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Posts posted by Alainpm

  1. 22 hours ago, webfact said:

    NHSC votes to ban paraquat and chlorpyrifos in Thailand effective June 1st 2020




    Thailand’s National Hazardous Substances Committee (NHSC) today (Thursday) voted not to postpone the June 1st deadline for the ban two toxic weed killers, paraquat and chlorpyrifos.


    Twenty-four of the 28 members of the NHSC met today to discuss a proposal, from the Thai Chamber of Commerce, to delay the ban until the end of the year, claiming that it will affect the import of farm produce from the United States, where the two chemicals are still in controlled use.


    The US government has been pressuring Thailand not to ban the chemicals, especially glyphosate, better known by the brand name “Roundup”, which is produced by the giant US agro-company Monsanto, which is now owned by German giant Byer.  Glyphosate is widely used in the US.


    Full story: https://www.thaipbsworld.com/nhsc-votes-to-ban-paraquat-and-chlorpyrifos-in-thailand-effective-june-1st-2020/



    WELL DONE THAILAND !!! Hey Trump, you don't accept other countries' products to overflow the US, so don't force other countries to buy your deadly chemicals !! Trump sucks 100% on the environment although i agree with him on quite a few issues 

  2. 20 hours ago, kingofthemountain said:


    if i understand well she doesn't work (Except to take care of you and your money)

    can i ask why she is unable to earn any money by herself? 

    (Of course i don't mean during this special period of time with corona

    but the years before)

    You want to be sure if she loves you really?

    It's easy, just stop to give to her even 1 baht and look how it turns

    you should discover very quick an ugly side of your ''girlfriend''

    good luck anyway

    Good suggestion of an experiment. I hope he has the guts to try this out. 

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  3. 5 hours ago, Kerryd said:

    Climate Change is NOT "man made". It is a naturally occurring cycle that has been going on ever since this planet was formed. Otherwise Earth would still be locked in a "snowball" earth phase where 99.99% of life of the planet is extinct.
    These cycles last from 10s of thousands of years to 10s of millions of years, depending on a number of factors, the vast majority of which have absolutely nothing to do with mankind.

    Mankind's actions have contributed to a speeding up of the current warming cycle that started at the end of the last Ice Age. Various climate models have suggested that this warming phase (or "inter-glaciation phase" as in a period between freezing cycles) would end in 1,500 years or so and the Earth would enter another (minor) Ice Age. These warming and cooling cycles happen all the time.
    However, depending on the Earth's orbit around the sun during a given period, and it's axial tilt, those warming cooling periods could be extended by thousands of years (or even millions).
    Some experts think that mankind's action may actually be delaying the onset of the next freezing period by 1,500-5,000 years.

    Consider that the Cyrogenian Ice Age lasted from 720 to 635 million years ago. That means it lasted 85 MILLION years ! The planet was frozen completely down to the equators with only some areas around hydro-thermic vents deep in the ocean still being warm (and supporting microbacterial life).

    That was just 1 of the 7 major Ice Ages the planet has gone through, just in the last 720 million years. (Each Ice Age contains numerous warming and cooling spells as well, or "glaciation" and "inter-glaciation" phases.)

    As well, the Earth has also had periods where it has been completely ice free !! Those periods are referred to as the "Greenhouse Earth" periods and guess what happens during those periods ? 
    When the Cyrogenian Ice Age ended, it was followed by the Ediacaran Period which saw an "explosion" of life form on the planet, including the first hard-shelled life forms. The Ediacaran period is estimated to have lasted around 94 million years.

    The planet is considered to be in a "Greenhouse" phase when all the ice in Antarctica and Greenland has melted.

    This will really irritate some people. Scientists (real ones, not ones named Greta) estimate that the CO2 levels in the atmosphere during the Ediacaran Period were 16 times higher than in the pre-Industrial period and global temperatures were around 3 degrees (Celsius) higher than current temperatures.

    Why is that ? I thought you'd never ask ! This will also irk Greta and company.

    Real scientists have determined that EVERY major Ice Age was triggered by the SAME reason - LACK of CO2 in the atmosphere !

    Here's what happens. CO2 is released into the atmosphere through volcanic and tectonic plate activity (we are talking about long before man was ever a gleam in an amoeba's eye).
    CO2 builds up in the atmosphere and over the course of millions of years it helps trap heat and start warming the planet.

    The ice/snow melts and - voila' ! Life flourishes ! Including life such as plants and trees and phytoplankton, all of which absorb CO2 and release oxygen as a byproduct !

    The more CO2 in the atmosphere, the larger the plants and trees grow and the more phytoplankton there is in the seas. However, all good things must come to an end and that has been the case since long before Greta decided she was really angry and that we'd "stolen" her childhood.

