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Posts posted by Nawtier

  1. Got a Thai name for Napier ?

    Is it better only because of its food value ? ....We do not need it for food, only very good stabilising of a river bank.

    Would prefer Vetiver by the sounds if its roots are deeper and stronger.....but dont want it taking over the entire valley.

  2. Why do bikies/bikers wave to each other ?

    You know that little acknowledgement as you pass each other.

    Bikies tend to not do it but...cos i guess they are to cool to do that kind of thing.

    Just wondering.

  3. Does this Ya fet stuff really take off ? Does it become a weed...uncontrollable ?

    Missus looked at me stooopid today when I mentioned to get it for some erosion control on our river bank.......

    Anything else recommended for this job...better or same but different.

  4. Very expensive around here now.

    Not sure where that 2 million place on 100tw is, but really, what is the point of moving to the country and mountains to live on something so small.

    Anyway, an estate on the road to the park has 150tw with new english kind of style country house for 9 million.

    Per rai, land is 2/3 million now.

    Also, the lack of farang attractions is what is nice about it.

  5. One would think with that kind of salary people would be lined up for miles? apart from this obversation sorry cannot help but good luck

    (Assuming that the OP has a small family of 4), For a full time maid responsible for cooking, cleaning, washing & ironing work clothes, it is not at all a fancy salary, it is reasonable and a good maid will expect some perks over it. Of course you can find maids for 5000/month also, but the OP is looking for a responsible person who need not be constantly supervised. By any yardstick, 12000 is not a salary for which people would be queued up for miles. I know because i had a tough time finding a good maid for the same salary a few months ago. Also assuming that OP is in Bangkok

    I agree that 12k should see them jumping through hoops.

    we have one we have had for years now....does everything unsupervised, rarely has to be told what to do, unless something different.

    Does everything, except cook, but also does some gardening and taking care of kids......all for 7k....and 2 days off a month.

  6. I see the Bikers riding with lights
    Really!? Are you retarded or you just have severe learning difficulties? That's what multiple posters have been trying to tell you. :blink:

    Again, for the hard of hearing. The lights on our bikes can't be turned off when riding. And if you're seeing high beams, it's probably bike riders flashing you because you're blocking the fast lane with that POS Toyota Yaris you drive.

    I am not a biker...so no, not retarded.

    Quote the rest of my post....re high beam during the day....but yes...they think they are more important than most.

    As for lights that cannot be turned off...well, someone should tell the dudes I see a lot of and just today....3 bikers...not bikies....with lights off. So guess they are somewhat badder and brighter than you and figured out how to do it.

    Oh...as for blocking the fast lane....nah....cos you bikers should be in that little section on the hard left...you know the bit where you bikers belong....all the time.

    Someone told me you guys wear lycra or spandex under your full leather suits...is that correct ?

  7. the 'village people' outfits :blink:

    Thats funny.

    I note all the wannabe bad boy bikies respond.

    I see the Bikies riding with no lights.

    I see the Bikers riding with lights and often during the day with high beam on.

    And please....no matter if you have a vespa...or a big brutes bike with the 'village people' outfits...stay where you belong in the far left lane next to the gutter....out of our way.

  8. Stoooopid....if they dropped it while you were there...why did you not notice the damage and check it ?

    Your fault...your stooopidity.

    Guess you knew that, thats why you crying here.

  9. I just thought there would be a central office or committee that would be in charge of overseeing these things.

    There are of sorts.

    Certainly there are regulations and you have to report your annual operations, you also must not be spending more than a 40/60 ratio I think it is on expenses/handouts.

    You also have to have a committee of a minimum of 10 I believe, but this can be almost anyone.

  10. I am not married and our son was born in Australia.

    He does not have Thai birth certificate or passport yet.

    I went to the family court, cost 40k baht from memory about 6 years ago, got the paperwork to recognise him as my son here.

    Got visa in support of thai child each and every year since, although there was one year about 3 years ago where they denied it because of their changes to the rules.....I did not listen to their claims and continued the process.....eventually got it again after 7 months of haggling.

    I since had another child born here and I did not have to go to court to be recognised as her father and she is used on my visa application now for simplicity.

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