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Posts posted by PlanetX

  1. As others will say, drive around and check out the moobans that look nice to you. Nothing beats driving up to a house, calling the number, and dealing direct with the owner. If it is in Thai, write down the number and have a Thai friend call for you.

    As for rain, there are very nice western houses available for under 10K a month

  2. They should at least clean the place up a little. Do a little painting, pick-up all the trash, put out some rubbish bins, high-pressure clean the sidewalk and street. The rat population is absolutely out of control there. I'm sure those massage parlours are filthy. The BG's do appear rather unattractive and most appear to be in their mid 30's on up. Occasionally the police come along and chase away the khatoeys but they are back again in a week or two.

    So if the BGs were 20 and under it would be better??

    I don't see why the attractiveness of the BGs should matter to the "clean up Loi kroh crowd"

  3. IMHO Miguel's is authentic (California-style) Mexican and their guacamole is good too. Miguel's would not be all that bad in Northern California, but it is excellent for Thailand and many people think that is pretty close to one of the top Mexican places in the whole country.

    Salsa Kitchen is good for what it is, but they kind of do their own thing. I call it Canadian-style Mexican and enjoy it from time to time, but I really prefer their classic BBQ ribs. :D

    I love when people call things authentic and then classify it as non-authentic! 'authentic (California-style) Mexican" ... what's that even mean?

    I'll put my vote in for El Diablo's as well though...and a great Margarita to go along with it...

    California used to be Mexico(and some would argue that it still is based on population demographics)

  4. Considering IBMs strategic alliance with Nazi Germany and their campaign to get everyone "on the grid" by making a smarter planet I would pay very close attention to what they are doing

    Smarter means tracking and observing while creating a massive digital network grid using RFID

    I assume a majority of people come to Chiang Mai to avoid that type of thing

    Google IBM and Nazi Germany if you have any questions

    There is also the CEO Samuel J. Palmisano's speech to the CFR about what a "smarter planet" means on the CFR website

    These guys are not your friends :ph34r:

  5. This is just the beginning - next it will be any type of volunteer work, etc

    Foreigners are becoming undesireables

    I think you need to have a work permit for volunteer work too.

    To be fair, I do feel a little sorry for these guy / gals but you have to admit that in light of recent events they must have been aware of the possible outcome of their actions.

    I'm not trying to smart about this but if I were a musician, I wouldn't be considering any playing in public these days unless I had said work permit.

    I know some rules apply to all of the bars in town, if seemingly not to others but does anyone really think this was sensible on their part?

    Also, what of the bar owner? Do they receive a fine for allowing people to work in the bar without a work permit?

    You are correct, you do need a work permit for any type of volunteer activity

    I am sure the wide scope of the term "volunteer" can be used for almost anything someone does

  6. Fear, Fear, Fear

    Its the same camp. Politicians, big business, major religious leaders - Fear this, Fear that and remain divided

    Catholicism, Christianity, Judaism, Mormonism - they all stem from the same Male dominant over Female philsophy which equates to an unnatural imbalance which allows a few to control and dominate the many

    The same people behind the extreme push for religion are also behind the extreme No Religion - they are placing people in an artificial box that says if you dont believe my story then dont believe anything

    The ancients knew a great deal about our soul, relationship to the stars, sacred geometry, etc - that knowledge has been systematically removed from mass consumption and perverted and twisted in babylonian mystery schools

  7. God really sucks at making stable planets. Jeez. I want my money back.

    or HAARP ;)

    Moved out of a condo on the 8th floor last week into the countryside - mostly paranoia but I would be very afraid to see how well these condo towers hold up

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