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Posts posted by PlanetX

  1. Its not too young but just remember that the parent is the best teacher in the early stages

    NIS doesnt teach Thai - NAPA serves that market

    I have three children at NIS and , yes they do have to go to their Thai classes. It covers both spoken and written Thai.

    Sorry about the misinformation

    How often do your children have thai class -1 hour a week?

  2. NAPA does have a nice nursery

    NIS (same location as NAPA, same owner, International School Format) is also starting a nursery in mid-feb

    Thank you everyone. Went to NAPA and NIS yesterday we were impressed by the facilities and the level of care they are offering. Personally NAPA is for those parents who do not have time and need to put their child in good supervised care - feeding, sleeping, etc What we are looking for is to find a place for our child to develop skills on language, creativity, and concentration...so we went to NIS and we talked to the admission director...we were told that the program is actually starting mid of Feb and the minimum age will be 2 year. Our daughter will be only 1 year and 9 months by then...so we hope and pray that they are a little flexible on this but if not we just have to wait to Aug(a child can learn very fast at this age...we just dont want her to miss anything)

    I completely understand your concern but if you really research it you will see that young children (under 4) do not benefit from a structured academic environment - they learn best by watching their parents, playing and being loved

    Your child's developing brain is not in the stage to develop skills in language, creativity and concentration - it is in the stage to watch and copy behavior, play, experiment and develop emotional stability. They also are developing socially through feeling protected, feeling loved and therefore building confidence in exploring

    If you do not have the time to keep your young child at home - by all means a nursery is a good option - BUT it is in no way a better option than having the child stay at home with a parent. The parents are the best teachers for young children.

    Anything that a parent does with their young child is a learning experience and therefore is much richer than a structured academic environment that attempts to force feed information into a developing brain that is not oriented to learn in that manner - their young brains are oriented to learn through exploration, observation, imitation and play in a loving, nurturing environment.

    They learn everything they need to know in K-2 (4 yrs old) to be prepared adequately for Kindergarten academically - it is the social development that is sometimes lacking due to limited time with parents

    Raising a child that is successful and/or exceptional academically requires the child to develop skills in discipline and have a genuine interest and enthuisiam in learning and academia. Your child also needs a strong support network and a high level of self confidence. All of these things are taught and provided for at home by the parents. Young children naturally are inclined to be interested in things that interest their parents. You can spend these next two years displaying the types of behavior that you want your child to imitate and exhibit later in life.

    Read to your child daily and show enthusiasm when reading.

    Take your young child to many different and interesting places and show interest/ enthusiasm about seeing new things

    Set a structured environment in the household and show the importance of discipline in keeping with the structure

    Let your child interract with other adults and also other children on a frequent basis to teach basic social skills

    If one of the parents is able to stay home, these next two years will be a wonderful opportunity to spend a great amount of time with your daughter and this time will be absolutely invaluable in her development

    The alternative is to place her in a nursery that provides basic neccessities but cannot provide the loving enviornment that naturally occurs between parent and child and therefore the learning process is dramatically decreased

  3. I used to live in Brasil and the Acai berry is a very powerful antioxidant and has shown to be a good weight loss supplement

    Looking around the beaches in Rio, it certainly didnt hurt anyone :D

    Its definitely worth looking into local herbs/ fruits as well

  4. Prolonged shutdowns of public roads aren't normal in ANY western country that I know of (particularly for adherents to a particularly violent faction of a group that uses violence and threats of violence to get their way).

    Someone questioned "free speech" --- should we point to Arisaman's call for the redshirts to bring empty bottles to fill with petrol to burn BKK down as an example of "free speech" that caf deems acceptable?

    I ride through the area around Wat Phra Singh on a daily basis. So yes I object to a prolonged closure. If, it happens to have been just for children's day, then why set up he night before blocking traffic from 9pm?

    As for Millwell fan's rhethoric and assumptions ... (oh well!) perhaps they could choose to close Loi Kroh rd instead?

    Depends what is defined as prolonged. You seem a bit out of touch quite frankly. The students demonstration in London was longer and spread further than the present road closure; and I could give further examples.

