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Everything posted by Neeranam

  1. Monk are compassionate, we can learn a lot from them.
  2. Guns are not forbidden here. Most gun owners are 100% legal.
  3. Do you not believe in Hell, or Karma?
  4. You are wrong, Thai people are not fascinated by dead bodies, it is Westerners that have a weird kind of phobia or rule that they are not to be seen. When moving to a new country, it's polite to adapt to the local beliefs and traditions, not criticise it as it is not what you are used to. In the words of a Christian saint - O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seekto be consoled as to console,to be understood as to understand,to be loved as to love.For it is in giving that we receive,it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
  5. I don't think there is, it just appears that way to westerners, who try to hide death and think its a bad thing. In most Buddhist and Hindu countries, death is not bad. In India, you see dead bodies on the street, travelling in Rickshaws etc.
  6. Could say the same for any country, although granted, the police here are basically legalised mobsters.
  7. People are quick to say it was drug induced. It could readily have been alcohol. Mental illness exacerbated by alcohol abuse, along with Karmic things. Extremely hard to find compassion here, and to accept he was sick, not evil. Could anyone be that evil?
  8. This had nothing to do with drugs, as you say, nothing to do with cops or Thailand. It down to mental illness, and happens everywhere.
  9. Nothing to do with the USA, but granted they have a much worse issue with this kind of thing.
  10. They have easy access to guns. Don't paint all cops and soldiers with the same tar.
  11. This is not a false friend but a homophone.
  12. I wasn't asking you. Simple question, as I am an English teacher. Bye.
  13. Off topic but do you really believe this link? AN
  14. I was laughed at recently for using 'red Indian' with yanks. Actually, I was suspended from this forum once for using 'yanks'.
  15. Give the poor guy a break. I feel sorry for the guy for two reasons - 1- I have breathing issues after Covid and it is not nice. 2- If his family search the internet, they'll stumble upon this thread, which is full of old moaners self-righteously attacking granddad, just to make themselves feel a little bit important as they have health insurance.
  16. Do you expect people with no insurance to get a/c?
  17. As you are a writer, why do you use 'euphemism' as an uncountable noun?
  18. Anantasila Hua Hin is much better, IMO. I have stayed there many times.
  19. Or maybe kidnapped by a Buriram Noi and living in Nakhon Nowhere.
  20. So obvious that this forum is full of people living in Thailand against their will. If you are unhappy here, you will be unhappy anywhere!! A positive attitude does wonders.
  21. I just needed to go to the police station near the dept of labour and pay a fine of 1500, then got the new WP.
  22. This forum is for expatriates in Thailand, we don't care about holiday makers who don't like it, see you.
  23. Why you bash Thailand? I thought you lived here. Great beaches, golf, great food, friendly people, great weather, and cheap.
  24. Just work for a year and get in the SS system for life.
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