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Posts posted by Thanet

  1. Your post and attitude is a near perfect example why especially education reforms are so urgent.

    How have they proposed to reform education this far? By focusing on creativity, innovative thinking and the sciences perhaps? Or by focusing on nationalism, jingoism and blind veneration of the establishment?

    Which of the above skills better equips Thailand for the future, in an ever more competitive world?

    The NRC hasn't focused on anything yet, it hasn't really started without being fully peopled. Please hurry, You may still apply.

    BTW even Gen. Prayuth had education on his mind when he mentioned in one of his 'Friday" talks that the change in the visa system had a considerable effect on groups like English teachers. He said that should be resolved. Clearly he was worried about education.

    The NRC, like the NLA, is just another puppet, and whatever it focuses on will probably take years to come into effect.

    Seems like its boss has been focussing on education for a while though. If you do a bit of Googling, you'll find articles like this one:


    Hmmmm. The perfect Thai, eh? Kind of like a master race. Sounds a bit totalitarian, don't you think?

    Anyway, as the old saying goes, actions speak louder than words. Don't believe all you hear in Friday prayers.

  2. I go to customer meetings where even four or five people find it impossible to make decisions.

    Imagine how long this lot in the NRC will take.

    Ah, I forgot, the open ended time frame for 'reform' may be part of the master plan.

    Your post and attitude is a near perfect example why especially education reforms are so urgent.

    How have they proposed to reform education this far? By focusing on creativity, innovative thinking and the sciences perhaps? Or by focusing on nationalism, jingoism and blind veneration of the establishment?

    Which of the above skills better equips Thailand for the future, in an ever more competitive world?

  3. Does the law need to be rewritten ?

    Proper ENFORCEMENT would be nice or is that too much of a radical idea ?

    The junta believes that the law needs to be rewritten so as to prevent the citizenry from wielding any meaningful political power.

    Keeping those bloody peasants down at heel has always been a priority for the powers that be.

    Please try to make sense. I realize it may be hard for you.clap2.gif

    Why would they rewrite the laws

    to prevent the citizenry from wielding any meaningful political power

    If the citizenry had always been held down?whistling.gif

    Apart from sneering disagreement, what are you offering by way of sensible argument to rebut my post?

    I don't think you can offer anything.

    What have military governments ever done for the people? Make me a list.

  4. It is obvious these 6-700 people in BKK understand the problems in Surin, Yala and all the provinces much better than the people who live there, since after all, the BKK people are just better of, course. Being a successful McDonald's and KFC mogul is very important, obviously shows that such incredible leaders can be diplomats, economists and even historians. They might even make better doctors and engineers too!

    It should be obvious to everyone that a car dealer in Chonburi is smarter than some Yala rubber plantation worker, and that a former member of the tourism industry understands the problems in Ayutthaya better than the natives. and that a former media mogul understands growing rice better than some stupid farmer from Pichit. Ask anyone but those stupid teachers, those academics who have their noses in books and facts, and everyone will tell you it is all fine and dandy.

    Hallelujah! The truth is finally here!

    You need to have more faith. Don't doubt the ability of a bunch of career semi-retired soldiers, and their assorted cadre of Bangkok cronies, to address all the social and economic problems that Thailand faces. Fixing these problems has never been tried before, so I'm sure that they'll be successful.

    You'd better fix your avatar. The Ministry of Happiness won't like it.

    • Like 1
  5. "Experts say there are armed elements on both sides of Thailands bitter political divide"

    Why are all the arrests, land confiscations, and corruption charges reds? Yes, they tagged the creator of the yellows for charges very similar to the Thaksin conviction (with a much longer prison sentence, and which curiously he will never serve), but... They even said the experts know, meaning everyone knows. I am all for curbing militant factions (yes, there are peaceful reds and militant yellows -- SHOCK). I am all for curbing corruption -- both sides. I am all for reducing misery -- both sides. Where are the PDRC arrests for stabbing a man when he was with his pregnant wife and 'violated' the cones the guards illegally put on the road? Where is the arrest of the perps from the man from Lumpini park who was kidnapped and tortured for a week, and then wrapped up and thrown in a klong to die? Where are the arrests for the bus that was burned in Dong Mueng and a boy burned to death inside? Where is the land reclamation from Suthep's son who has taken land on Ko Samui and encroached?

