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Posts posted by Nawtier

  1. The huge fee I believe was the customs mafia lunch money.....one of the most corrupt departments in the country.

    If you send them air freight...be prepared for it.

    If you bring them as baggage on your flight, I believe it is much cheaper and easier and you do not have to go through the cargo customes section.

  2. Age restrictions ??

    Min and max age......like me and my son.....8yo and 47yo....no doubt my daughter would want to try and she is 5yo.....although next year we all go up a year...funny that.

    Group discounts ??

    Guarantees to get it up ??

    Shark insurance ??

  3. I am surprised that a lot of Farangs are making a big deal about this. I thought you people liked this kind of thing. It should not be a surprise to know that plenty of male Farangs frequent this kind of vendor. Plus, it would not amaze me whatsoever if, after reading this news, some Thai Visa users go out to search for this disgusting stuff on the streets of Bangkok.

    Poor effort numb nutts...

  4. I grew up with a Nutter (put as nice a possible coz I cant use anything stronger) of a so called mother, couldnt see my old man until I was 18 again. so for 13 years this bitch stoped me and my sister from having contact with our dad because she didnt want to see him. and you know what the law was on her side.

    we grew up terified of this bitch. Non of us have anything to do with her now and have not for years.

    So for me this story is heart warming and I really am happy for father and son. I have my own son now and love him with all my heart, I would do whatever to keep him close.

    So yeah, I do believe the young man will have a better life. good luck to them both. :)

    Nice to know kids can grow up through this and find their dad.

  5. Last year I bought the vigo 4wd 3lt version.

    Done 75k's in it and it still handles and drives as tight as the first day out.

    Very quick also for when you need it and had it in 4wd several times, bogs and 45+ degree inclines and handled very well.

    I had never had an auto 4wd before, only manual and i have to say it is great. But, for any real long 4wd serious offroad trips, i would prefer the manual, but for highway and around town, no way manual anymore.

    I am so far very happy with it, just hope that after the 100k expires that it does not have an in built shit itself device.

    I had several new 4wd troopcarriers in Australia that all had serious problems at around 130k's....to much of a coincidence to be normal breakdowns.

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