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Posts posted by mamypoko

  1. tezzainoz you are another one who is blocked. don't waste your time posting here I care less what you have to say.

    Rather than block a TV member, might I suggest an alternative? This is based on a drinking game from the U.S. It's called "Hi, Bob!" Once upon a time there was a TV show/series called The Bob Newhart Show and in every episode Bob, the star of the show, is greeted with "Hi, Bob" many, MANY times...and for each Hi, Bob, you take a drink. You can probably guess the rest.

    In the past, fed up with all roads lead to Thaksin, I altered the game such that every time one of the usual suspects mentioned mr. T, I'd take a drink (actually I substituted a drink for 10 push ups). And when mr. was not mentioned in the OP, but the TV member slipped his name in, I'd have to drink twice (or 30 push ups..etc.)

    It goes without saying that mr. T can be replaced with Suthep or spelling errors/grammar errors by yours truly and drinks and push ups...well, you get the idea.

    Forgive me for hijacking this thread. Road to hell and all that.

  2. There is nothing wrong with people being rich if they have obtained their money honestly. If the poor want to more go out and work for it. Form unions to presure for better pay and working conditions.

    Oh and don't sell your vote to corrupt polititians . It keeps you poor.

    a clever tactic is to give the poor jusssst enough money to stay poor. say, vote buying. or promising them stuff and not deliver. playing with the hopes of the poor.... is sick. and a good ol fashiioned hangin' is due.

    Could not agree with you more! Another common mistake is to regard to poor as 'stupid' or irrational...this has never worked out well for the powerful over time.

    Further more, buying votes, delaying votes, hindering people's access to the vote...etc.,etc.yield very, very short term gains, but assure disaster not so far down the road.

    • Like 1
  3. To the best of my knowledge, it's not anti-corruption sentiment that drives the Gates and their pals to donate >=50% of their wealth.


    India has 'recently' passed some fascinating and so far very effective anti-corruption laws. Here, I am really hoping that a TV member/s can better explain in detail just what they are doing.

    My understanding is that the new law provides an economic incentive to report/turn in people for acts of corruption. Here's the kicker, typically both the giver of corrupt monies AND the receiver of said money face prosecution...however, India's new law only seeks (pardon the pun) to prosecute the receiver of the money NOT the giver...in fact, the money exchanged between the giver and receiver is to be returned to the GIVER! The economics of this law are both simple and elegant. Historically, both the giver and receiver had every reason to keep their corrupt deals 'in the dark'...not so much now.

    The OP suggests that mere altruism on the part of the rich and powerful will end corruption in Thailand - dream on!

    Why not let capitalism and the so called empty hand go to work here in LOS?

    Again, please someone do a better job of explaining of India's new anti-corruption law/s.

    B. reg's

    • Like 1
  4. Am I reading/seeing this correctly?The headline is all about the Red faction, BUT the picture as far as this article goes, is non-Red related.

    I ate to much so I need an assist here, please.


    There's a clear distinction between the pic and the story from the source link, but....(yep, got it...I'll quit while I'm behind)

    Sorry to bother.

    • Like 1
  5. Good timing. Suthep has run out of moves.

    The goverment has handled these "protesters" (terrorists would be a more accurate description) extremely well so far.

    I think even you can recall when city of BKK was jeopardized and burnt in 2010, because of some red shirts .... they were terrorists.

    Moreover, some lunatic thrown bombs and shot into the peaceful protesters. They were terrorists - most probably pro-gov red shirt - I'd say communists.

    Please don't drink before commenting, but consult with a dictionary, where you can find exact meaning of "terrorist". Just don't take on your red glasses smile.png

    Communists? Seriously? It's 2014 and the chances of finding a commie under the bed in Thailand at these events is as high as some elderly farangs letting go of their 1950's era paranoia.

    Dude, I've read it over and over and yeah, he actually used the word communist! My question is, did he type that with a straight face?

  6. I can see where he might be shunned by some, but limiting his right to express himself based on his religion is the lowest of low. Monks and other members of various religions have a rich history of both speaking and acting 'out'. I might not agree with what he says or does, but elevating this to a legal matter of state???

    A very slippery slope, indeed.

    • Like 1
  7. 100 people there if he is lucky. so much for the 6 million.

    looks like the protest is finally in its death throws

    time for the SWAT team to throw in the tear gas and arrest this boneheaded dinasaur.

    The source of your 100 figure please. Speaking of bones doggy you might want to wash the one you are chewing on. It might have something on it that impairs your ability to count. One picture of part of the parade shows more than 100 and don't forget the people cheering him on from the sidelines.

    Seems to me that the closer the election gets the more desperate the pro Yingluck get with nonsense about Suthep.

    Why not some thing positive about Yingluck. All they have is allegations against Suthep. Some even go so far as to lie about Yingluck and claim the majority wanted her when it was only 48% far from a majority.

    Answer nothing there to promote.

    "if he is lucky" connotes an opinion, so really no need to ask for a source here.

    As for something positive to say about YL...how about she didn't block traffic today :)

  8. Not another Khaosod piece.... Lol, they never give up do they.

    Still waiting for follow ups from 2 or 3 other stories they broke that made protesters look bad, and yet not a single mention anywhere else in the media.

    Possibly another figment of their journalistic imagination.

    Just another day at the orifice.

    Isnt' that called a scoop? Naw, just kidding. That rag bleeds red just like T. Nation bleeds yellow.

    A bit off topic, but ThaiPBS seems to be doing a good job. But I'm no expert.

  9. A few months ago I sprayed peroxide in my brown hair hoping for a dirty blond beach look (yes, I had had a few)...what I got was orange! For the following week everyone I ran into said just how much younger I looked...but I knew that really wanted to say - What's going on Freak Show!

  10. Thaksin's little helpers hard at work, again.

    Hold your guns. The latest update from the guy killed the other day, is that they are looking for a Democrat MP aide. Yellow on Yellow, apparently.

    And how do you arrive at that conclusion Skippy?

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    and you yours?

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