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Posts posted by Misterwhisper

  1. "On the economic front, the Premier told the MEPs that Thailand is willing to be an investment base in Asean for European investors."

    Sounds like Thailand is doing European investors a big, big favour by graciously allowing them to bring their money into the country. Shouldn't it be the other way round? I mean, shouldn't Thailand be grateful towards European investors for considering Thailand as an investment base?

    Perhaps I'm reading to much into this, but I find it a quite arrogant statement.

    • Like 1
  2. Drug involvement or not it was murder, and the death sentence is warranted!

    Yes, unlike a certain Senator who uzi'd his ex to death, this girl hasn't got the resources to claim it was an accident or plea temporary insanity etc. Unlike those who have the means to pervert the course of justice, this girl will get what she deserves.

    Yup, it's also not like she could claim immunity because Soi Cowboy is still in session.

    On another note: that is one bizarre picture. There she sits, dressed up like she's ready for a day beachside, sunglasses, smirk on her face and seemingly adjusting headphones. Is she still high?

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  3. how does that traffic cop stopping you on the street determine whether the 'minor traffic violation' you allegedly committed is in fact your very first offence (thus, he's letting you off the hook) or your 985th one? Are all traffic cops from now on directly linked to a huge database with whose help they can check in an instant whether you're a first-time or repeat offender?

    Maybe there is a use for the 900,000 or so tablet computers on order. smile.png

    LOL, yup, especially the faulty ones. whistling.gif

  4. And yet another well thought-out plan that surely will be a smashing success. By the way: how does that traffic cop stopping you on the street determine whether the 'minor traffic violation' you allegedly committed is in fact your very first offence (thus, he's letting you off the hook) or your 985th one? Are all traffic cops from now on directly linked to a huge database with whose help they can check in an instant whether you're a first-time or repeat offender?

    • Like 1
  5. "They held up signs with malicious messages like 'Thug-sin, go to hell, go to jail', 'Convicted fugitive', and 'Wanted criminal'.

    Well, I see where a sign like 'Thug-sin, go to hell, go to jail' could be construed as a malicious message, but just can't accord that label to 'convicted fugitive' or 'wanted criminal'. It's simply the truth, ain't it?

    Well done, US-Thais! clap2.gifclap2.gif

  6. Excellent idea! The best way to make friends and acquaintances in a new town is by being accompanied by a couple of hookers. But as another poster said, half of the bar is full of hookers anyway, so at least they won't be sticking out like a sore thumb.

  7. They left out Ez-Murder Cards, Ez-Bribe cards for Judges. The Ez-Bribe cards are no doubt to make sure their Bosses or partners in crime

    get a piece of the Bribe which will be deducted from they monthly salary.giggle.gifermm.gifcoffee1.gif

    And of course the EZ-Bail Card for regulars on the defendant's bench..

    But honestly, even if this had NOT been a "Notthenation" satire, I would have hardly raised an eyebrow. Anything is possible in Thailand.

  8. And all of that because those two scumbags allegedly needed (as reported) a quick 300 Baht to pay for their bar tab? Was that really worth it?

    The sentence is satisfactory. Thai jails are no 'walk in the park'.

    "Lawyers said both men are likely to die in jail even with royal and other remissions."

    So what?! Let them rot there. It's what both of them richly deserve. As it transpires now, even the motorcycle was stolen just minutes before the attack (unless I have missed something in earlier reports)!

    The question now is: Will they be granted bail or do they pose too much of a flight risk? - unlike another trio of local gentlemen, who recently were sentenced to death for murder, but apparently do NOT pose a flight risk, thus were set free on bail.

  9. It's true. Many of us have become extremely suspicious when it comes to the strange ways foreigners supposedly take their own lifes in this country. But then again...

    Where was the wife that it warranted 80 phone calls and such a pitiful "suicide" note? Looks to me like the wife had left the Swiss and he thought she wouldn't return.

