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Everything posted by fdimike

  1. Why don't you tell us just what the American people want since you know so much thesetat
  2. THC content probably 10 times stronger today and who knows what was mixed with it.
  3. I join Tug regarding Trump and his band of lunatics.
  4. Thai people typically do not understand what the word "borrow" means. One reason why the debt to GNP is so high. They don't understand that there's a big difference between borrow and give as in gift. Rule of thumb for me is to NEVER loan money to a Thai person unless you never expect to have it returned..
  5. Traffic laws as well as most other laws here in Thailand are a joke as there's very little enforcement.
  6. Hard to believe people could be so cruel to the gentle giants. I suspect no one will be held accountable 😔
  7. I first went to Pattaya in 1970 and again in 1971 & 1972. There were 2 hotels at that time. The Pattaya Palace and the Nipa lodge. A third hotel opened not far from the Pattaya Palace but I don't recall the name. There was also an R & R Center which rented bungalows to American GI's on R & R from the Vietnam war. There was one very good restaurant on the beach called I believe Dolf's. i don't recall any bars at that time but there may have been a couple. Prostitution didn't appear until much later. The water was clean and fishing boats were available to take you to Koh Larn where they would clean and cook what you caught along the way with drop lines. Pattaya was a nice place at that time. Prostitution was centered in Bangkok especially around Patpong .
  8. Very sad but could have easily been prevented had the parents taught the children about the dangers of riding ma motorcycle. I live in Udon Thani and this is nothing new. To make matters worse there are no traffic police on the streets to "enforce" the laws. The parents should be arrested and prosecuted.
  9. Plenty of similar cases in many other parts of the world to include the "lily white" USA with no Chinese involved.
  10. RTP could have prevented many of these accidents had they been doing their job!
  11. Typical for Thai people. They only know how to open a door/gate but not how to close it.
  12. The RTP are the absolute cause of all these road deaths & accidents because they don't do their job enforcing the traffic laws/rules. Welcome to the Third World.
  13. Welcome to the Third World.
  14. The Brits taught the Israelis how to kill and terrorize the Palestinians many years ago. Israel thinks it has free reign to do as it likes when it comes to the Palestinians which they don't consider to be human. Personally I intentionally boycott anything made/sold by Israel because I look at the Israeli government as being less than human!!
  15. So, after he broke her arm, she returned back to him. Why? It's called Abused Wife Syndrome. Quite common.
  16. Sort of reminds me of the old US A1 & T28. Great loiter time and much more accurate in a ground support role. You don't need an F35 for this role.
  17. Turn off your VPN as it will interfere withe the CAPTCHA
  18. Make sure to turn off YOUR VPN as it will interfere withe CAPTCHA
  19. Thought Thaksin was on the 12th floor and not the 6th
  20. The children shouls be arrested and prosecuted for abandoning their mother. Lots of sickos here in this sick society.
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