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  1. These here 'Thais' are an ingenious and creative bunch. The rest of the world could learn by their example.
  2. Yes, amazing…! In developed nations…50 is not old. Are you Thai…?
  3. “I don’t vote…” https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qxsQ7jJJcEA
  4. Sorry, I did mean Chiang Wattana (Bangkok). My Passport Visa reads: Non-B My extension reads: Thai Wife Regarding the two posted links: the first one is regarding applying for your 'Visa' online, not an appointment for Chiang Wattana. The 2nd site asks for my email to send me a password...so far no password sent after 5 attempts. It's 2:38 in the afternoon...must be nap time. Thanks again. If anybody has another 'Book appointment on-line' for Chiang Wattana, I would much appreciate it.
  5. I will renew my 'B' visa next month for my 'Thai Wife' classification. I have several times gone to the Thai Immigration website looking to book my appointment in advance. And I can not seem to find the appropriate 'page'. I know it's probably right under my nose... Does anybody have the 'link'...? Thanking you in advance Cheers
  6. I agree with OP, it is so true...! I refer to it as 'Thai Conclusions'. Just imagine, you are playing 'football' and you pass to a Thai team mate, and he starts running the ball speeding down the field... in the complete opposite direction... "This is why, I would not trust most people here to do anything but grow…. Papayas and…. Bananas." Haven't you ever said..."just what are they thinking...?"
  7. "Rolex is the number one choice for people who don't know anything about watches, and is now the watch of choice for drug dealers, petty crimes, nouveau riche, and 'fan boys'. The ideal watch for money launderers."
  8. Technology should not be in the hands of those that did not invent it!
  9. "It's striking how the idea that there are too many people in the world has established itself in the collective mind." Sounds like a disease to me...!!! Let me guess...as a student...not very good at Math...
  10. Wait...are you saying that there are NOT ENOUGH PEOPLE IN THE WORLD...?!! There are more than 20 Cannabis dispensaries in my neighborhood, but I don't think ANYBODY is smoking the '<deleted>e' that you are smoking...!
  11. "This is happening in many, many countries of the world, except in Africa, where the ancient ways continue. 21 of the 22 nations with the highest birth rates are there. Woe is Africa." No, Woe is us...! "where the ancient ways continue" Where more 'primitive and less resourceful' ways continue... (but I am on your side)
  12. I believe he is mentioned in the Video.

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