    Why didn't she pick up the phone? What was she busy with that she ignored 80 phone calls? Maybe she just wanted to "punish" the Swiss...

    Why was she found crying lying next to his corpse? When exactly did she return and why and from where?

    Self-stabbing is certainly an extremely uncommon method of committing suicide (unless you're an ancient Roman, of course). Why is the police coming to conclusions so fast?

    How authentic is that suicide note? Is it in the deceased's handwriting? Can this handwriting be verified? Is it not too early to attribute it to the Swiss man without comparing the handwriting?

    Has the Swiss man's mobile phone been checked? Have some 80 phone calls to his wife's number been made? If yes, in which time window, prior or after the estimated time of death? What were the intervals between individual calls?

    I am NOT saying the man has NOT committed suicide. I am merely implying that it is too early to come to preconceived and easy conclusions. But our BiB are great at that, especially when foreigners are the victims. Remember those 2 Canadian girls on Phi Phi? The local police almost immediately came forward branding their deaths as "clear cases of food poisoning". Likewise for the several deaths in one single Chiang Mai hotel last year. Those also were touted as " cases of food poisoning".

  10. Law suits filed in the US would/should be of concern to Mr. T.

    I am starting to wonder if he has already been issued with a diplomatic passport so getting immunity.

    Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect App

    Well, he surely DOES act like a government official - meeting US politicians and businessmen interested in investing in Thailand. "Normal" Thai tourists just don't do that (but then again, he's not "normal"; he's "abnormal"). Let's see what's going to transpire. It's not even certain yet that he will turn up in the US.

  11. What is it with this country that it needs to announce yet another hub of some sort every other week? Has any of these hubs ever materialised? Of course not. It's all hot air.

    Perhaps it's like: if you think about something all the time, if you just believe in it enough, if you announce it loudly and often enough, it eventually will come true without you having to do anything for it.

    Or maybe it's just that these officials take themselves much too seriously, honestly believe their country to be the center of the world and that the world really, really, really is just waiting impatiently until they all can flock to Thailand for some exhaustive "hubbing".

    In other words: a lot of hot air without substance, self-delusion, self-aggrandising, gross overestimation of Thailand's importance, capabilites and abilities.

  12. Go to the shop NOW (today, before midnight), stock up on all the booze and beer you need to survive those 2 short days - problem solved. Why do we have pages and pages of disgruntled posts EACH AND EVERY TIME such a holiday comes around? This NOT the first time alcohol sales are banned in Thailand, you know... GET OVER IT!

    And if you're getting out of town: you'll ALWAYS find a shop willing to sell you a few bottles, and regardless of the ban.

    • Like 2
  13. Just yesterday we read about the convictions and also that key witnesses were released from the witness protection program, because now that sentences had been passed down, the case was considered closed and there no longer was a need to protect them.

    A day later, and we have to learn that the convicted have been set free on bail!!!

    Sure, they most likely will have an opportunity to appeal, but where else in this world do you grant bail to convicted criminals sentenced to death or a life sentence??? Theirs was NOT a petty crime, it was MURDER!

    Oh, and surely they are not a flight risk. I don't know, if I had been sentenced to death and - against all odds - were granted bail (fat chance!), I'd try everything to get out of the country - and in a hurry. Reportedly, the convicts are "barred from going abroad". As if that ever had prevented anyone from NOT fleeing.

    And those witnesses, they certainly must feel particularly safe now...

    Thai logic simply defies the mind. This country is getting more bizarre by the day.

    If I'd follow my hunch, I'd say there is much, much more to this story; something very, very fishy.

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  14. Let me see if I got this straight.....he didn't murder her...he accidentally killed her

    He didn't try to conceal the crime.....what? he accidentally put her in a plastic bin and locked it up in the basement????

    Maybe he has been in Thailand so long that his DNA has mutated to that of the indigenous population that cannot accept responsibility for anything?

    ...or use logic.

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