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Everything posted by Neeranam

  1. https://www.mfa.go.th/en/content/israelhostage-en?cate=5d5bcb4e15e39c306000683e "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs wishes to express heartfelt congratulations to the families of the released hostages, as well as to extend its deep appreciation to Qatar, Egypt, Iran, Türkiye, the US and other friendly countries as well as the International Committee of the Red Cross"
  2. What is your point, did you read what I wrote?
  3. Distorting facts. Most of these attacks occurred in war zones like Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria - sometimes caused by political Western interventions(Bush/Blair etc and their illegal invasions), and regional conflicts. What you call a terrorist is not what I call one, he is a freedom fighter.
  4. You saying that while making sweeping generalizations about Islam and its followers is totally contradictory.
  5. As a Farang Thai, living in Chaam, I am happy that farang can have their own little communities, I even accept the criminal gangs such as the Bandidos motorcycle club. I love going down certain sois for my English Breakfast, Swedish bread, German beer etc. I enjoyed my kebabs and samosas on a recent trip to East London; never like those jellied eels. East London is great now, not like back when the Krays were throwing their weight around.
  6. One of the most Islamophobic posts on this forum, which gives harmful stereotypes. The actions of a few individuals, whether they are extreme or illegal, should never be used to generalize an entire community. To so wrongly say “Sharia councils” are somehow representative of the entire Muslim population in the UK is inaccurate and misleading. These councils have no legal authority in the UK, and the vast majority of Muslims do not support the extremist views or actions that some individuals may express. The vast majority of Muslims condemn violence, discrimination, and abuse, just like people from any other faith or background. You are using divisive language to associate entire groups of people with crimes they may not be involved in. This is classic fear-mongering, designed to create division and hatred between communities. The idea of linking Muslim communities to “hate preaching” or “honour killings” without any evidence just adds to negative, unfounded stereotypes.
  7. Indeed. Finland, where I worked, is a much better, safer choice, albeit too cold.
  8. "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs wishes to express heartfelt congratulations to the families of the released hostages, as well as to extend its deep appreciation to Qatar, Egypt, Iran, Türkiye, the US and other friendly countries as well as the International Committee of the Red Cross" https://www.mfa.go.th/en/content/israelhostage-en?cate=5d5bcb4e15e39c306000683e
  9. On one farm, the workers slept in cardboard boxes inside a shed. Other laborers said they had been treated “like slaves.” Five years later, data collected by Kav LaOved showed that 83 percent of migrant workers from Thailand were being paid less than the minimum wage. And in 2022, the US State Department said traffickers were subjecting Thais in Israel to forced labor by coercive measures such as withholding their passports. https://www.thenation.com/article/world/the-invisible-lives-of-israels-thai-workforce/
  10. Yes, it is well documented that Thais are subjected to working many more hours than the local and only get minimum wage. Also, very few days off and no healthcare.
  11. Foreigners should read up about the country they are visiting and certainly look when crossing a busy road. Korean and Chinese are the worst for this, IMO. One of my kids tells me there are deaths monthly near her uni, always foreigners. I would not play Ddakji with anyone on the subway if I went to Korea.
  12. i meant, can you state why you think this, or if you have any facts to show this? I've never heard of other countries thinking this of the Thai government, only unhappy, old retirees living here;)
  13. I question why Thais would want to work in such a dangerous country, that discriminates so much against them and other ethnic groups.
  14. please clarify this statement - "THE laughing stock OF the world".
  15. The Thai government did a lot to aid the release of over 20 hostages. The foreign minister went to Cairo. The PM had talks with Iran. As for Burma, there's a lot going on diplomatically between the two countries at the moment and also because of historical things. Do you remember what the Thai Navy did to the Burmese refugee boats back 15 years ago? Most Thais, including me want the PM to be more like Trump in kicking out the illegal immigrants from Burma! Just look on social media.
  16. @bina Have you any information about this? I remember you work in a Kibbutz with Thais.
  17. Are you serious or looking for attention. What you wrote is totally false. Just because I called you out on flawed generalizations doesn’t mean I am a Muslim—it just means I value fairness and accuracy. Stereotyping an entire community based on the actions of a few is both unfair and misleading. Let's focus on facts rather than assumptions. Every community has extremists, but that doesn't define the whole. If we want a better world, we should challenge harmful stereotypes, not spread them. Do you think all American Italians are in the mob?
  18. Indeed. There are over 1.9 billion Muslims worldwide with diverse views and practices. Painting them all as "enemies" is a repulsive generalization.
  19. Why do you keep posting this divisive hate speech? If he visited the Pope, you wouldn't say "he should read parts of the Old Testament that relates to non-believers". This continual Islamic hate speech just makes you look foolish.
  20. I've no idea why your Islamophobic hate posts are allowed to bypass the forum rules. Your statement is rooted in fear and ignorance rather than reality. Educate yourself before making such harmful generalizations.
  21. Yes, that was why we did it, however one lawyer did say they could contest this,
  22. Do you mean the issue would be with the UK RD? I suppose my UK bank would tell my Thai bank.
  23. Do you mean if one sells one's house in the UK, you must prove to the Thai RD that you bought it? I'd just gift the cash to my wife or kids I guess, it is worth around 19 million baht.
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