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Posts posted by Misterwhisper

  1. With all this stupid nationalism, xenophobia and hypocritical image obsession displayed by some locals, I find find more than fitting that the concert apparently is called "The Born This Way Ball"...

    Also quite surprised that nobody hung themselves up over her comment about "50,000 screaming Thai monsters" - unless 'monsters' is simply pop lingo for 'loving fans', of course.

    • Like 2
  2. It's just speculation on a story that surely is going to change or at least become more complete in subsequent reporting, but could it be she committed suicide? I mean, she allegedly STOOD in the middle of the railroad track - and trains surely do not approach at Mach 2, do they?

    I know that crossing very well. You have to climb over the tracks to get from Makkasan airport link station to Petchaburi MRT station (or vice versa). First thing I do before crossing is looking left and right to see if there's a train coming or not. But I do see many others who are just waltzing on without checking.

  3. Ex-PM Thaksin Shinawatra is more than welcome to apply for a membership of Pheu Thai Party, its spokesman Prompong Nopparit said Sunday.

    Hotel guests welcome hotel owner to come stay at his hotel.


    I was thinking along almost exactly the same lines: As a hotel owner, do I really need to fill out a registration form to stay in a room at my own property?

    Or to spin another idea: How come that a political party allows itself to be directed by a man living in a foreign country, who is not even officially a member of said political party? Oh, that's right, he's been "banned" from politics for five years (term expring end of May)... bizarre, bizarre, bizarre.

  4. Go to parliament building and ask some of our MPs when they're coming out for lunch. I can imagine many of them are active subscribers and will be happy to share the latest issue with you. If they can't help, just inquire what they've discussed today, what fabulous ideas they've proposed and which newest hub they want the country to become. Their answers might actually beat by far anything MAD Magazine has to offer.

    • Like 2
  5. There's one that lives under the stairs of Nana station near soi 6 as well.. I used him to illustrate to my girlfriend why we had to jump through so many hoops to get a UK visitor visa.

    You have to jump through so many hoops to get a UK visitor visa because there is a homeless farang living under the stairs of Nana station? That's a new one.

    Ya, I can't figure that one out, either.

    I'm sure tw25rw has his logic, and I'd like to hear it, but I just can't get my head around why some guy of unknown nationality who is homeless in Thailand, either by choice or circumstance, would have any possible effect on the decisions made by UK immigration.

    I think what he's trying to say is: "If the UK's visa regulations weren't so tough on Thai nationals, there would be scores of homeless Thais living under the stairs of Tower Bridge." Fat chance.

    • Like 1
  6. "Although airport security has called the group a mafia, the red shirts say airport officers threaten them and police arrest them for trespassing and illegally collecting parking fees.

    Hm, perhaps airport security and the police got it right, because after all...

    "We hope Pheu Thai will watch over us but if the government continues to work like this, we have to rethink the Pheu Thai Party," said Wipoj Apornrat, one of the red-shirt leaders."

    ...they do deploy mafia tactics (i.e. "either act as we dictate you to or we're going to withdraw support, or might consider something worse").

    On another note, Suvanabhumi must be the only airport in the world whose parking facilities are "managed" by a policial grouping.

  7. They are so expensive because of the outrageous government taxes levied on them. They are considered "luxury goods" in Thailand. It's the same reason why a bottle of mediocre French red table wine that would sell for 2 euros in Europe here in Thailand costs 800 Baht and above. It's the same reason why a Mercedes Benz - even if assembled in Thailand - is still three to four times more expensive here than in the motherland. If you desperately need an iPhone and don't want to pay your shirt for it, try buying a second hand one.

    • Like 1
  8. Thaksin niece disqualified, banned from politics for filing false statement


    Congratulations, Chinnicha !!clap2.gif

    You're truly unique in the annals of Thai history.

    Your family is the first family to ever have the daughter (yourself),

    the mother,


    and the father,


    to all be simultaneously banned from politics.

    Well Done!

    To solidify your position in Thai history, we'll throw in your uncle as an extra member of your banned from politics clan.



    Very good observation, Buchholz: The unholy trinity, so to speak. Let's Thaksin out of the equation, because apart from having a different family name he's nothing but an unholy spirit.

  9. Sounds like some Democrats are making it up as they go along. Complaints about officials not arresting someone - since when did Thai officials have such legal jurisdictions in foreign countries. Threatening to take legal action against several MPs for demonstrating a lack of conscience - slippery slope there if this is now a crime. As for the comment "Thaksin has turned 360 degrees to make amends with General Prem" surely this would mean he is facing the same way he was to start with???

    "Thaksin has turned 360 degrees to make amends with General Prem" surely this would mean he is facing the same way he was to start with???"

    I was thinking the same thing, orac. Great observation, love it! LOL

  10. I don't think I'll ever live to see the day when Thais can celebrate without copious amounts of alcohol being in play. Yesterday my taxi almost rammed a couple of drunken teenagers who thought they ought to take on police duties, run onto a fairly busy road and stop traffic so they could smear cars' windshields with that annoying white-powder-water-mixture. My taxi driver muttered laconically: "Idiots..."

  11. The more he's revealing his megalomania, egotistical tendencies and gray-eminence-meddling, the more I think it was a great idea to forcefully remove him from power no matter how much some elements think this was "undemocratic". Had this man continued on, Thailand today could well be another Turkmenistan.

    The very act of visiting him in Vientiane just to pay hommage is nothing short of absurd and bizarre.

    If he returns as threatened, I predict more violence and bloodshed.

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