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Posts posted by Misterwhisper

  1. What has nationality got to do with hairless legs? You really ARE from the backwoods. Some males are hairier than others. It's a matter of male hormone levels. But from your description I'd guess those blokes probably really underwent some type of waxing procedure.

  2. Personally, I think that pic of her texting at the funeral is absolutely disgusting.

    I wonder whether she will apologize? She'd better be careful, the laws of insulting the institutions are serious in Thailand.

    Naah...she will just deny any knowlege of this occuring....and of course we know what was so important in the SMS......This seasons Burberry have just been launched ...!!!thumbsup.gif

    Or perhaps she had to urgently harvest her carrot fields in FarmVille before they withered?

    In any case, it is extremely disrespectful to respond to (or send) a text message during a solemn funeral procession of that magnitude.

    It might be just my imagionation running wild, but I bet she's also one of those annoying people who think its their god-given right to keep their smartphones on in the movie theater and - heaven forbid - even engage in some trivial conversation, blissfully ignorant that they're disturbing everyone else.

  3. "I believe the prime minister might have spoken too fast, hence a slip of the tongue," he said.

    Does that translate as, she's speaking faster than her brain works?

    Well, so far she has avoided a slip-of-tongue like the one delivered by a former Thai PM who addressed Queen Elizabeth II as "Queen Elizabeth Taylor" when he welcomed her on arrival at Don Muang airport for a state visit. Honestly!

    But in any case it is rather embarrassing if you - the head of government - don't know the official titles of your colleagues from neighbouring countries. You could perhaps be forgiven to get the title of the head of government of Guatemala wrong. But Malaysia...?!

    • Like 1
  4. I'd like to replace my maid with a leggy, tall, blonde Ukrainian Expat maid who will work for the same amount of salary. Qualifications are: being able to change a light bulb without having to bother the employer; avoiding letting the water run for half an hour for no reason; telling the employer that the washing detergent is empty before it's actually empty; letting the employer know that you're off for 4 days because you have to attend the cremation of someone close before actually taking off.

  5. Indeed, like several others have suggested, take the MRT (underground) from Silom station. But get off at Kamphaengphet station, and NOT Morchit station as the others have suggested. By getting off at Kamphaengphet station you emerge directly within the Chatuchak weekend grounds. Getting off at Morchit, you'll have to take a walk of 10 to 15 minutes to reach the actual market.

    Alternatively, you can get on the MRT at Lumpini station, which is diagonally opposite from Lumpini park and 1 stop closer to Chatuchak.

  6. It certainly is a harsh sentence, but as other posters I, too, suspect that it was mainly imposed because of the kratom cultivation and possession.

    Then again, erecting a 220V electrical fence is a rather excessive measure to protect yourself from potential thieves. Even an innocent passer-by, say a child, could have accidentially touched it.

    She probably had been repeatedly robbed of her kratom in the past and, while being stoned out of her wits on her own produce, thought it was a terrific idea to put up the fence.

  7. Okay, so let me get this straight:

    The truck driver perhaps dozed off behind the wheel or was drunk - as usual;

    The truck driver fled the scene of the accident - as usual;

    The truck itself possibly had flaws that made it unfit for transporting dangerous cargo - as usual;

    The transport company generously shelled out the astonishing amount of 3,000 Baht to a gravely injured bystander - as usual.

    I must have become insensitive by living here for too long, because none of the above raises even an eyebrow.

    • Like 2
  8. How many tourists enjoy the beautiful scenery AT NIGHT, I wonder. The very word "nightlife" already describes quite vividly that it encompasses activities that are carried out at night, namley visits to restaurants, bars, nightclubs, etc. Both scenery AND nightlife are integral parts of every vacation. To say that nightlife was not a priority for tourists just goes to show how little the DPM understands about the needs and wants of foreign visitors to his country.

    • Like 1
  9. Try any of the bridal shops you can find both in Bangkok and Pattaya. They usually have a small studio set up out back with lighting equipment and and can do decent shots at a reasonable price.

  10. I'm just wondering who it was that led to "Red Bull" becoming a global brand - Chaleo or Mateschitz?

    Exactly my thinking. If it hadn't been for Mateschitz (and his jet lag), Red Bull probably to this day would be exclusivively a domestic brand - and Chaleo would not have become so insanely rich. But no, of course now that the good man has passed on, everybody's lauding his "genius", blissfully forgetting how he struggled in his early years and simply got a lucky break thanks to a foreigner.

  11. I really wish the Nation would get a native English proof reader, a native of Austria is not an Australian

    I just wanted to mention that, but you were faster. Reminds me of the question of a poster to an Australian travel website asking about the performance schedule of the Vienna Boy's Choir. Seriously!

  12. I just left $200,000.00 USD in a pizza shop in Pattaya last night. Can the police please tell the owner to return it?

    That was EXACTLY what I was thinking when reading this story, although in my case it was of course $500,000 worth of diamonds which I left in a seedy bar last night. Can't remember the place or its name, of course. Police, please track down the culprit!

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