    WHERE ARE THESE ARRESTS? They are, and will be -- no where, EVER.

    What about what is NOT happening...anyone?

    But... but SUTHEP!

    Pathetic diversionary post, by the way, the "bus that was burned in Dong Mueng and a boy burned to death inside" is a complete fabrication; that no PDRC members involved in violence have been arrested is another.

    Why is it a diversionary post?

    The rhetorical questions that the poster asks are legitimate.

  6. "respect my vote even after it has been counted and even if I voted for another party"

    Anyway, let PM Prayuth with the NLA take care of the day-to-day administration to keep the country running. At the same time help the NRC / CDC to define a broader base for a real democracy in Thailand.

    Mere semantics, based on a false interpretation of the word democracy.

    How would you define the word democracy?

    By definition, democracy depends on the vote of the majority of the citizenry.

    Anything else needs another word to describe it.

    Only voting doesn't a democracy make, it's just part of it. Some elections see less than half of the electorate (and therefor even less of the citizenry) voting and still those democracies are not in danger.

    Anyway, Gen. Prayuth must not forget what Thai want and Thai should not forget to tell the general.

    It's only to be hoped that the general will be able to sort out conflicting desires. Luckily the NRC will do that for him.

    True, a democracy entails freedom of opinion expression too. All the more reason why it's a poor choice of a word to describe the present set of circumstances.

  7. Good question, bit complicated though. Are you talking about your right to cast a vote or my right to protest peacefully without being maimed and killed by grenades? What about the rights of people to rally for the political party of their choice? Not in the North where Democratic Party rallies were bombarded with sound from trucks, red shirts threw bottles, stones, potted plants, nuts bolts etc. Who was looking after respecting their votes, not Thanet that's for sure. Respect my vote, a red shirt slogan is all that is.

    Nobody should be allowed to protest violently. All sides were just as guilty as each other in that regard. The police should have been allowed to enforce the law and arrest violent protesters on both sides, bit the army didn't allow them to do that.

    It's interesting that you would see this as a just reason to deny the citizenry their constitutional right to vote though. I don't see how one justifies the other. By his own boasting admission, this course of action was what Suthep agreed with the general before this latest insurrection started.

    • Like 2
  8. What do Thai's want, that is a good question , because I have not seen anyone from this present junta ask any genuine Thai, what do you want, all I have noticed so far, the military have bulldozed the freedom factor and lets face it most wouldn't know about Democracy and what they do know you could print on the back of a postage stamp, the out look for Thailand , Business as usual coffee1.gif

    All I want is for them to respect my vote.

    I think that a lot of Thais want only that.

    "respect my vote even after it has been counted and even if I voted for another party"

    Anyway, let PM Prayuth with the NLA take care of the day-to-day administration to keep the country running. At the same time help the NRC / CDC to define a broader base for a real democracy in Thailand.

    Mere semantics, based on a false interpretation of the word democracy.

    How would you define the word democracy?

    By definition, democracy depends on the vote of the majority of the citizenry.

    Anything else needs another word to describe it.

  9. What do Thai's want, that is a good question , because I have not seen anyone from this present junta ask any genuine Thai, what do you want, all I have noticed so far, the military have bulldozed the freedom factor and lets face it most wouldn't know about Democracy and what they do know you could print on the back of a postage stamp, the out look for Thailand , Business as usual coffee1.gif

    It's not up to the junta or even the NCPO, it's up to the NRC and CDC.

    But doesn't the NCPO control the NRC and CDC. You talk of them as if they were autonomous.

    • Like 1
  10. In short, the NCPO cannot let itself be corrupted. It cannot abuse its power. The reform process will certainly involve a lot of people and there will be things and ideas that even Prayuth cannot control. What he can control is the NCPO itself, and now his Cabinet. The coup-makers must set good examples, stay away from temptation, heed the calls for assets declaration - and never be mistaken about what the people truly want.

