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Posts posted by Nawtier

  1. Anybody in here have experience with these type of operations ?

    or if you know anybody that you could direct me in their direction perhaps.

    By experience I mean knowledge from the inside of workings and setups here in Thailand.

    I would like to chat to someone experienced in this in Thailand and perhaps any neighbouring countries.

    Buy you a coffee and or swap emails would be appreciated.


  2. Our little farm has had a hard slog trying to grow what we want to produce and do it with no chemicals.

    But every now and again we get to sample some nice vegies or fruits.

    The staff down there are a large portion of the problem and as we do not live there, it has reverted to getting what we can and having the property upkeep to our required standards.

    However, today we went for a drive down there and returned with several pineapples, rambutans, custard apples and limes and lemons.

    Just ate the rambutans and without doubt they are the sweets and tastiest I have ever had the pleasure to eat.

    The pineapples are huge and sweet and juicy....very sweet and juicy and crunchy.

    It is a pleasure to eat some delicious food you know has not been smothered in chemicals of one sort or several.

  3. A Thai friend has a Laos maid...she is paid 4k a month and 2 days off.

    We had a Thai maid before moving for 5 years and she was paid 7k and 2 days off.

    Before her we had a Burmese maid that was outstanding, cleaned perfectly, arranged everything like a hotel room every day and night. she was paid 6k and 2 days off.

    So there you go......this 12k thing is crap and just another foreigner can pay more thing.

  4. Sure people and opinions change....nobody denying thats a bad thing....but when you get all hypocritical about it...then that gives the right to anyone to hang it on them.

    Many people, me included, have had fun in the bar scene at times and then stop for many varied reasons....but very few turn around and belittle the ones still doing it for all the wrong reasons.

  5. So if you had a website that was going to generate a lot of hits......how would you best generate the revenue from that kind of angle......excluding anything that might be on it for sale....extra income if you like from the digital age ??

    As the fog disappears from an aging brain.....i remember that the horrible song was recorded in some type of studio that offers kids the chance to record their own song for a few bucks right ?? Then dont they put it up on the net and any hits or income generated from it are shared with that studio or something vaguely like that.

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