    Eventually, all those CO2 absorbing organisms outstrip the amount of CO2 being released into the atmosphere and the pendulum starts to swing the other way and the planet starts to cool down again. This process doesn't happen overnight of course (a fact more than a few seem to forget, or outright ignore).
    It takes 10s of thousands of years before the effects are noticeable, but then things devolve in a hurry.

    You seem when the Ice starts to reform the first thing that happens is more of the suns rays are reflected back into space, which actually speeds up the cooling process ! Eventually the oceans start to freeze over (speeding up the process), glaciers form (speeding up the process) and snow blankets the planet (speeding up the process). Life on the planet DIES.

    And stays that way until eventually, enough CO2 builds up in the atmosphere (again) to allow the planet to start warming up (again).

    And that has been happening ever - since - the - planet - was - formed. 

    And that is what WILL keep happening long after mankind has gone extinct ! In fact, if every human on the planet died today and every fossil-fuel burning piece of machinery stopped and every methane farting cow died - 
    Climate Change would STILL happen !

    And it will keep happening until the sun goes super nova (or we wipe ourselves out by accidentally blowing up the planet).

    1 satang "expert" 555

  4. 1 hour ago, action said:

    I went to stock up yesterday (Mar 26) on a few items at Makro around 8pm.  There was no panic.  Plenty of meat and eggs available but instant noodles were gone. 
    Orange juice price was 25% higher than before.
    No more or fewer people than normal.   
    One thing I found interesting is that all the non-food/soap items had been roped off and a sign saying the government told them they can't sell that stuff.  Stuff like freezers, blenders, pots and pans, etc.  

    I personnally avoid that "orange juice", full of sugar, made from concentrate. But a small glass at breakfast is ok if it makes you feel good. But only fresh juice contains vitamin c. Only water hydrates the body well. Sodas give a sensation of quenching thirst but they don't help hydrate the body well aside from the toxic excess of sugar and various chemicals. Not very helping for the immune system especially at times when it may have to be strong to fight the corana virus. Making stocks of drinking water is important, a friend from Chiang Mai told me he found it hard to find bottled water 3 days ago. 

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  5. 8 hours ago, Matzzon said:

    What a total douchebag. Appearently he have no clue about that that he is dancing to music played at a burial ceremony, or he is just one of those despicable persons that just do not care about his behaviour.

    When I see this bad behaviour and disrespect to Thai culture, tradition and people I truly feel ashamed being a person of the caucasian race.

      Another one taught to be ashamed of himself  since  childhood. we don't hear others  races  saying they are ashamed of their own race. 

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  6. On 10/9/2019 at 2:44 PM, Vacuum said:

    Yes, but how do you direct the spray where you want it, move your butt back and forth? I like the manual things....

    There is a  connected, laser guided butt mover, that grabs and places the fat butt at the right spot for a spockless finish. Americans and others toilets otakus will like it. 

  7. 2 hours ago, Momofarang said:

    Considering her age and your respective divorcee situations, if I was you, I would limit any donation at the time of marriage to the strict minimum. My wife was 32, had education, gave me two daughters, so I helped my in laws to build their new house.

    Remains the question of the formal "village" marriage; do it if you can accept to be a dressed up monkey for two days. I didn't, just could get over that kind of aholed situation.  Just spent a couple of hours at the Banrak office to register our legal marriage.

    Now once your are settled in, helping your in laws, as needed, case by case and as you feel will make a lot more 

    Right things to do. 

  8. On 8/3/2019 at 7:03 PM, Yinn said:

    I think life is better now.


    One hundred years ago not have fidge, microwave, electric, etc.


    Today I go hospital (drive my car with air con, airbag, ABS, music player) with my friend, she have the “ultra sound”. Can know it a boy, and healthy. When it will coming.


    We have Korean Barbq for eat. Food from everywhere can try.


    Airplane so so cheap now. This week I go to Bangkok, only 1 hour 15 minute. 


    Have air in the house, good for sleep.


    music easy to copy. Free. Movies


    hospital always getting better. And new drug can fix problem. Easy to be healthy. 


    A lot of opportunities now.


    many machine make life easier. On farm, wash the clothes, internet, lift, etc


    life is wonderful. Fun. I want to live 500 years.


    life get better every year. Young people can not complain.

    The old people have the difficult life before. Not easy like now.




