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Everything posted by thaitom

  1. Thank you for the information. I will print this and the next time i'm in town I will stop by and show this to them,
  2. I have an one-year multiple entry Non-O (marriage). After reading here on Asiannow I thought I did not have to update a tm.30 each time I cross the border every 90 days as long as I am at the same residence. I went to immigration today and they told me I MUST do a new tm.30 every time., That they have no record of a tm.30 in their database, they said it's a new visa every time I enter for 90 days. I disagreed saying it's the same visa. Do I not understand how this works? So the wife had to pay the 800. baht fine. Maesot immigration
  3. that would be great if the renewal fee was still 1080.baht. it is 130. usd now. also fees are now paid online. usa and international credit or debit cards accepted , before no international cards. No bank drafts are accepted from what i have read.
  4. You can't cross the border into Myanmar.
  5. In my opinion ,the best pizza is at lotus frozen food section.
  6. there is a border crossing in udon thani ? when was that built ?
  7. Yeah I should have been more specific, I was referring to the US embassy address, not my home address.
  8. I figured that one out.... passport application, Now i'm on the emergency contact page and it will only show US states, my only contact is in Thailand. it is a required field.
  9. I am trying to order the courier pass back envelope, I am on the product delivery page, could someone tell me what address to use for product delivery ? Thank you.
  10. I call where my home is "the dirty village" I live off somewhere on the road to umphang in the hills.
  11. it had to of asked you that when you switched phones. i just did recently
  12. when you change to a new phone stick in your simm that is registered, passport and account and pin , you are also asked to send a live view of your face that is also with your account. there is no issue. just saying its not as easy as passport number and account number. got it ?
  13. it does ask for a live face photo, if doesnt match on record no access
  14. If your from the USA the embassy (consulates) have stopped issuing these letters.
  15. Good question. As I have received an email reply yesterday from mae sot immigration that the checkpoint crossing is still closed to western foreigners. So also wondering if maesai is open.
  16. I want to read the rest of your story
  17. I can't stop laughing. Thank you
  18. I bought a plastic army helmet at the border market, police seem satisfied
  19. May I ask.... What appropriate paper work is needed beside the TM.30 and TM. 47 ? " that foreign individuals wishing to remain in the kingdom must submit the appropriate paperwork to the local Immigration Bureau where they have notified their place of residence."
  20. Is there only one office in Bangkok ? Do other cities have an office ?
  21. I had a similar problem last month at the maesot border, I wanted to cross ending a retirement extension and enter visa exempt. They kept me in their waiting room about an hour checking every stamp in my passport, they finally said there was a problem with one of my stamps not being recorded in their computer from two years previous, (how did I get extensions since that time ?) I showed them that the stamp was from their office, and how is it my problem.? Finally, they somehow magically fixed whatever the problem was, Then asked me why I didn't have a Myanmar visa ? I told them I don't need one.
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