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Posts posted by Alainpm

  1. NZ woman Muay Thai fighter dies in Phuket motorbike crash

    Darawan Naknakhon


    The New Zealand woman died on her way home after winning a local Muay Thai fight. Photo: Ruamjai Kupai Foundation.

    PHUKET: A New Zealand woman studying Muay Thai in Phuket died in a motorbike accident in Soi Ta-iad, Chalong, early this morning (Jan 23) after celebrating her victory in a local Phuket fight with friends.

    Pol Maj Patiwat Yodkhawn confirmed that the Chalong Police were notified of the accident at about 2:30am.

    One first responder at the scene told The Phuket News that it appeared the woman had missed a bend in the road, causing the Honda Zoomer X she was riding to hit the roadside tree.

    The woman suffered severe head injury in the impact.

    Although unable to locate a pulse, rescue workers attempted to revive her with CPR and rushed her to Vachira Phuket Hospital in Phuket Town, where she was pronounced dead on arrival.

    Full story: http://www.thephuketnews.com/nz-woman-muay-thai-fighter-dies-in-phuket-motorbike-crash-55907.php


    -- Phuket News 2016-01-23

    The human factor and drunkeness is number one factor on many road crashes. nevertheless, Zoomer x is a crap bike, very unstable. Last time, I was very sober, I rented one to drive up to Doi Suthep. It was absolutely uncontrolable on small roads. and very very very unstable at a higher speed on normal road.. RIP..

  2. No, a good dog, and I mean a dog that inherited a good temperament won't attack a human. It sees the human as its leader and it is a pack animal by nature.

    In the West dogs are often bred for temperament and bad ones are culled by at least sterilizing. Most breeders are responsible. In Thailand you get what you get and the worst become the dominate pack leaders.

    I killed a rottweiler a few years back that I was certain was readying a viscous attack. I was running my Bobcat excavator at the time and I simply shot him, dug his grave, pushed him in with the bucket and covered him up. Although what I did was legal I didn't want neighbors who owned him upset with me.

    I don't know what to tell you, as in a civilized country such dogs are impounded and if not claimed and after paying a stiff fine by the owner, they are put down.

    Last october in the countryside near Kanchanaburi i passed in front a house, in the midst of corn fields, with my motorbike. Owners were there, standing at 5 meters. 2 mid size f...... dogs started chasing me up front when getting close to the house. One of them bit my calf. I continued driving. all that captured on video. People were giggling. I'll put that video online. Had a bit of blood on my leg but nothing serious finally. A week before that, on Koh Phayam island (Buffalo Bay), beachdogs barked quite a lot at the beginning, but were not aggresive. Just never point a flashlight toward them at night. We even became friends after a few days.. Nice ones..

  3. Sounds like you need to explain to the wife how it should be where she makes you happy while you reciprocate and make her happy in numerous ways ...or at least attempt to explain to her so you can at least say you tried.

    If she can not make you happy and has no valid reason for not doing so, then go make yourself happy...and do not feel guilty about it.

    ** That is if you just have to have sex and your wife is not providing**

    This is Thailand where you can do what you want anyhow while she will wake up to who is really in control...whether you up and walk away suddenly or fade away over time.

    Either way it always amazes me how so many Thai women have a good thing on the go with a good man and they go and screw it up in any number of ways by being themselves with all their Thai female idiosyncrasies ( they have a lot of idiosyncrasies....as in a lot ) while being self centered and self absorbed in their own agenda without seriously contemplating the ramifications of their female thinking and female conduct....resulting in many men just leaving abruptly or just fading away with intent after growing fed up with the women and realizing the whole relationship is all about the woman and her needs and her agenda.

    And then, they have no idea at all, supposedly, as to why the man up and left her and will always blame the man while they believe themselves to be the ultimate little angel that can do no wrong and did no wrong

    No matter what you do anyhow...you are still the bad man as all men are considered bad in some ways in their minds so you are already guilty before proven innocent and nothing while change her mind.....so please yourself whether you decide to stay in an uncomfortable environment or decide to go.


