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Everything posted by gearbox

  1. If you have already a bank account they have identified you already. You can call them and see if you can hop on their brokerage without further document requirements. Most of the big banks have brokerages - e.g CBA has Comsec. You can invest via the brokerages in variety of investments including fixed interest. BTW use Skype to call them, as you may be put on hold for a while, calling from a normal number is expensive.
  2. Most of the Australian financial institutions require 100 points (KYC) documentation. You need to google it to see what kind of documents you can combine to get 100 points. Do you have any utilities bill from Australia? One solution would be just to fly back and get a new Medicare card... By the way if you are not a tax resident you may be better off investing via Singapore. There was a big thread in this subforum not long ago with the pros and cons.
  3. RIP. He died doing what he loved to do. Made it even to Finland: https://www.pkank.fi/teksti/sitkea-pyorailija-perilla-6.19.7585.fe10d6986b
  4. You can definitely go by with 40k, but what are you going to do up north for that long? I went a few years ago to Chiang Mai for 10 days, got bored to death, there is no ocean there. Your money will last longer if you don't move that often, and rent by month at least.
  5. China holds only 10% of the Sri Lanka's debt. The well known IMF parasites and their offshoots are lurking there. They built a port and other stuff with the Chinese 10%, what the other 90% of the other lenders were used for? https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-05-19/pimco-blackrock-set-to-start-debt-talks-soon-with-sri-lanka
  6. China is not going to invade Taiwan unless massively provoked. And attempts are increasing to do so. China plays the long game and the time is on its side. It doesn't need wars to do what it wants to do. The Chinese multinationals are slowly taking over industries, bite by bite. https://www.drive.com.au/news/the-rise-and-rise-of-chinese-new-car-sales-in-australia/ Little Taiwan owns its wealth on semiconductors, and the Chinese are hell bent to get on top in that industry. It may take them 20 years but they have capacity to do it. Once the Chinese master this industry and grab commanding market share the Taiwanese are going to get way poorer, and may want to join China themselves. The creation of parallel semiconductor supply chains is also not helping Taiwan, the US and EU are investing massively, I doubt Taiwan can match their potential to be competitive in long term.
  7. They are not irresponsible, they are just poor. And it's not a crime to be poor. Everyone struggles for better place under the sun.
  8. This won't change the things much, many don't have even 800k and use agents to get visas. With 3 mil expect the agent fees to triple at least.
  9. Read the topic. This is for retirement visas issues by the embassies abroad, typically O-A visas. It doesn't concern the Non-O retirement extensions. If you are on O-A, let it expire, enter with tourist visa and then convert to Non-O retirement. I did this last year when my O-A visa expired.
  10. The main factor IMO is if you need to travel with the kit. NUCs are good but need monitor, keyboard, quite cumbersome to organise away from home. If travel is required I would go for a laptop with upgradeable memory and SSD, if staying all the time at home full desktop is better. Depending on the tests you want to do it would be easier to add extra cards or drives later if needed. I've had setup with test VMs on laptops for ages, the most important thing is to have enough memory. If you don't have enough memory and the box starts swapping, it may run some of the fanless boxes quite hot.
  11. Lol... don't you find it strange when such "explosive" world changing news is reported only by a couple of Indian newspapers?
  12. Did another extension a few days ago. Pretty smooth although I was turned back the first time and told to do 100 baht deposit and update my bank book. There is one extra form to fill in and sign, something to do with overstay penalties, just filled it in and signed. I used 6 months bank statement - this is the longest Bangkok bank can do locally in Samui, and it got accepted. Total cost 6150 bahts - 200 bank statement, 250 medical certificate, 1900 visa, 3800 multiple re-entry permit. I also used yellow book instead of rental agreement. Good to go for an year again.
  13. India was the third largest source of arrivals in 2019 after China and Malaysia. China is still closed and the land borders to Malaysia reopened very recently, so logical for India to climb to No 1.
  14. Their interest is complex on the surface but in the end is only one thing - money. Always money. It is like the pickpocketers in Barcelona - if they approach you with smile and hugs check your pockets, something is probably already missing.
  15. As it does the opposite side... https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/may/14/secret-british-black-propaganda-campaign-targeted-cold-war-enemies-information-research-department
  16. Smells of communism. When the oil was down to $20 a few years ago did they consider gifting some money to the oil companies to help them in difficult times?
  17. As far as I remember setup of the otp for the ibanking is not the same as the mobile app, and otp is not set by default. You have in the menu somewhere to set up otp, from what I remember you need to call the bank to do this.
  18. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_Bias/Fact_Check In 2018, the Columbia Journalism Review described Media Bias/Fact Check as an amateur attempt at categorizing media bias and characterized their assessments as "subjective assessments [that] leave room for human biases, or even simple inconsistencies, to creep in. The Russians and the Chinese probably have their own versions of Mediabiasfactcheck, I don't think Reuters will score more than 2 out of 10 there ????
  19. The nukes changed everything. Suppose the Ukrainians start gaining ground, what are the chances they are going to get striked with nukes? Nobody thought Putin would dare to attack Ukraine, but he did. And if this happens the world turmoil will be huge.
  20. Warmongers are now trying to convince Ukraine that they can win, but this is just not possible. No contry can win a war with a country with the most nuclear warheads in the world. If Putin or his mad generals decide to deploy tactical nuclear weapons what the US would do? Absolutely nothing. Most of the Russian top commanders were raised and trained in the USSR times, human lives don't matter much to them. Unfortunately Ukraine is on the way to lose significant chunks of its territory. Realpolitik.
  21. There is a China threat, but not as the pollies present it to their high school dropout populace. The China threat is technological, not military, and none of the parties have a clue how to approach this. The trade patterns between China and Australia are that of first world country trading with third world one, guess which one is the third world. The Chinese are massively deploying solar wind and nuclear energy, the time will come sooner or later when they won't need our coal and gas, we better learn how to make thongs and t-shirts to be able to offer something in exchange for their goods.
  22. No need to panic, pretty much nothing has changed. Both main parties have policies which probably overlap 95% and are getting paid by the same donors. Albo seems like nice progressive guy but he is a typical Aussie politician who haven't had a proper job in his life. Big chunk of the populace has been brainwashed that the only way to get rich is to "climb the property ladder", and one of the main tunes of the campaign was how to find more money to pump in residential property. So...yawn. Actually there is a breath of fresh air with so many independents elected and the advance of the Greens, but in the end they probably won't matter much.
  23. No political discussions in this subforum - read the rules. Hopefully the mods would close the topic.
  24. Yes you can, the coverage probably is way better than the Thai insurers. I've entered twice with similar insurance.
  25. The solar industry is a sort of high tech industry, with the Chinese as technology and production leader, far ahead than anyone else. https://www.statista.com/chart/24687/solar-panel-global-market-shares-by-production-steps/ I don't see how the climate would play any role here, Australia has better climate in regards to solar but is not producing anything in meaningful quantities. Backstabbing sanctions to cripple companies won't work here as the Chinese own the whole supply chain, only tariff can be slapped, but they are merely a noise as the Chinese are by far the biggest customer for their panels themselves.
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