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Posts posted by Misterwhisper

  1. 51 minutes ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

    but that needs practical action by the public sector.

    And herein lies the problem. What the public sector mostly offers is IMpractical action, manifested by convoluted visa and work permit rules that change more often than the seasons, unrealistic financial requirements, restrictive company ownership laws for  most foreigners (except Americans, who can take advantage of the Vietnam War-era "Amity Treaty"), etc. etc..


    Take a glance at the digital nomads scheme that they recently formulated and realize the ridiculous preconditions they've set up, including income (from abroad!) requirements and fancy university degrees. Then compare these rules to those of other countries (Portugal, Malta, Cambodia, Vietnam, Jamaica, Ecuador, Lithuania, Estonia, and so on and so forth) that make it incredibly easy for digital nomads to live and work there.


    I wonder how much Lynn Howard got paid for waxing on so enthusiastically. Well, perhaps she needed the additional income... 

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  2. 3 hours ago, webfact said:

    This has been in place in Thailand for many years but nobody, including the minister, seems to understand why, notes ASEAN NOW. 

    If I recall it correctly, those strange alcohol ban time periods (2pm-5pm and 7am to 11am) were introduced by an over-zealous interior minister serving during Thaksin Shinawatra's first tenure. Can't remember his name but he also was responsible for quite a few other, rather weird and baffling ordinances.


    As I understand it, the alcohol ban periods, which only applied to retail shops (supermarkets, 7-Elevens, etc.), were introduced to protect "schoolchildren and students" -- many of whom were hard boozers according to the interior minister.


    In any case, even back then the measure met with a lot of confused headshaking, because after all: Pupils/students took their lunch breaks from 11am-2pm, potentially buying alcohol during exactly that "free-for-sale" period, while following afternoon classes they once again were able to purchase alcohol from 5pm onwards when on their way back home. 

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  3. 10 minutes ago, webfact said:

    This would be accomplished with belt tightening, personal discipline, planning, saving, and self-reliance. 


    The above are traits not normally associated with the average Thai, notes ASEAN NOW. Those who know the country have often pointed to an attitude of "spend today and let tomorrow look after itself".

    Hear, hear!!!

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  4. On 11/24/2021 at 11:00 AM, webfact said:

    a top Royal Thai police spokesman has told his compatriots about the evils of gambling.

    We should believe him. After all, it is the RTP that either runs many of the illegal dens in this country, or at least frequently collects lucrative "donations" from them in exchange for turning a blind eye. It is thus surely in the best interest of the RTP to prevent legal casinos.

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