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Posts posted by Misterwhisper

  1. "...saying the deal could encourage new Thai drinkers."

    "He said each year, around 250,000 become new drinkers."

    Well, seems to me that Thais are not dependent on the EU to be encouraged to become new drinkers. So why the hullabaloo and claim that an FTA with the EU must exclude alcohol?

    It's a bit like demanding that EU cars must be excluded in order not to promote even more road carnage on Thailand's roads; or how about excluding EU-manufactured anti baby pills so Thai teens won't have sex too early? What also comes to mind is to perhaps exclude sweets and junk foods from the EU, so it won't encourage new Thai fatties.

    My point is that given the fact that Thais are already heaily indulging in alcohol thanks to a very large local booze industry that absolutely dominates the market, excluding EU alcoholic products is very unlikely to have any noticeable impact on the rather... uhm... excessive vibrant drinking culture in LOS.

  2. If you form any company in Thailand, you'll automatically be required to pay corporate taxes, social security contributions for your staff, as well as personal income tax. Depending on your line of business, you also will have to file VAT and withholding tax payments. It's a real jungle, so you better get yourself a capable accountant.

    What you get in return? Well, a work permit (if you're eligible and manage to negotiate the bureaucratic gauntlet), an assortment of tax breaks here and there, and the right to boost the kingdom's GDP, not much else.

    And if you hope to one day receive a generous government pension on that you can live, keep hoping. It's better to sign up for a private pension plan. Also, as the company's director you are not eligible for the public healthcare scheme, only your Thai employees are.

  3. Judging from a good third of your domains dealing with singles/girls/love/brides etc. I glean you expect the country to become a major dating and mailorder bride market within the next few years.

    And unless Myanmar decides to revert back to the country's old name Burma anytime soon, you're going to sit on your proudly displayed domains like on a basket of rotting durians that nobdy wants.

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  4. If I remember right, the general rule is: for every foreigner you intend to employ, your company (i.e. your school) must have a minimum of 2 million Baht paid-up capital registered, plus the company must employ at least 4 Thai nationals for every foreigner who works in the company.

    I don't know whether there exist any special regulations for schools, though.

  5. How wonderful to have someone at the country's helm who - due to her many years of active senior executive level experience in one of the largest telecom firms in the country - really does understand global market forces like no-one else.

    The euro zone crisis cannot possibly affect Thailand, except: as the value of the euro exchange rate vs. THB continues to slump, imports from Thailand will become more expensive and European importers will look for alternatives; accordingly, a vacation in Thailand also will become more expensive, thus unaffordable for many Europeans.

    But as long as Mrs. PM assures everyone that all is fine, nothing has to be worried about.

    Meanwhile, all European investment projects in Thailand will continue uninterrupted. NOT ONE European investor might have second thoughts.

    So let's all celebrate (and continue sticking our heads in the sand). As the euro zone crisis is going to more or less affect countries worldwide, Thailand is safe! If Mrs. PM says that, it is almost like a magic spell.

    • Like 1
  6. Why is this news?

    When Thaksin experiences a bad bout of diarrhoea, it's splashed (sorry for the pun tongue.png ) all over the front pages.

    When Thaksin farts because he ate some spoiled guacamole, it's a national headline.

    When Thaksin thinks it's too bloody cold in winter in Montenegro, it's reported across the kingdom.

    What is it with the Thai media's obsession with Thaksin?

    The media should let him die - at least in their headlines - and refuse him valuable newspaper space. That alone would go a long way towards real reconciliation.

    Finally free yourself from Thaksin's lingering, malevolent specter and find peace in the process!

    • Like 2
  7. One day he say this, another he says that. One actually doesn't know any longer when he says something he really means and when he doesn't.

    If his respect for court decisions were as big as he claims, he would by now have sat out his entire 2-year sentence and wouldn't have to meddle in Thai politics from his refuge abroad.

    Getting really sick of the dude as every fifth headline in the local media seems to have the T-word in it.

  8. I've been doing occasional TV commercial work over the past two years and have never been asked for a work permit. Most jobs pay in cash.

    Extra work pays about B2000 a day and it is usually a very long day starting at a 4 or 5 am pick-up point and often lasting past 6pm.

    Rolls where you are featured in some way usually pay B6000-10,000 net. Any role where you are the principal can be B15,000-30,000+, sometimes much more depending on the customer and distribution.

