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Everything posted by thaitom

  1. Can you change your app store location ?
  2. 80% of the Chinese population reported to now have tested positive for covid. It was in the yahoo news this morning.
  3. I was told a residence certificate couldn't be issued until after the first 90-day report was filed. Also need to have a long term visa. That was my experience.
  4. That is what all the Chinese are vaccinated with, and they are allowed to enter Thailand. So it should be the same for you.
  5. http://plookganja.fda.moph.go.th
  6. And in other news today, Yaba is now down to 2 Bht . apiece.
  7. Why use an agent when you can get the same service from the Imm office directly, for Non-o marriage extension no funds for 18,000. Buriram . And that's a fact Jack.
  8. What is the problem ? You have a year to renew it. I am sure if you take a look here you will know this .
  9. I could easily eat 4 large pizzas, that only equals one large western pizza .
  10. My daughter is 7 years old, and she cannot read or write Thai. But ... she has only been to school maybe 3 months in the last two years. This year, the school has stayed open so far.
  11. Yep.... I can beat that. 89 units...324 bht.
  12. Question, is it legal to send weed in the mail now ? Example : from the USA ? I would think not.
  13. MythBusters busted that myth
  14. That's what I'm thinking.
  15. Storage tanks sweeping water ? Old storage tanks ? My mind has been thinking what it could be. Wife just says try a different place .....
  16. Yes, I was questioning this morning if ptt was mixing ? the fuel wrong or is the station adding water or something. I am well almost sure they wouldn't. but geez at 35.83 a liter , somethings wrong. my car is only 3 years old 2020.
  17. I was just talking about this exact thing with my wife this morning, then I read this here. I have noticed the same thing for about two weeks now, but with using the diesel B7 , from PTT. I'm only about 5km from work, and i just puzt around the small town trying to conserve fuel, but my fuel consumption is noticeably up.
  18. Point is, that someone here wrote that it can't be done
  19. Well..... laugh if you want......someone here said changing a non immigrant visa in country can't be done. I have changed from a visa exempt to maybe 10 covid extensions to a 3 month non-B to a Non-O retirement to a Non-O retirement 1 year extension.
  20. Check your messages, I sent you a link for an agent that might be able to help you.
  21. A co worker of mine just did a marriage extension from many covid extensions for 20,000. From the "special person" at the Buriram immigration.
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