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Everything posted by Neeranam

  1. What makes you think it was a photo op?
  2. I thought they were aware, as he was fired.
  3. not obvious to me, please explain
  4. I hope you are not from the USA. There have been 17 mass murders there so far this year. Should Thailand aim towards that kind of gun control?
  5. It's not clear at all, please explain why you think that this massacre is the fault of the police.
  6. Of course, Thailand is a MUCH safer place, the people are much more balanced psychologically, yet this topic brings out the Thai bashers.
  7. Not sure what America has to do with it but they certainly have a much larger percentage of the population on psychiatric medicine.
  8. What are you talking about? Was this guy jealous? Are you judging all Thai people based on this one guy? You don't live in Thailand yet are advising us to live in big cities, although we are not tourists?
  9. Are you a forensic scientist? If not, I'd prefer to listen to the experts.
  10. How is it better for the BIB? He had been fired from the police.
  11. So, you mean 'everywhere'?
  12. bit of an understatement For those who can't remember, it was a free for all for police to kill anyone they wanted extrajudicially
  13. I've taken both, well Yaa Ma as it was called back in the 90s. I've heard of users of Yaba having hallucinations when coming off the drug, but not when on it. I know about seeing things when on LSD.
  14. Personally(nothing to do with my Thai nationality), I believe the soul has already left the body and will be subject to Karmic Laws. Those I aspire to be like, ie religious leaders/saints/Prophets, show compassion and forgiveness. While I can't find compassion for this killer, I try to think he was mentally ill and didn't know what he was doing. Mental illness can happen to absolutely anyone. Child killers/rapists like Myra Hindley and Ian Brady were cremated after a religious ceremony. I do think they were evil rather than ill. This was in a 'Christian country'. I think it was appropriately done, kept quiet, with few people in attendance. I think this body should be given a simple ceremony.
  15. I do understand the article and only label certain people as Thai bashers. I think it relevant who I worked for as I got an insight into how the RTP operate. This tragedy should not be labelled as Thailand's fault or the Police force's fault as it isn't. Some people just can't help themselves when it comes to bashing Thailand. It's also rather ironic as most of the bashers are from the USA, where mental illness, drug use are abundant, and of course school killings almost every month. This type of killing has happened ONCE in Thailand EVER, yet the bashers claim this is due to the country's failings, which is to be blunt, utter BS.
  16. I've met and worked with a General Assistant Commissioner, one of the highest police ranks, a few times about setting up a program for alcohol and drug abuse amongst his officers, which include Nong Bua Lamphu. The police here take drug use very seriously, like most countries; people bashing Thailand here are out of order.
  17. Remember Duang Yubamrung, the son of the deputy PM who was allowed to join the police after being acquitted of shooting a police officer dead in front of 22 witnesses?
  18. Why would they do that? Dogs don't eat dead people. You do understand that a body is just a vehicle?
  19. He was fired. More Thai bashing. Police in many countries have drug/alcohol issues.
  20. It is extreme bashing and lack of cultural acceptance. They had public executions in your country in the past. I wouldn't want to see someone getting executed.
  21. More Thai bashing, shame on you. Of course monks are compassionate. There are bad ones of course, but same could be said of any country. Don't get me started on Catholic priests in your country. Real monks/priests have qualities we should aspire to.
  22. I really can't believe that you are using this thread to spread your hatred of Thailand and her culture. Thai bashing to the extreme. I wouldn't go to your country and and suggest you ban violent video games or movies as people copy them and kill people. To me, there is nothing inappropriate about showing pictures of dead people and there is no fascination, that is in your head, due to being repressed. Do you believe in demons or body possessions?
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