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Posts posted by Sandman77

  1. And how about , take your shoes of

    When you enter a house!

    Not put your feeds in the direction of the people when you sit

    One one question I never found any aswer study tons of books

    Why Thais use toons of make up

    That looks like a super Modell , but on most sourroundings of there houses are rubbish and bin halls , not all but most!

    That is something that did not match

    I must say the Akkas was more clean

    Around the house!

    No I must begin study akka books, any recommended?

  2. With this topic , I want find out why most Thai books not reflect the trues, beginn read the amazon customer feed back of famous Thai books

    Most of them are negative, wrong ideology behind , some things are true, but some traveler books called culture shock mix together fiction and reality!

    The biggest hoax I ever read in a German traveler book about Thailand.

    If somebody points with the finger

    In the direction of a budha statue

    The hand can hacked off!

    Before I come here

    I read many books belive it all, but know , I did not want support the million dollar book industries anymore, because all are showing Thailand in a very bad view!

    If someone read never come here, he got a completely wrong opinion!

    • Like 1
  3. This happens when the teaching of stuff happens quickly and unprofessional , maybe the man was not informed yet about later of upcoming new rules for airplane arrival after August 12 next year!

    My advice!

    Every immigration stuff must have a notebook , where only Thai visa is installed, for daily news input!

    But proberbly we need first all to Thai!

  4. One time I read about a seperate VoIP service from true, or calling cards does still exists ?

    The 006 code has often

    A bad voice quality for international calls

    True often promote a new product, but then chancel you the old one with better price conditions without telling you this!

    My friend have 599 baht old package

    And got cheated by a hoax package

    That never exists you must change

    When you want more gb!

    He belive lost his old promotion

    And now pay 899 for exactly same service, also try to cheat me changing promotion with simular tricks

    But I never do still have the old one 599

    With 3 gigs free 300 minute

    And something today's promos not have

    300 SMS and 50 mms free a month!

  5. Thanks for all the support!

    Of friendly people here!

    Massage to the black painters here,plz stop painting now , the color is running out!

    I think the most problem, Thai wife's have, heard everyday bad story's of other people , what happen with Falang relation ship, just another one also here from the village

    A European married a Thai wife already have 3 kids, stay 3 years together one son first year, and 2. Child just born, because she not use condom!

    After she visit one time Europe, a call comes back from her husband, my parents not like you , you not cook and not clean, husband want chancel everything send only money for one child, doctor advice her not having sex 3 month after giving birth

    But one month later , she travel again to Pattaya and work in soi 6

    That's only one of many bad story's!

    The childlike curiosity ,

    Of people heremakes the situation also not better!

    Of everyone in the village

    , it's like a contest about cheating farang and win money!

    Some Thais want help other, with advices , in relationship problems

    But it's like the circle of devil

    And reflect in daily contact

    At the moment I think I not get cheated but ignored , this is proberbly the same!

    Iam okay, I only need someone to talk, the trees not aswer me, people only smile cannot talk but want know where I come from , and how long I stay !

    • Like 1
  6. 2 years ago I visit the orang Ashly hilltribe in Malaysia

    The tour guide told me that this people can controll dreams?

    Dancing around the bed of a child,

    That not fall a sleep. To keep bad ghosts spirit away, when I was a child I dream a lot , but now only one or 2 time in the month and often I wake up!

  7. I already stayed in a akha

    Village over one month!

    The emphatic is very strong!

    No fake smile detected!

    Every house have a picture of the people who lives inside on the front or the door!

    All village people are named on a big shield at village entry!

    And the good thing akka woman's cannot run away the live forever in the wood with you!

    My wife also never say something when Iam iPhone addicted !

    Upp to you that's the only positive side on it?

    Western woman would run away or would force the husband to chancel his hobby !

    Hinduism realation ship sounds for me difficult !

    Balinese woman told me must be married with 22 have first children and stay together forever!

    Sounds very strict!

    But proberbly only when she born into a high casts!

    • Like 1
  8. London is only expensive because rich oligarchies oil kings and global money player, kick out the locals out of there houses and make flat and villa prices high!

    I think comparing to eu hk is also cheap

    But what exactly is the daily Thai living basket please specify?

    After ezb change euro pounds go down, have baht in one week

    And soon more!

    That's a red alert withdrawal your savings now!

  9. I learn many thinks every day,but find out that all also not help, everybody of us must find there own way of life!

    But this seems to be sometime not a easy task!

    Only in a country of perfection , where mr swiss 1969 lives everything goes there right way right?

    One time I read on a swiss board people in your country, are very intolerant , when someone not understand everything quickly , and need longer to consider a problem before aswer!

    So please clean first in front of your house door before you point with the finger to people in the public you don't know !

    Proberbly you also not like this!

    Please think about it!


    Does Thailand has also psychological doctors that can handle relationship problems!, I never heard read about this here on tv?

    The question for me, is there away outside of the crisis!

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