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Posts posted by Misterwhisper

  1. 22 hours ago, Shuya said:

    Amazing how this company always delivers exactly what the government want to hear. 

    Quite right. It's called "selective polling", i.e. only approaching respondents of whom you can be reasonably certain that they will give you the answers you want to hear. It's a time-honored technique routinely used by the propaganda machines of authoritarian governments all over the world.


    I am sure you still recall that only a month ago that very same Superpoll "found out" that almost 90% of the Thais were AGAINST opening the country to tourism -- because that was the result that fit the government's strategy at the time.

  2. 22 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

    Fon was all flustered, she said, her hands and legs were all atremble


    But... if it had been an exaggeratingly huge wooden phallus - you know the sort they put up on their religious shrines and house altars for worshipping or even dangle from their rear view mirrors for good luck - she would've been delighted, trembling and shaking over all those blessings received.

    Note: Not all dongs are similar. Some elicit more excitement than others. 

  3. Why would consumers in a country several thousand miles removed from Thailand be concerned that their deep-frozen or tinned Thai food product might be tainted with the coronavirus? Correct processing (deep-freezing, pasteurizing, autoclaving, etc.) will kill the virus.

    But how about heavy metals, antibiotics, hormones, preservatives, food colorings, MSG, etc. etc.?

    And how about an assurance that the products are slave labor-free, particularly fish products? 

    • Like 2
  4. 15 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    Hemp, a variant of cannabis

    Hemp is *not* a "variant" of cannabis. Hemp *is* cannabis. Or to be more precise: The scientific name of the hemp plant family is cannabis; and within this plant group there exist several sub-species, e.g. cannabis sativa, cannabis indica, etc.

    I am a little surprised that a respected news agency such as Reuters is perpetuating this misinformation, as I have come across the "Hemp, a variant of cannabis" nonsense in several of their news articles now.

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  5. 3 hours ago, Scouse123 said:

    Well he is either Indian, Pakistan or Bangladeshi but I have no doubt some on here will find a way to say he is British! ????

    Well said. And given the sad state continental Europe currently is in, I also would have had no problem accepting without a flinch if someone had claimed he was Swedish, German, Dutch, Belgian, Austrian, Norwegian, Swiss, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, Danish or even a genuine Fin or Irishman.

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  6. 6 hours ago, rooster59 said:

    People travelling on the Asian Highway along the Bang pa-in - Ang Thong road section will be among the first for driving at a maximum speed of 120 kilometers per hour.

    No, they won't. Like anywhere else in the kingdom, the only motor vehicles that negotiate highways at 120kpm or slower are either Ford T's or dangerously overloaded 8-wheelers. Even pick-ups with half the population of Burma huddled together in the back gun it.

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