    But why let facts get in the way of a good argument

    And for the record I did not deem bringing empty bottles to fill with petrol as an example of free speech. Someone's imagination is running a little wild, methinks

    This one was short ---- the last one lasted MONTHS (longer then the same action in BKK). The last one DID include the violent rhetoric from the stage. When I posted it was unclear what their plans would be (as there was obviously no need to barricade the road etc at 9pm.)

    You made a question about free speech, assuming I was against it. (note --- free speech does NOT include the right to close public thoroughfares). I pointed out an example of "free speech" as practiced by the redshirts that is clearly not legal --- (in Thailand or elsewhere.)

    Protest is acceptable in a democracy ....closing other people's businesses and restricting the rights of others for prolonged periods is not. This begs the question I posed at the end ---- wwmwt (what would millwall fan think) if it happened to be a road that affected HIS life and business? :) If the reds were protesting about democracy .... well .... they wouldn't be the grenade launching terrorist group they are :)

    dont count out agent provocateurs - I doubt very much that this is exclusively a Thai conflict

  5. Any reason other than GREED ?


    Too many crop failures, too many people, simple supply and demand.

    If you read the Thai Visa news, there are ongoing problems with palm oil, with the government requiring it to be sold at a price lower than the cost of production, whilst simultaneously saying its illegal to hold onto it and not sell. Quite simply crazy.

    It's not only food prices increasing. Fuel is getting higher and higher, 91 gasoline on the verge of 40B/litre. With crude oil at $90/barrel and moving up, its like 2008 all over again. :ph34r:

    Oil is going to $200/ barrel

  6. Gotlost writes mostly lighthearted and informative posts. I do not think he meant to offend anyone.

    Peace! :wai:

    TNX UG. Unfortunately we have posters that thank to highly of themselves and never step out of their comfort zone to see what is really going on around them. Every year it seems that Chiang Mai leads the nation for both the New Years and the Songkran holiday road fatality count. This is NOT a Thai or farang thing. It is a human being thing. So you that do not agree put your animosity towards correcting the problem.

    Gotlost - its not about the issue - its about your total lack of sensitivity in dealing with this

    Its devastating to lose someone - I didnt even lose my GF and I have felt sick for a week now

    And then to come on this forum and see "Congratulation" - and then to have people call it sarcasm and dark humor

    And on top of that, to play it off as "its about making awareness of the issue"

    People are very aware of the issue - they see it everyday but no one needs a big congratulations for losing a loved one

    The only reason you wrote that post like you did was because you didnt lose anyone

    Unfortunately, some of your readers have - and they have every right to voice their hurt over your complete lack of sensitivity

  7. A bit insensitive isn't it to state "Congratulation to Chiang Mai as the Road Kill Capital of Thailand".

    The unfortunate death of any human being is a sad event and something that deserves respect - not a juvenile and deriding comment like that made by the OP.

    I do have one question for him. Would he have made that same inane statement if a member of his family were among the "road kill" as he put it? Be interested in his answer.

    Must be wearing trifocals and a hearing aid not to recognize sarcasm.:whistling:

    It is insensitive, sarcasm or not

  8. I've met many Koreans. Naturally, I'm meeting many Thais. Believe it or not, but much higher %% of Koreans speak English... and they speak it better. Sorry, didn't mean to piss on anybody's parade.

    But if Thai Education Authority could buy these robots, maybe the faces of their english teachers will look better?

    N.B. I judge the face of a teacher only by the level of knowlege passed on to students.:D:unsure:

    It might also have to do with the motivation, discipline and cultural importance of doing well in academics for Koreans versus their Thai counterparts

  9. Am I the only one on this site that doesn't have to resort to bar girls or online dating?

    I have met some pretty interesting girls online that I probably would not have met otherwise due to location, social circles, etc

  10. Thanks everyone. She is ok and staying with her family for a few weeks.

    I hope everyone else is - she said that people were only hurt

    I just wanted to let everyone know because I know it is a very common route for anyone going on visa runs

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