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Posts posted by Misterwhisper

  1. For you guys wondering where the 10 mil went, I finished reading the article for you.

    A House, a car, household & consumer goods. Plus 2 years cost of living. Possibly some unnecessary things that men in love spend money on. Perhaps expenses related to his grandfather's funeral.

    Didn't read anything about champagne etc., where did you guys see that?

    I second that. It's very easy to spend that amount of money if you run into an accomplished mother/daughter team that skillfully cons you into buying even the most ludicrous "consumer goods". I am also wondering from who he "bought" the land on which the house is standing. I bet it was the MIL (and the land title was of course in the absconded daughter's name). The fact that the German was allowed to stay in the house until his money ran out and was only then kicked out by the MIL makes that scenario even more likely.

  2. As soon as you're standing in a company tent and wearing a shirt with company logo you're considered "working" and - strictly speaking - would need a work permit. If you'd just walk around in your everyday clothes with a sack full of toys and giving them out to children, that would not be the case.

    But as earlier posters have pointed out, it really depends on how vigilant (or lazy or greedy) your local police are and whether they enforce the law or not. If you're living in a small community and are known by the local constabulary, you most probably won't face any problem.

  3. Quite statesmanlike to make a diplomatic and reasonable statement on what is clearly a very contentious issue.

    Gives her some political leeway.


    well, you are right, but you forgot to make a slur about the PM, call her a clone or mention how attractive she is, so your post won't get many 'likes'.

    The TRC report (btw, anyone have an english link to it) comes from a group which Abhisit set up with no teeth. Given politics in Thailand, I imagine that some people may see bias with the people on the TRC. For these 2 reasons alone, it is not surprising that there will be criticism.

    But I agree with you about the PM. She handled the situation in a politically astute fashion. She may get ridiculed by opponents for saying 'nothing', but they are unlikely to ever be supportive - regardless of the situation. It seems she is not the barbie-doll people make her out to be.

    Maybe she's only a Ken doll in disguise...

  4. Wonderful! Yet another channel whose programming content will show us exclusively how fantastic, wholesome, always smiling and thoroughly blissful this country is.

    Who wouldn't need another show about Thai cooking (actually it's 2) and another about Thai fashion and another about Thai travel destinations (actually it's 3) and another to update us on Thai trends and, and, and...

    And who could resist the morning news show "Rise & Shine, Thailand" with its "fresh news", whose coverage, frankly, sounds just as blissful as that of all the other shows.

    NOT ONE SINGLE program that seems to critically deal with real issues. Or have I missed something?

    Yup, quite the "visionary" that Prasarttong-Osoth bloke... I mean, who else would come up with the revolutionary idea of yet another drivel-driven TV channel...?

  5. "Art-ong questioned the government on what else had it done in terms of flood prevention, after borrowing Bt300 billion - except canal dredging. He had not seen any other projects."

    300 billion minus 200 billion distributed to various politicians to maintain their grand lifestyles only leaves 100 billion to dredge canals.

  6. I am vehemently AGAINST any type of marriage, because in the end it likely will cost me my last shirt. Now try to explain that concept to someone who has at least 6 dying grandmothers, a dozen gravely sick water buffalos and a menagerie of unfortunate cousins at home; not to mention that dad urgently needs a new pickup truck and mom cannot live without a more spacious house. No wonder I'm still single. LOL

    • Like 2
  7. Whenever I hear or read the name Chalerm and learn about his silly, stupid, self-indulgent, irrelevant, holier-than-thou, goody-two-shoes, hypocritical rants I get uncontrollably sick. As another poster wrote, he who points a finger unsually has three fingers being pointed right back at them - and in Chalerm's case certainly not unjustifiably so. Perhaps someone should ask Chalerm how he got so 'unusually rich' on a poor police captain's salary...

  8. Well, most western countries have laws that prohibit bringing fake goods into the country on penalty of very heavy fines. An acquaintance of mine was once nabbed at Munich airport with 5 fake wrist watches in his suitcase that he had bought in Thailand (where else?). The goods were confiscated and he was slapped with a fine of almost 2,000 euros!

    I don't find it particularly strange that Thailand would announce similar measures. What is bizarre, though, is that they don't warn any foreign tourist to take fake goods OUT of the country. That would be a good start to curb the pirated goods industry that proliferates in the country. Then again, there are too many fingers in the honey pot and those individuals wouldn't want to see their lucrative incomes diminish.

    So yes, when we look at the context of this new announcement, the mind definitely boggles. Someone has completely missed the point.

    I also imagine the following scene at Suvarnabhumi:

    Customs officer: "Sir, you are obviously wearing a fake polo shirt. Please take it off immediately, leave it here and prepare for a hefty fine.

    Passenger: "What...?! You've got to be joking!"

    Customs officer: "Not at all, Sir, not at all. And while we're at it, please also remove your fake shoes, socks and wrist watch. And don't forget your pirated jeans."

    Passenger: "You want me to walk out of here half naked?"

    Customs oficer: "My cousin is a taxi driver. He will take you to my other cousin's shop where you can refurbish yourself with exactly the same items you'll be taking off now - and at a very cheap price, of course."

    Passenger: "Oh, that's so nice of you. Thank you so much!"

    Customs officer (smiling a Thai smile): "Welcome to Tailand, Sir. But now take your stuff off, please..."

  9. I am getting soooo sick of the word "hub" being blurted out practically on a daily basis and sometimes wonder if those people who use it so deliberately know what it actually means.

    It's a bit like the song "Hotel California". It's a nice song, but I've grown so sick of it over the years, because it seems to be the only western song that's in every (and I mean every!) Thai pub band's repertoire and is being played to death over and over and over and over again. I can't listen to it any longer. It makes me nauseous and I usually have to flee the scene as soon as I hear the first few chords.

    • Like 2
  10. I fully agee with the suggestion of 2 other posters to act immediately and bribe the guard with a couple of hundred Baht and remove the dogs. It'd be a bribe that finally serves a good cause. Writing letters to animal rescue organizations will take time until you get a response and the puppies will likely be dead by then.

    If you want to, PM me and perhaps we can do something together (I speak Thai).

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