    Bright analysis... Thumb uppp. Exactly what I feel and think. Applies to cambodian women too..

  4. Nobody can tell you if it's the right thing for you however a non o visa is 90 days that will give you a good insight then you can get a retirement extension as long as you have all requirements again a simple process cost negligible. This will give you a year to look see properly. Health well who knows what's going to happen writing this in hospital unexpected hernia problem. There are insurances you can get BUPA ect but read the small print pre existing not covered obviously.But price for op for me didn't break the bank. As for living here I personaly love it plenty to do for me during day (have land and growing veg ect ect. It's not for everyone agreed but you have got nothing to lose in the end.

    Now over to the gloom and doom merchants on here. Good luck

    An hernia.. "unexpected"? .. but predictable and preventable by knowledge.. the way you lifted stuffs when gardening might have been the cause of that hernia.. I teach yoga, i'm kind of an "expert" on that matter. I saved many people with my panel of exercices. I come to Thailand in April, if u need any advice just contact me.

  5. Then why are all my favorite hotels charging higher advertised rates this year than the same months last year?

    a few months back in a similiar thread a poster revealed what a receptionist leaked: the owners are compensating for the recent loss of business.


    I'll arrive this friday to Samui from France. i'll have all my time to walk around and pick the best hotel bargain. It's simple maths : if they want me, they will have to lower the price or i'll go next door. Just simple as that.

    let us know how you get on! e.g. how many "next doors" you try...in a market controlled by a local "mafia"?

    Sure ! I'll update that this saturday. If there's a problem, I swim. Mafias can't swim. hehe !

  6. Then why are all my favorite hotels charging higher advertised rates this year than the same months last year?

    a few months back in a similiar thread a poster revealed what a receptionist leaked: the owners are compensating for the recent loss of business.


    I'll arrive this friday to Samui from France. i'll have all my time to walk around and pick the best hotel bargain. It's simple maths : if they want me, they will have to lower the price or i'll go next door. Just simple as that.

  7. Thanks a lot for all your advices TV forumers ! Always.

    I'll keep that one for use in France as streets are getting less safe, even in towns like here, near the Swiss border. I know It will be useless against the Kalachnikovs they start using in the suburbs now (thanks to our non existing borders), but precious against the random drunkards or the hot blooded sh.. heads I cross daily.

    I was talking about this :

  8. Can a pepper spray gun, although unallowed, easily be passed through customs undetected ? (it's plastic made, and doesn't look like a hand gun).

    Hi all, the subject is : I'm travelling next week to LOS angels. Ironically, the airline (Air France) allows ... guns (unloaded and in hard container) in checked luggage, but doesn't allow nail cutter, or.. PEPPER SPRAY.

    The thing is : For this trip to Thailand i really want to order one particular pepper spray, which is a pepper spray gun (i'm not advertising so i don't name the brand). It looks very efficient (powerful, long range), and can protect against even in case of wind, etc. It can be life saving.

    I don't want to buy any soi pepper spray, i don't trust them to protect me against soi dogs, soi mafia, soi ladyboys, soi police, soi face loser, soi marinero, etc..

    Thanks to all for your answer, and also for reading me. I like to be read.

  9. Crystal clear statement. As simple as that... Can't say it better. They (mutant ego) lose face (=temporary consequences), vs : we lose physical integrity/ life (long term consequences and for next generations). Fair deal, right?

    Have a trip planned for Koh Tao late November,
    I'm a bit concerned as they only assured us there will be no murders in high season in December...
    What do people think, is November safe?

    Of course it is safe. Just remember the golden rules of Thai etiquette.

