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Posts posted by pgrahmm

  1. "Smart Phones" = dumber, programed people.... Starting at preschool levels....

    Loss of interpersonal skills, social skills, ingenuity, problem solving, attention spans, actual research abilities, compassion, reality, job skills, responsibilities......

    Not good....

    • Thumbs Up 1
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  2. 1958 Chrys 300D convert (hemi)

    1953 Studebaker pick up I hemi'd - weighed in @ 2256 pounds of which 750 was engine - Fast

    1964 Chev Malibu SS convert 300hp/327ci

    1974 Monte Carlo SS - honorable mention....


    After that I switched over to a different trap, 4x4's - horses (and all the crap that comes along with that) - snowmobiles -  an Airstream - boat....


    Life was simpler without all that stuff....

    • Thumbs Up 1
  3. 22 minutes ago, JulesMad said:

    Compared to India, Thais do NOT love dogs. Dogs in Thailand are often scared (and therefor potentially dangerous), while dogs in Himachal Pradesh (McLeod Ganj) and Goa are super-relaxed and come say hello and sit with you. Not aggressive at all 🥰
    Maybe the positive influence of the Dalai Lama?!?

    There's plenty of reports of tourists experiencing the same here in TH....

    • Confused 1
    • Haha 1
  4. 3 hours ago, jesimps said:

    I've been carrying a stick and a packet of "doggy chews" with me on my daily walk for 17 years now and haven't been bitten. I may just have been lucky, but they seem genuinely cowed by the site of the stick. When I come across dogs which I know are friendly, I hide the stick as best I can and make a bit of a fuss of them. I've made friends with quite a few that used to be nasty by throwing them a couple of doggy chews. Some of them even eat out of my hand.

    I agree, I carry dog "cookies" that I order through Lazada & in just a short time I have a bunch of dog buddies - 9....Some really are just starved for attention....I give them all a few pats or belly rub & some kind words + a cookie & we're buds now - enough that some take some guidance....

    My Bangkaew doesn't mind at all, just aloofly waiting patiently (which seems to be a trained Bangkaew's trait per the groups I'm linked to).....I run my guy off a bicycle & it's not unusual to have 4 trailing along just for the fun of it....

    Now - I live in a rural MuBaan surrounded mostly by fields, many neighbors leave water or leftovers out so these dogs are pretty well fed....

    I'm sure that roving packs in a city play by a whole different set of rules....


    "The child's subsequent evaluation and treatment at a psychiatric hospital in San Antonio underscored the critical intersection between mental health and juvenile delinquency. His young age and troubled state of mind raise important questions about the underlying factors contributing to his actions and the urgent need for comprehensive support and intervention.


    While the legal system may be limited in its ability to hold the child accountable for Brandon Rasberry's death, the broader implications of this tragic event extend far beyond the confines of a courtroom. It serves as a poignant reminder of the complexities surrounding juvenile crime, mental health, and the profound impact of early intervention and support in addressing underlying issues."


    <>As the community grapples with the aftermath of this devastating loss, there is a pressing need for compassion, understanding, and a concerted effort to address the root causes of such senseless acts of violence. Only through a holistic approach that prioritizes mental health support, early intervention, and community engagement can we hope to prevent similar tragedies in the future.<>


    Tragic - This kid was off the radar until this happened - age of 7......

    The "holistic" approach suggested is a nothing burger.....


    Not being able to hold a child  under 10 responsible should be revisited.....A loophole easily exploited by youth gangs.....


    Note, this was an RV park, not a trailer park....

    • Confused 1
    • Sad 1
  6. 11 hours ago, tomazbodner said:

    I'm amazed so far nobody jumped out to suggest OP bakes his own, and how easy it is...

    I've had trouble getting it to turn out well with the hot weather(too dense/poor rise)... I'm usually pretty successful, but not during this hot weather.....

    The Ideal temperature for rising is about 75f.....

  7. The Hideaway for bagels & all the fixin's + their craft cheeses....

    They have a sister store in town, but I don't know the name or if they stock the same products....

    True sourdough, especially a crusty bread that is acceptable is difficult.....

    My wife has started making flour tortillas recently & it's been a nice addition......

    Rim Ping & Makro have flour tortillas.... We don't live close enough in to use Lotus or Tops....

    • Thanks 1
  8. I tip my barber, car wash guys, & masseuse gal.....All of which I've gone to for years.....

    If we go to an "upscale" restaurant, I'll usually tip..... If we go to a local small eatery I'll leave it up to my wife - who usually does not.....She does surprise me & tip on occasion.... She's got her own system....

    If we seek a service & they exceed expectations I will tip depending on the situation.....

    • Thumbs Up 1
  9. I'm not sure how much of a benchmark this can be....

    4 years ago we moved about 10k from our previous 4b/3b house to our own 3b/3b house....We moved a full household of teak furniture, all appliances, electronics, plus many large potted outside plants & trees....

    It was a crew of 4 + a large truck, a local referral.....The cost was 5k฿ & everything was moved with care with no mishaps or loss....

    I at first tried a THE local large scale removal company (__ __ removal) & they weren't interested - they seemed to only want the big payday of international or long haul move....

    If you can, Thai to Thai contacts will help find what you need.....

    It sounds as if a regular passenger sized van or songteau would be big enough for your stuff ...

  10. 22 hours ago, nauseus said:


    Great dogs. Best choice here. Still miss mine. 

    My daughter carries a 3" facial scar from the age of 4 when she tried to pet a family Thai Ridgeback & it bit her straight onto her face..... Fortunately, the scars follow her lip lines & are now almost not noticeable....I don't trust them.....They snap a unexpected times....Always wired....

    They've had many over the years & all turned mean....

    I much prefer the temperament of the Thai Bangkaew.....

    • Confused 2
  11. Yeah but those walk in windows really slow down the drive throughs....Fair is fair as scooters can't drive through.... 

    Sometimes agencies will funnel 4-5 or more people to the walk in line....I got stuck behind a pushy agent & 6 or 7 people she guided to the window then jambed their paperwork through one by one..... A couple of them had something incomplete & then corrected and resubmitted as I tried to remain calm.....

  12. Back before moving here they supposedly allowed cars to be imported....I loved my Lexus SC400 & briefly pondered bringing it over....At that time the road conditions + lack of parts and qualified techs dowsed that thought.....

    And that's a fun, solid, well equipped vehicle....

    I'm not sure the carbon fiber new generation super cars would have any kind of long life expectancy here....

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