    At last someone who sees the good aspects of things. Very refreshing. We need more like you, and only a positive attitude like this can help things change, can make other people change.. Being grumpy is unproductive, the proof being that after all those years of trillions of grumpy publications, things have nothing but worsened. That's the fruit of these complains. And that still goes on today.    15 years ago some  would say "hey Thailand is damn cheap, i can buy people, i can have cheap girl, i feel  powerful here". Some thais read all that, they are very proud and felt disrespected.  and they have good memory. And now ? Dual price for some parks or monuments visits, farangs less well considered, harder to live as an expat, some people who made multiple visa runs can't any more.  etc.  Why? Because there were some abuses by some. And this has stained the image of  foreigners visiting or living in Thailand as a whole. Besides, Thai people were amazed at farang people cleaning some thai beaches, or at an expat fixing the potholes on a rural road, or painting the wall of a temple, at his own expense. If i live there one day i want to do good actions, do something for others, not only for myself. Reducing the power of my ego. 


    A lot of farangs who go there have 3 main motives : cheap prices, beer, girls, weather. I think these kind of people will never really adapt to Thailand because they have absolutely no inner reason to adapt to Thai culture. and they are the DNA grumpy ones because, aside of their purchase power that is the only reason why they can stay here, when that fails, nothing is left, as they have no interest in Buddhism (except temples for pictures)  they are not made to adapt to thai people and  to live in such a completely different country that is  Thailand.  That's why they keep stuck with a Leo watching English league football matches. Their mind is abroad, while their body is here. Some others, who are married and live in rural areas with Thai wife, and participate in community life,  are happy. But they don't talk in forums. "have a discrete life and you will live happy ". 


    Treating others with utmost respect like equals, not looking down at them because we have cash power, is the only attitude to have when we are guests in someone else's country. But many foreigners act like customers, like if  "customer is king". I want to live in Thailand because it's damn cheap, I have purchase power, i can have girls when I want. That's plain selfishness, that can only thrive because there is money behind. . If I were Thai, i would feel really offensed. Would you like your country to be considered as a haven for foreigners to take your women, and to expect a smile from you ? The main reason why i will retire one day in Thailand is the goodness of its people, which i still believe in (because there has to be reciprocity) , the positive aspects of its rich, long traditions and culture. And it is still the main reason why i go there twice a year, it is still my only tourist destination, and my best friends are hard working, dark skin rurals. Some talk about the superiority of Vietnam, Cambodia, Philippines etc.. All were colonized, and also suffered so much the war and dictatorial regimes, and have lost a lot of their traditions and cultural continuity, and i find people there  less open and playful, welcoming,  than thai people.


    Thailand still remains very unique in many positive aspects.  I won't talk about the negative ones, which exist, like  the corruption, dishonesty of some, which have been described multiple times in the forums. Of course  there are negative aspects, like in any country. But once I go there, I must accept to deal with that. Or I don't go there at all. And,  what is the attitude of western countries toward Thai people when they come to visit Europe ? i think these Thai tourists must feel very bad when they see the coldness of people, the high prices of everything from transport to food, hotels. So not complaining, enjoying the present moment, respecting people, having self discipline, learning the culture, having a real goal and spiritual project, a proactive attitude in bringing something to the community, all this is a prerequisite for not being swallowed  by negativity.  


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  9. 5 hours ago, robjohns458 said:

    It ia amazing how critical all the foreigners are of anything done here in Thailand. Imyself am grateful for their hospitality and consider many of you to be dreadfully disrespectful. If things are that miserable for you, go home and try to live on your meager incomes.


       Speaking (and thinking) good of someone, focusing on his qualities (although seeing the person as a whole), encourages this person to activate the energy inside to see you the same way.  That needs to be done first with oneself.  

    When you shoot an arrow of truth, dip its point in honey

  10. 20 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    Maybe, if you don't mind, keep your TV account for a few months.

    And after you are settled in the USA maybe tell us how you feel about leaving Thailand.

    I don't know you and I don't predict anything. Maybe you will be happy, maybe you will miss Thailand.

    I think sometimes we only think about the good things if we move to somewhere else and then it's not there anymore.


    Grass is always greener elsewhere than where we are.

  11. A study says that this music works in reducing mosquies attacks only if the man is dancing too.. In Africa they dance all the time. One study says, if you stop moving more than 5 seconds, you are at risk of being stung..  

    Butt dance twerk, a African genius' invention,  now a major part of our modern western culture, has   one hidden purpose : dissuade the stingers... while smashing your lumbar disks   

  12. 15 hours ago, mike787 said:

    I like it!  SEX=sin sot.  If she complains, replace her. Thai men get sex for being lazy, drunk, lying, and a waste of sperm. Why can we qualify for the same rite of passage?  Especially if we treat the Thai lady with love and respect.  Those virtues in of themselves are priceless, therefore far exceed the monetary value of sin sot. 

    Well put.. I think exactly the same ..

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