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Posts posted by mamypoko

  1. the Ministry of Tourism and Sports (MOTS) also vows to battle the issues, having recently appointed a 'Cooperation Centre To Prevent and Suppress Powerful People Threatening Phuket's Tourism', in which the DSI will play a leading role.

    Let's call it the "CCTPSPPTPT", 'cause that's so much easier to remember.

    That's the sound of crunchy food!


  2. They are making it difficult to get off my fat behind and visit the brick and mortar.

    I just cyber shopped and received 300B off my order plus a 60B delivery charge.

    As one member got bent out of shape for my posting of THEIR discount ad (I don't work for'em (pardon the shout))...I won't include the discount code...

    Alas, to where am I to go to look at university uniforms now?...can't even see my feet.

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