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Posts posted by Thanet

  1. How do you know that the vast majority of Thais support Prayuth? Was he elected by the vast majority of Thais? I must have missed that part.

    Prayuth stepped in to control a crisis that he himself was instrumental in causing in the first place. Had his lot not meddled with the democratic process and ridden roughshod over the choices that they citizenry had made, then they would never have had the pretext to take over by force in the first place. And if you don't call outright censorship of the press manipulation, then what do you call it?

    Now we have repression - quiet for now because they force it to be s by throwing people in jail who dare to criticise, but the underlying problem remains.

    Thaksin would have been kicked out sooner or later at the ballot box. Thailand would have remained a free and democratic country.

    How do you know that the vast majority of Thais support Prayuth? Was he elected by the vast majority of Thais? I must have missed that part. Polls and surveys indicate that up to 84% of the Thai population support what the general is doing. You MUST have missed that.

    Prayuth stepped in to control a crisis that he himself was instrumental in causing in the first place. Had his lot not meddled with the democratic process and ridden roughshod over the choices that they citizenry had made, then they would never have had the pretext to take over by force in the first place. And if you don't call outright censorship of the press manipulation, then what do you call it? The press also shares some blame blame for all the division and hatred we had the last decade. They should take a step back. I support censorship in this case.

    Now we have repression - quiet for now because they force it to be s by throwing people in jail who dare to criticise, underlying problem remains. Constructive criticism is fine. Just don't say things that could instigate hatred and violence.

    Thaksin would have been kicked out sooner or later at the ballot box. Thailand would have remained a free and democratic country. Thailand was never a real democratic country. Democracy has been abused by wealthy corrupt politicians businessman. Example: Thailand has much more corruption than China. Funny heeh. (can be proven. Google it).

    And....When Pruyuth stepped in, the killings stopped and most murderers have been caught. Under Yingluck's democratic watch no killer got caught. Yes, VIVA Thai democracy. Yingluck couldn't reform the country therefor we are where we are now.

    Hmmm. The pollsters say that 84% support the junta eh? No need for an election ever again then.

    To say that you support a censored media, then to quote poll results that are presented by that same censored media, is a rather paradoxical argument. Think about it, and I'll give you a clue: if the media is censored, the opinion of the censor gets in the way, so how on earth can you then quote poll results as fact? It's like a house with no foundations - there is no basis to your claim.

    And looking at another telling point about how censorship affect your opinions by hiding facts. Well the Chinese press has been censored a lot longer than the Thai press, so I'd hazard a guess that this is why you believe that Thailand has much more corruption than China smile.png.

    Enjoy your day.

  2. Somehow I think we have more opinion here than real truth and facts. Allegedly of course.


    "Tax reforms, energy reforms, public-debt management, restructuring of state enterprises, investment in infrastructure, and creation of value-added agricultural products are the six priority tasks on the government agenda to restructure the economy during its year-long stint."


    On the subject of priorities, you seem to conveniently prioritise future tense promises over historical facts. It let's you make things up as you go along.

    And with the censored press, how will you really know one way or the other how much progress is made on any of these promises, or how much pocket filling is going on behind the wall of secrecy?

    I suppose you habit of disregarding historical facts, and believing whatever you see on Friday Prayers, has led to to a Dutchman of your age supporting a far right wing military government.

    My dear chap, historical facts only show us that this junta promised nothing till now because they didn't exist till now. Therefor I have to start with the priotarisation the government has told us about now. On this we can measure their performance, not on what other government have done or not have done.

    As for censorship, don't worry, news will leak out even if you can't read it here in Thailand.

    As for your last sentence, once more 'stop that crap!' Don't show your ignorance by trying to bait me. You have no idea what colourful and varied believes Europeans of my age have. You just assume that there must be something wrong in being not negative about the NCPO which stopped seven months of chaos and has a majority of Thai behind them. No need to believe me. Just ask around, preferably outside your usual circle of law abiding more than minimum wage paying friends.

    So, back to the topic, no words from you yet on whether or not you think the MoC should do something to elevate the needs of the poor.

    The junta didn't exist until now? Very funny to watch you squirm, were your remarks not so ridiculous. If Thaksin formed a new party, by the same twisted logic you'd be telling me that 'it didn't exist until now', and should therefore be excused of past wrongdoings, right?

    The junta and the army are the same thing. To ignore historical precedence is nonsense.

  3. Somehow I think we have more opinion here than real truth and facts. Allegedly of course.


    "Tax reforms, energy reforms, public-debt management, restructuring of state enterprises, investment in infrastructure, and creation of value-added agricultural products are the six priority tasks on the government agenda to restructure the economy during its year-long stint."


    On the subject of priorities, you seem to conveniently prioritise future tense promises over historical facts. It let's you make things up as you go along.