    1) Never look at any Thai man the wrong way...or argue or demonstrate his ignorance or point out a blatant lie to your face - if you do this you deserve to be beaten to death by 10 of his friends or stabbed or shot when you are not expecting it. It is entirely your fault for not understanding local customs.

    2) If you are a woman, rule 1 applies. Also never smile or accept any gifts or drinks or lifts or companionship from Thai men. Also do not wear attractive or revealing clothes or a bikini, or walk alone anywhere. - if you do this you deserve to be gang raped and then beaten to death by several Thai men. It is entirely your fault for not understanding local customs.

    3) As a tourist, you are advised never to dispute overcharging, over (double)pricing, scams, ripoffs, and especially do not resist pickpocketing, handbag snatching, muggings or armed robbery. If you do resist you deserve to be beaten, shot stabbed or otherwise hacked to death by a machete. Remember that you are the cause of these mishaps, as logically if you do not set foot in Thailand you cannot be involved in such events. It is entirely your fault for not understanding local customs.

    As long as you follow these simple guidelines, you should expect to have an uneventful holiday in Thailand.
  10. Must be them ladyboys again.

    Believe it or not, I once took refuge in the Nana Hotel while running away from a pack of big, angry ladyboys. They were after me because I warned a drunk farang in the soi that he was about to have his pocket picked by one of them. I used my knowledge of the hotel to my advantage, though: The ladyboys saw me go in the front door, but they didn't see me go out the back door. For the next three weeks I didn't leave my apartment in Soi Nana.

    "Blocked inside his appartment for 3 weeks by scary ladyboys". Catchy headline. Could you get out after 3 weeks disguised in lady attire, flashy make up, sunglasses, wig and super high heels ?? I want -really - to make a movie with this scenario, focusing on the long introspection, solitude moments inside the closed curtained room.. and the spectacular escape.

    • Like 1
  11. I am confused. Who's idea was it? Thailand or Myanmar?

    If you want to obtain a Tourist Visa from the Myanmar Embassy in Bangkok you need a valid air ticket. So it makes no sense if you have to fly anyway.

    False. You can get a Myanmar visa without justifying of a plane ticket, and cross the border on land from Thailand to anywere (allowed) in Myanmar. Since last year. I did it.

  12. So often the people who are the harshest and most judgmental are really the most ignorant, viewing someone's situation thru their own frame of reference; not taking the time to investigation how/why someone could have gotten himself into a circumstance where he deserves our compassion and assistance, not our scorn and rejection.

    OK, let me walk you thru it. The OP's friend is age 76. Let's assume he came here at age 65. At that time, the basic UK state pension was 77 pounds/week and the exchange rate was 68 baht/pound. The exchange rate continued to rise and held about 70 baht/pound for about four years, so the fact that his pension was frozen wasn't too bad, at least not until the exchange rate started to fall in 2008. Then things got bad. It didn't help that the Thais changed the 30 day visa exempt entries to 15 day visa exempt about the same time.

    What had seemed like a fun adventure for a man in his mid-sixties was probably becoming wearisome for someone age 70. When your monthly income is about 19000 baht/month (my guess for the man in 2008), then twice monthly border runs at 2500 baht a pop can make a big dent in your budget, not to mention the physical wear-and-tear of two all-day van trips per month. Is it no wonder he decided it just wasn't the effort any more?

    And yes, as someone mentioned, it is a great strain to live this way. Afraid that you're going to be stopped and questioned, asked to show your passport. Always counting your baht and how many days remain until your next pension payment. Always looking for a good deal for food, clothing, transport, entertainment. Never knowing who to trust. Knowing you can't really go to the Embassy/Consulate/Royal British Legion to ask for help because you're in the country illegally. Knowing you're an object of scorn from your own people.

    That's why I'm glad to see this thread being allowed to continue with some good concrete suggestions for avenues for assistance once this man returns to the U.K.

    Great and useful post. Anyway, i understand that it is not easy (even for myself) not to judge those with judgmental views wink.png -

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