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Posts posted by Nawtier

  1. Went to price the Michelin Latitudes yesterday in town where we live.

    Price ranged from 5800b to 8400b......the difference seemed to only relate to what warranty each shop offered, the lower none and higher 4 years or 50k.

    A shop in Bkk said 8500.

    Whats the deal with the huge price difference.

    One shop had them in stock and they were 2 years old already.

  2. Similar but different experience for us last week by a vet hospital in Thonglor........complete ripoff nothing more.

    Taking my daughter to Bkk Hospital for a sore throat is cheaper.

    A local vet where we lived quoted 1000b for desexing a male cat and 1500 for a female.......male easier...snip snip.

    Best to get a price beforehand.

  3. There are many bad mouthing our generous hosts above........so best you close it.....not allowed to bad mouth our hosts according to the rules.....rules are made not to be broken.

    If you allow this thread to stay open,.....then others will follow.....and thats not rubbish

  4. you will be free from carnal desire

    Thats what I am worried about.......I have no desire to be free of it.....I like it too much.

    I found myself thinking about rabbits the other night during sex.

    I am sure if we leave the lights on one night I might end up with mrDroopy.

  5. I am becoming worried about impotence, my wife puts too much pressure on me to perform and as getting older wondering when the day will come.

    Also concerned about the worrying bringing on the impotence earlier than natural onset.

    Anybody had this ??

    And how did you deal with it.

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