    And with the censored press, how will you really know one way or the other how much progress is made on any of these promises, or how much pocket filling is going on behind the wall of secrecy?

    I suppose you habit of disregarding historical facts, and believing whatever you see on Friday Prayers, has led to to a Dutchman of your age supporting a far right wing military government.

    Some of us have been here for a very long time. We surely have seen more than Friday Prayers. You seem to imply that if you support Prayuth you are a weak and easy to manipulate person (believing whatever you see). Taking into account that the vast majority of Thais support Prayuth, it is not a nice thing to say.

    You believe Thailand would have been able to solve it's serious issues the way things were going before Prayuth stepped in? You really don't see any improvements?

    How do you know that the vast majority of Thais support Prayuth? Was he elected by the vast majority of Thais? I must have missed that part.

    Prayuth stepped in to control a crisis that he himself was instrumental in causing in the first place. Had his lot not meddled with the democratic process and ridden roughshod over the choices that they citizenry had made, then they would never have had the pretext to take over by force in the first place. And if you don't call outright censorship of the press manipulation, then what do you call it?

    Now we have repression - quiet for now because they force it to be s by throwing people in jail who dare to criticise, but the underlying problem remains.

    Thaksin would have been kicked out sooner or later at the ballot box. Thailand would have remained a free and democratic country.

    • Like 1
  4. So what is the junta's list of priorities if helping the poor isn't one of them?

    Helping themselves and their cronies, if we look at the rich history of military governments here. But we'll never know for sure as reporting on what they do is forbidden, unless it is intended to flatter them.

    Somehow I think we have more opinion here than real truth and facts. Allegedly of course.


    "Tax reforms, energy reforms, public-debt management, restructuring of state enterprises, investment in infrastructure, and creation of value-added agricultural products are the six priority tasks on the government agenda to restructure the economy during its year-long stint."


    On the subject of priorities, you seem to conveniently prioritise future tense promises over historical facts. It let's you make things up as you go along.

    And with the censored press, how will you really know one way or the other how much progress is made on any of these promises, or how much pocket filling is going on behind the wall of secrecy?

    I suppose you habit of disregarding historical facts, and believing whatever you see on Friday Prayers, has led to to a Dutchman of your age supporting a far right wing military government.
  5. Bill Clinton "I did not have sexual relations with that women"

    It amazes me that some refer to a "human" regrettable remark as a litmus test of the underlying ability for one to rule a country.

    When one states "You almost feel sorry for the guy, he is so far out of his depth" which is such a binary, superficial viewpoint one must feel sorry for the guy that posted that comment. Not the person that is human.

    I can assume the poster has no friends because humans DO make "slip ups"

    "To err is human"

    <EDIT> Name me a PTP or UDD member that apologized for making a mistake or as I say for being human? Nope?

    This is why reform is needed. Nuff said.

    Well done to the good General Preyuth for stepping up and taking responsibility.

    You nearly reached the end of a post, before relapsing to type and banging on about the UDD/PTP, etc., again ....

  6. The last adjustment to the 'minimum wage' was in January 2013. Isn't is about time to plan a new 'inflation' adjustment for January 2015?

    I very much doubt that helping the poor make ends meet is high on the list of priorities of a junta that sits on the far right of the political spectrum.

    It never has been in the past.

    So what is the junta's list of priorities if helping the poor isn't one of them?

    Helping themselves and their cronies, if we look at the rich history of military governments here. But we'll never know for sure as reporting on what they do is forbidden, unless it is intended to flatter them.

  7. I see you know all about how laws and their enforcement work in Thailand. Well with you being Thai that should be 'natural'. Mind you non-Thai have remarked that what seems like a larger segment of those on minimum wage are actually under minimum wage. Exploited as it were. Of course foreigners might have the wrong impression, but it would seem it's more you who only sees what he likes to see.

    BTW stop referring to WWII as if that has anything to do with how I should see things, especially as it would seem I need to see things your way. Your insolent tone starts to annoy me and reminsd me of former communists who, reasoning from their own ideas always managed to blame all others.

    Your post is hypocritical: You are telling me to stop pointing out that you say things in a certain way in contradiction to your background, while at the same time you are telling me that I see things in a certain way because I am Thai.

    And to say that foreigners have the impression that Thai workers are exploited is an oversimplification, based on a few news articles that sensationalise cowboy employers who break the rules.

    Most foreigners I meet who know Thailand well are aware that mainstream business treats its employees fairly, in accordance with the law, and often rewards its employees in excess of the legal minimums so that they don't go elsewhere.

    You have a lot to learn about Thailand.

    Spoken like a read Thai, bravo!

    As for the off topic WWII, you show your bias by stating "you say things in a certain way in contradiction to your background"

    Spoken like one who thinks he can win an argument by having the last word, even when he been defeated. Bravo!

