from Taiwan or another one?

    See picture in other link in this topic!

    I set tot a timeline of one month

    When want keep me , if the ring not stop

    I switch over to true DSL 3bb not have here

  3. Hi!

    After making pictures a half your memory's of my 16 gb iPhone 5c seems to be full

    Strange a hard copy of the picture always possible

    When I make a video or make picture

    With camera app , get the massage full

    Then under the settings I can delete one app, after the process , I can make another picture again , or 2

    Then memory full again

    But the biggest problem

    No Mather how big the size, off the app will be , I delete , the total free space is always 9,2 mb

    Is there any knowledge base about this problem?

  4. High just found this topic! Also have high blood pressure it begins around 3 years ago in Pattaya over songkran

    For me to hot walk outside around 180 go every day to a clinic to come down

    Eu doctors in my home country told

    Hot temperature better then

    Cool makes the venes more wide

    About blood pressure testing device

    Many time in Thailand some mashines

    Was unable to calculate my blood

    Pressure shows error after 2 minutes

    Visiting 3 pharmays then it works

    Callculation time very long

    I bought on from Panasonic 35

    € calculates less then 50 Procent of that time a mashine here in Thailand would do !

    Doctors say not measure to much

    Make more fear!

    Got this advice

    Drink every morning a big glass of peppermint garden tea

    And Avoid energy drinks!!!

  5. The quality controll coasts more then the replacement of a products!

    Proberbly we all here quality enthusiasts, we know from the old days 80' 90

    What was good and what not!

    I am a collector of old vintage grundig radios , have around 100 at home!

    But here in Thailand . A product must be cheap

    Bought a DVD player in a shop

    Thai brand , only watch 2 DVDs and then the expect button stop work!

    I smash out the window !

    And now the best question

    How you explain someone quality

    That don't know what it is!

    In Thailand a product is good enough

    When you use only one time

    The best example is the toilet paper

    Extra thinn, that you need a half roll

    Also in Malaysia and other Asian country's was more stronger!

    This is called grade c

    Great a on many product not have!


    The snickers chocolate more smaller

    Then in eu less nuts!

    The ricola herbal sweets from Switzerland at home 90 Procent

    Herbal less sugar here same brand 99 Procent sugar!

    How you can make a quality

    Products for a low price, impossible!

    About the lifspan, since around 5 year situation in eu also change

    Shop owner tell you about a quality product , no matter what it is, the quality goes down espasaly on clothes European company's

    Bought many products also in china

    And put a sticker made in eu on it!

    Or wood for building houses , a lot of imitates and copy's !

    That means that I comes here to a end, after the editorial !

    You good miserable made in china products every where not. Only in Thai

    The globalization makes it possible

    We have to watch out!

    People with experience and knowledge and 24/7 online surfers

    Cannot be cheated!

    The rest will be a playball , of a cheap mass industries !

    Hand made like in the good old days

    Dream On!

  6. It happen all the time mostly in the restaurant I order something stuff speak good English , mostly I order to much 2 menû one soup , my wife chancel something with out inform me

    Last week I order something

    In china today the currier call from bk

    Woman speak good English ,

    Aswer someone here speak Thai , I ask why you cannot tell me what you want , not aswer my question

    Again want speak someone understand Thai

    My wife talk, and only we must confirm we order the parcel , and details about custom duty charge!

    It's happen all the time ,

    I not mean that Thais only can speak English when want sale something

    When there is no profit people not talk to you, I mean that one that ignore you , also when can speak English well!

    Any advice?

  7. Found something funny out

    Most xx size working

    When you put a m.

    For mobile access instead of www

    It's also a diffrence , when you enter the link direct, mostly not work

    When you search same link on google often it works!

    No joke try it out !

  8. Posted allready in a aswer of other topic

    But also tot cannot fix the problem

    VoIP adapter many time also in the night phone rings 2 times

    I not see any number fax mashine makes beep

    And nothing happens tot restarts system from outside

    Not help, anybody simular problem?

    Phone calls come back after every half our

    It's not a person call my all the time

    A technical fault but what kind off?

    Is there a way to access data of tot VoIP box and maybe edit

    Some parameters ?

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