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Posts posted by Lifer

  1. They seem to spot check once in a while by asking for documentation to back up avadavit claim. You should always be prepared to provide proof. Those that are trying to stay here by falsifying the paperwork from the Consulate will eventually get caught. We have only been ask once in 14 years. The officer who processed our paperwork said that the things they are required to get sometimes changes with a new head of department.

    Best to be honest in your dealings with Immigration and Consulate. If you say you get the money it's simple to prove it if ask.

  2. I've had a blast here for the last 2 days and plan on doing it again today...

    Sure, there are some jerks out here... but to just refer to 'idiot farangs' is not really fair... There were all sorts of idiots out there....I had a Thai person whip a handful of wet talcum powder in my eyes laughing like a lunatic ...... also saw white people doing the same... even saw some Japanese and Chinese acting like retards too... It's Songkran... People do stupid things without thinking... you just have to expect it I guess smile.png

    Anyways... I'm off to have another great day out there!



    Hope your still around by next year. People always say nothing will happen to them.

    To answer the original question that started this thread....Because their born that way!

  3. 555555

    I have personally witnessed first hand several temple fairs to raise money for building projects where the villagers parade in from different parts of their village to the temple so drunk they can hardly stand up. Don't think that was what the temple, or Buddha for that matter, intended. To be fair, there were also paarticipants at the temple not drinking as well.

    Dry zones and wet zones are a good idea. Dry zones especially along major highways and ring roads would be a starter.

    • Like 2
  4. Probably because the world's biggest idiots all head to Thailand for what is actively promoted as the world's biggest water fight. <deleted> do you expect?

    Totally agree. Looks like one more was added to the bunch. Why would anyone go there with an expensive camera like that? I know, you want to take pictures of the multicultural water war.

  5. Although it was not a religious Budhist holiday, as we both know, it was celebrated by showing respect to family and Buddha. It never was a water throwing mayhem like it has envolved into.

    I suspect, as I am, you are married and have a Thai family. I've gone through this for more than 14 years now and see how they celebrate it every year. The water origionally was used to bath the Budha and used by the elders in the family to bestow blessing on the relatives and family that come to pay resspect. The big cities have, in my opinion, slowly destroyed the culture of Songkran.

    Hope your family has a wonderful time celebrating in your own way.

    I also came across this a few minutes ago in City News: CityNews – ‘Songkran’, the Thai New Year, is an ancient ceremony and celebration in Thailand that started off as mostly a religious ceremony but has turned out over the years to become somewhat of a massive party (Christmas went down that same road). Generally, Songkran festival lasts for three days from 13th – 15th April each year, but as Chiang Mai residents know well the festival often starts early and finishes late.

    Enjoyed your view too.

    • Like 1
  6. Must be BBB thing. Have used TOT 600Bht DNS and wireless for two years now with no downtime or problems reaching all sites except anything blocked by Thailand. Two years ago had terrible problems until I replaced inhouse telephone wiring wiith new wiring that was 12 years old.

    Of course my wiring problem has nothing to do with the posters problem, but i think all these expensive services being offored now are not worth all the trouble users have with the providers. Hope you can find out the problem soom. Good Luck.

  7. I certainly hope not, but two small Thai children have been running around in my building dry-firing for days.

    Maybe you could introduce them to the farang's with small kid brains and they can squirt water at each other for the next week or so.

    Good idea!!

  8. The gang was probably on drugs and looking for next fix! No matter what others may say, many parts of town are not safe at night anymore. Those days are long gone. Everyone, please have aq safe Songkran.

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