  8. Well, I'm aware of your negative attitute towards the NCPO, but your doubts do not really help much.

    Mind you the previous government didn't really have the poor much in mind either apart from the odd crumbs and the promise to have Ms. Yingluck pass by regularly. IMHO

    May be a Thai should ask the NCPO to help enforce the 300 Baht a day minimum wage, as first step, or do you think that would harm the economy ?

    You are right that as a Thai I doubt the NCPO, mainly because I am not allowed to read a truthful account of their actions in the press. I'm also surprised that a Dutchman born just after WWII would support an ultra right wing military junta, and this makes me believe that your arguments are based on a fundamental hypocrisy.

    Enforcing the minimum wage is done through the labour department, and if you don't pay it then they will make a ruling against you. Of course there will always be cowboy employers who operate outside the system, but mainstream business abides by the law - if they underpay, their workers would in any case go elsewhere. Most business people that I know pay it and are still surviving. Thailand lost the its competitive position in commodity labour a while back, and the minimum wage had nothing to do with that. We start our factory workers on the minimum wage, or above if they have specific skills, then raise their pay incrementally each year to keep pace with the cost of living.

    I see you know all about how laws and their enforcement work in Thailand. Well with you being Thai that should be 'natural'. Mind you non-Thai have remarked that what seems like a larger segment of those on minimum wage are actually under minimum wage. Exploited as it were. Of course foreigners might have the wrong impression, but it would seem it's more you who only sees what he likes to see.

    BTW stop referring to WWII as if that has anything to do with how I should see things, especially as it would seem I need to see things your way. Your insolent tone starts to annoy me and reminsd me of former communists who, reasoning from their own ideas always managed to blame all others.

    Your post is hypocritical: You are telling me to stop pointing out that you say things in a certain way in contradiction to your background, while at the same time you are telling me that I see things in a certain way because I am Thai.

    And to say that foreigners have the impression that Thai workers are exploited is an oversimplification, based on a few news articles that sensationalise cowboy employers who break the rules.

    Most foreigners I meet who know Thailand well are aware that mainstream business treats its employees fairly, in accordance with the law, and often rewards its employees in excess of the legal minimums so that they don't go elsewhere.

    You have a lot to learn about Thailand.

    • Like 1
  9. The last adjustment to the 'minimum wage' was in January 2013. Isn't is about time to plan a new 'inflation' adjustment for January 2015?

    I very much doubt that helping the poor make ends meet is high on the list of priorities of a junta that sits on the far right of the political spectrum.

    It never has been in the past.

    Well, I'm aware of your negative attitute towards the NCPO, but your doubts do not really help much.

    Mind you the previous government didn't really have the poor much in mind either apart from the odd crumbs and the promise to have Ms. Yingluck pass by regularly. IMHO

    May be a Thai should ask the NCPO to help enforce the 300 Baht a day minimum wage, as first step, or do you think that would harm the economy ?

    You are right that as a Thai I doubt the NCPO, mainly because I am not allowed to read a truthful account of their actions in the press. I'm also surprised that a Dutchman born just after WWII would support an ultra right wing military junta, and this makes me believe that your arguments are based on a fundamental hypocrisy.

    Enforcing the minimum wage is done through the labour department, and if you don't pay it then they will make a ruling against you. Of course there will always be cowboy employers who operate outside the system, but mainstream business abides by the law - if they underpay, their workers would in any case go elsewhere. Most business people that I know pay it and are still surviving. Thailand lost the its competitive position in commodity labour a while back, and the minimum wage had nothing to do with that. We start our factory workers on the minimum wage, or above if they have specific skills, then raise their pay incrementally each year to keep pace with the cost of living.

    • Like 1
  10. Long term plans to improve families income generating abilities:-

    1)Allow non Thai citizens to own up to 5 rai of land in their own name. Generating demand for all goods/services.

    2)Scrap the archaic visa regulations, something along the Malaysia lines would be the right idea, encouraging the moderately wealthy to retire/spend time in country.

    3)A trained and willing police force to maintain some semblance of law and order.

    4)An abrupt end to feckless subsidies and vote buying programs, these only serve to make the poor lazy and frustrated.

    5)Apologize for kicking out the youths and backpackers in favor of the (non existent and non spending) Chinese tourists. Will result in money being spent off the beaten track.

    6)Education overhaul. Introduce modern teaching methods that encourage the student to form an opinion, end to rote learning.

    It is pointless trying to "reduce" the cost of living. Goods and services will find their own price level based on economic supply/demand principles.

    I think that you might be waiting a while for requests 1 and 2. The traditional rulers here were all that in favour of giving farangs more rights.

    Request 5: Non-existent Chinese tourists? They are everywhere, the hotels and restaurants are full of them, and they seem to spend a lot more than backpackers.

