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  1. Is BritManToo missing or is he around since this happened??? 😃
  2. I agree if you ask a person where they are from, they don’t tend to respond “I am European” however there are plenty of situations when they do …for example I am scrolling through Reddit just now and a title of a thread is “ My vacation plan in America as a European”. Note they did not say, as an Italian, Irish, or whatever. But they could have.
  3. You seem confused yourself. There is not ONE continent called America. There is North or South America. The US is in N. America and I’m pretty sure there are not 34 nations there? And Europeans do often say they are European, just like you did above.
  4. You must be joking? The back of a cereal box has more interesting information!
  5. Why not read ALL his books?? 🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮
  6. Super weird since you are not American nor are you a resident. You are in the cult of Trump and his personality disorder ??
  7. That’s a pretty long winded way of saying you are here for the hookers, but I guess you want to make it sound like charity?
  8. Google: Instagram Work Editorial The Underdogs Are Back OOO and you should find the full video. I can’t seem to remember how to link it.
  9. Really they made Thai people look helpful and the Thai box company seem professional and very quick and competent. And they didn’t even try to renegotiate for a higher price. That definitely made Thailand look good.
  10. I Agree, let’s get only Trump some deaf dwarves, and while we are at it, throw in some blind ones too! I want his security team to be well balanced!
  11. How many decades ago was that?
  12. I guess your relationship has been perfect for 17 years because you pay a lot?? So no complaints and lots of compliance!
  13. I read that he cut it off at the elbow and that they found the remains shredded in the cage. Maybe he has a medical background and had an idea what he was doing?
  14. What are you talking about, Thailand DOES all of that. There is a fee to visit Thailand itself at the airport …your exit fee, your visa fee. Do you think your English menu is always the same price as Thai menus??? Have you not heard of the commission your girlfriend/date can make after taking her out to a seafood restaurant? The restaurant keeps a little notebook and the girls go back the next day and pick up the cash. Hotel tax, everywhere in the world. Cruise ships, same.
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