    Thailand production costs are very low, thus TV commercials for clients all over the world are made here. I have done ads for products in France, Poland, India, Afganistan, and Germany as well as Thailand to name a few.

    Be prepared to go to many castings and costume fittings at your own expense. Sets are often way out in outlying areas with few comfort facilities. Very basic food is usually provided but nothing like western standards; days can be very hot and long.

    There is a lot of competition, especially Eastern Europeans and Middle Eastern. They are usually willing to work for less and now dominate the "extra" biz.

    There are many talent and modeling agencies and individual agents around Bangkok, some better than others and some who are total crooks.

    If your friend PM's me, I will supply the names of a few agents that I have had good experiences with. She should have good photos. They don't care a lot about experience, just cost. With TV commercials, it really has little to do with acting ability; rather, it's whether or not you fit a certain "look" that the director has in mind.

    True, usually nobody asks for a work permit. That doesn't change the fact that you're basically working illegally as you're earning an income (however small). I've even heard of cases where the respective agency simply didn't pay the foreign TVC actor or actress and pocketed the entire amount, and there was nothing the actor/actress could do about it. If they had reported to the Labour Department, all that would've happened would have been a minor fee slapped on the agency for employing a foreigner illegally, while the actor/actress would have been arrested and deported. Sure, that isn't standard practice, but let it be known that engaging in this job with out a work permit IS illegal still.

  9. Contact the large TV production companies like Work Point Entertainment, HubHoHin and others, for example. Also, there are plenty of modeling agencies around who commonly also have actors/actresses in their portolios, which they offer to clients. If you contact post production companies like Oriental Post, The Post Bangkok, and similar, they often also can direct you to casting agencies.

    However, please note that your friend - as she's a foreigner - will need a work permit to be regularly employed. None of the agents/production companies will provide her with one.

    Hope your friend doesn't expect to strike it right as an actress in Thailand, either. If she's not fluent in Thai, the best she can land is some extra work or a minor role where a "foreign antagonist" is needed. Hollywood productions filming in Thailand often need large numbers of foreigners as extras, but these are far and between and also just pay a pittance. The most lucrative work is for TV commercials, where you can easily earn 20,000 Baht in 2 days. But also don't forget that the agency usually keeps 20 to 30 % of that as their commission. Additionally, the remainder is subject to 3% withholding tax.

  10. “No [illicit] drugs were found in their systems and there were no signs of what may have caused their deaths. Now police have to wait for the results from investigations by other related organizations,” Maj Gen Boontawee said.

    Who ever said they might have died from [illicit] drugs??? If testing only was conducted for traces of [illicit] drugs, I am not surprised at all that the test results were "inconclusive".

    The fact that those so-called test results were released so quickly arouses suspicion that indeed tests were only conducted for a very narrow, predetermined number of illegal substances, and that no full-blown toxicology testing was carried out, which would have taken months to complete.

    Has there been testing for rat poison (which commonly contains substances like 'warfarin' and 'strychnine') or cyanide compounds? Both can cause bleeding from the gums and under finger and toenails as found in the two sisters.

    We'll never know and just can hope that the Canadian tests have been a little bit more comprehensive, although indeed the bodies may already have been compromised through embalming.

  11. - "So, we're going out drinking and having a good time tonight?"

    - "Yeah, you betcha!"

    - "We don't have any money. What if we can't pay for our bill?"

    - "Not to worry. I've got a sharp knife, you've got a fast motorcycle. We'll just steal the money from some unsuspecting foreign tourist walking down the road. They are all rich, they deserve to be robbed."

    Don't want to sound cynical, but what would've happened if those two scumbags' bagsnatching attempt had succeeded? Would they just have taken 300 baht out of the victim's bag and then returned it?

    This was not simply a matter of getting ahold of a measly 300 Baht. This was a pre-meditated, full-blown robbery attempt involving a potentially lethal weapon. Since the alleged culprits carried that weapon, it must be assumed that they also had every intention to use it in case their robbery met with resistance from their targeted victim. The argument "we didn't intend to kill [that woman]" doesn't hold water.

    ADDED: After the latest media report, the whole situation appears even more shocking. Now the alleged killer reportedly claimed he wanted to steal the money just for the sake of it, not because he needed it desperately. Scumbag!

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