    Request 3: They need to keep the cops sweet, so might not be too much rocking of the boat there

    Request 4: Agreed - if you are saying that a proper social security system would be fairer and more targeted than subsidies. The current far right junta in Thailand likes to maintain a system of patronage, to tread on the necks of the poor, so may not happen for a while

    Request 6: Unfortunately, the junta seems to be going in the opposite direction with its edict that kids need to be taught nationalism and blind obedience

    Don't hope for real change under this ultra-conservative government, unless you call winding back the clock change.

  11. Penniless Farangs who escape their country to take advantage of Thailand's cheap living and avoid paying taxes in their own country... discuss about inheritance and property taxes of a country they don't belong to... Funny.

    It is very easy for foreigners to agree with, and applaud, the plans of the new "regime", when too poor to be concerned by these taxes anyway.

    But when it comes to increasing taxes on alcohol, then suddenly there is an uproar smile.png

    I don't like these "tax the rich" threads.

    It does not help anything anyway. The rich know how to avoid taxes. It just hurts the middle class, and the proceeds never go to the poor.

    Don't know which is your country, but in most you don't have to pay tax when your penniless. Also you might be too penniless to move to another country and surely too penniless to avoid taxes you don't have to pay.

    Anyway the argument with "tax the rich, doesn't help anyway" is not a valid argument. Just because you think it doesn't work they shouldn't bother to even try? that would mean that indeed only the middle class is left to tax and the poor don't have any.

    Good point. It's easy to offer advice that you'll never have to live by, on how to best run someone else's country.

    It's a bit like a house guest telling you what colour to paint your house.

  12. Hard to believe just 20 million pay tax because VAT is collected when buying goods and services, unless the untaxed only buy from informal sources. As for taxing inheritance and land holdings I have been saying that for as long as I have lived here. Maybe that way they can reduce the income tax to sub 30% in the near term thereby boosting disposable income and in turn consumer spending.

    Th threshold for personal income tax is 150,000 Baht per year.

    People on or near the minimum wage don't make that.

  13. The last I seen was that the proposed inheritance tax would only apply to Thai-based assets, ie., Thai stocks, real estate, Thai copyrights and patents, businesses. If that holds in final legislation, we might see a flood of liquidity going offshore, probably much in the same manner that Thaksin would have removed all his Thai-based assets so they could not be seized by the government when he skipped bail. S the saying goes, where's there a will, there's a loophole.

    Ahaaaa ... those in the know will easily get around that

  14. Why should Thailand take any notice of Amnesty International? nobody else does, they are just a bunch of lefty liberal hand wringers.

    You are saying that because you have the freedom to say that. And it's quite right that you should have that freedom to express yourself, whatever your opinions may be.

    Amnesty International speaks out for people who don't have that freedom.

    My opinion is different from yours. I believe that you should learn to be more grateful for the good souls who support the freedoms, rights and privileges that you obviously grew up to enjoy. This would befit a character far fairer than one who insults those who campaign to keep those freedoms, rights and privileges in place here in Thailand.

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  15. Why should the poster rebut your comment? You never addressed his post in your rant at all. It's called begging the question and obfuscation – infantile tactics at best. The poster stated that the BBC and had run a story on the junta that was damning. Your non-rebuttal, typical for you altogether, implied that anyone who would quote a news story you don't like as being a "red sympathizer" and " blah blah", which is a typical uninformed, blinders-locked-in-place, myopic yellow rant.

    And then you challenged the poster to comment on your red herrings and subject changes as though they are worth rebuttal? I'm just making fun of you for fun—no one with more than two neurons to rub together takes your trolls seriously – but your vacuous comments do deserve a blithe measure of recognition in kind.

    So, you are saying it's okay for those who support the junta to ignore all news stories they don't like, to embrace black-and-white thinking like it's a religion, and verbally slander and attack anyone who either disagrees or questions your assumptions, or worse, quotes news sources that contradict your position in no uncertain terms? Hogwash.

    The BBC news sourced commentary from numerous individuals, not just one. The news quoted evidence you cannot address. The news quoted sources that they checked quite thoroughly before they printed it.

    Obfuscation is for intellectual cowards.

    "no one with more than two neurons to rub together takes your trolls seriously"

    Bit more condescension heay? Cannot simply rebut anything I say heay?

    I see Brucec64 liked your comment too. – Move away from the terrorists he said. Do not get involved in protests he said. Car accidents cause more deaths he said. Yet again, no rebuttal. Just a simple like for someone else that cannot rebut my comments.

    ​Come on. I dare you to rebut me without the typical UDD belittling….

    Maybe try a bit of democracy!!!

    Every single one of your posts seems to be built around a punchline containing a mixture of the following words: terrorists, murderer, convicted, criminal, fugitive, UDD, PTP ...

    It makes posting easy for you, I guess.

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