    Agreed, surely it isn't too much to ask for this group to put personal gain on the back burner, to spend a few years, at a decent salary, trying to make their country a better place for all Thais.

    How on earth will you know if the coup makers don't stay away from temptation?

    You've heard what they say about power, and absolute power?

  11. What do Thai's want, that is a good question , because I have not seen anyone from this present junta ask any genuine Thai, what do you want, all I have noticed so far, the military have bulldozed the freedom factor and lets face it most wouldn't know about Democracy and what they do know you could print on the back of a postage stamp, the out look for Thailand , Business as usual coffee1.gif

    All I want is for them to respect my vote.

    I think that a lot of Thais want only that.

    As in all things, you earn respect, when you show me that you respect your own vote well enough to use it responsibly, i'll respect it. Voting for thugs, thieves and scoff laws isn't going to cut it.

    Ah right, so you condone a system that respects only one kind of vote and not the other kind, right?

    Anyway, I'm not asking you to respect my vote, and I don;t have to show you anything at all.

    You are only a foreigner, so your opinion matters not.

    • Like 2
  12. do their actions include the interim constitution? I would - how do you say it - slag off on them for that.

    do their actions include suppression of free speech in Thailand? I would slag off on them for that.

    do their actions include hundreds of 'invitations' to attitude readjustment in undisclosed locations with no contact to family and legal council.? I would slag off on them for that.

    do their actions include censoring hundreds of web sites and threatening journalists for posing 'aggressive' questions? I would slag off on them for that.

    do their actions include an avalanche of LM cases from long before the coup? I would slag off on them for that.

    do their actions include supporting the protests against the policies of the last government and then shamelessly plagiarizing those same policies? I would slag off on them for that.

    The list is longer, ...

    I think they have had 3 months as of tomorrow and have shown plenty of results.

    got it yet?

    Now you get this, all your above is against TVF rules as it is classed as bla bla bla. The next thing is read Thaksins post to all his supporters that you seem to be part of as you compare PTP with Prayuth. he says go with the general to help make Thailand better.

    What are you lot going to do now, wrap up and go with the flow or be MORE isolated.??

    You are an old foreigner living in the bush. How much more isolated can you get than that?

  13. Sarit is Prayuth's role model, and in army circles Prayuth has been referred to as "Little Sarit".

    Ginjag takes pride in his ignorance of history, and flatly refuses to study it.

    Oh sorry teacher Thanet, is that my school report to one of your friends ??? give me 100 lines to repeat your suggestion. Fool.

    There you go again with your inverted snobbery, holding out your ignorance and refusal to study basic history as if they were some kind of cherished virtues of yours.

  14. So, you're saying he should be afraid to speak his mind about the government. That it is beyond criticism (because it has said so), and therefore should never be questioned or watched for wrongdoing?

    I seem to remember people being free to criticise the previous government, and the one before? (and many did)

    Your memory is a little distorted, the people criticized the PTP government as it was not governing as sworn in to do so.

    Wasn't their name, it was based on the actual NON performance. The difference here is the actual name ARMY.is being criticized for being the army NOT on their performance.

    You are barking mad. Any and every argument with you leads to Thaksin and the PTP.

    The function of the army is for fighting foreign wars.The army has no business to kick out a civilian government by threat of lethal force.

    All The majority of Thai people want is a return to democracy. According to the constitution, only the citizenry can do that, and probably would have sooner or later by democratic means.

    • Like 1
  15. Support by people here of a military dictatorship that assumed power illegally also baffles me.

    How can people who were raised to value all the freedoms and right that democracy offered them back home, now support the opposite kind of system in a country where they are only living as guests?

    I'd say that such people were perfidious by character.

    Interesting that you would support the Mugabe government.

    A straw man is a common type of argument and is an informal fallacy based on the misrepresentation of an opponent's argument. [1] To be successful, a straw man argument requires that the audience be ignorant or uninformed of the original argument.


    Thanks for the demonstration!

    I was also askance at the irrelevancy of whybother's above statement to the current discussion, and how he said the opposite of what my post clearly meant to say.

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