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Posts posted by ginjag

  1. I like cats, I have 9 of my own, but my village was over run with stray cats and kittens. So I rounded up all the toms I could get hold of and had them all neutered (I got a bulk discount from the vet). The villagers were happy with this, even the ones who owned some of the cats, they just thought I was mad to spend several thousand Baht doing this.

    Neutering males is a very simple and cheap operation, within a generation, a dog generation, the problem would be solved.

    I had my only male dog snipped the bitches then did not need doing. the dog fires blanks,

    My old uncle had a pig, it used to sit up and beg for food, he had a collar and lead for it and he would take it for a walk. Collecting his pension, the pig new the way to the post office, my uncle was blind. We always joked about it. So it's up to the people what the animal turns out like. but ALL animals have fear, and all know when they are going to die. these poor animals crated up like that makes me sick, on the other hand for some it will be a blessing to be put down, but the real animals are the people who deal with them in this fashion. Eat animals but show some heart , even if you would not own one.

    Just to add I was a butcher by trade :)

  2. I too live about an hour away from Sakorn and these scumbags come round and night in pickup trucks and steal peoples pets. One of the guys was telling me he heard them the night before and his dog went missing, when I asked him why he didn't go out and stop them he said they carry guns.

    Its not the whole dog meat thing that bothers me, I have eaten it myself from China, but it is the theft of someones pet I can't stand.

    I would like it better if they rounded up the dog stealers and euthanised them!!!

    These poverty stricken regions remind me of war time.......eating anything to survive. whats next ? babies????????? young children???????

    Sorry my apology, i got a little overly excited there, didnt mean to post the above comment :jap:

    Id be interested to know exactly how they steal these pets??? or does he mean he lets his dog out to roam the streets at night and it gets stolen?

    pick-ups roaming around rural areas, enticing pets to steal, driving slowly around hoping a local wants a plastic bowl for their lovely pet. I have not encountered nightime pick-ups, my dogs inside my 2 metre walls can sense smell when the catchers/buyers are around. Other local dogs will chase the pick-ups when they pass through the village.

    For each dog a bowl would not be worth more than 35 bht, they sell them average 500bht--and prepared meat 300 bht per kilo, more at good class food places. Apart from the treatment and slaughter methods money and greed. but the situation should be addressed at a town government office and police enforcement of the law.

  3. In my opinion Her Majesty Queen Sirikit is refreshingly right.

    Most people think that drugs make you happy. Millions the world over in fact. Possibly hundreds of millions of drug users. All wrongly thinking that drugs make you happy. All wrong.

    Then there's violence.

    As if the threat of actual violence wasn't enough millions crave it in their viewing choices. Be it movies or TV. Guns, deaths, shootings - all are glorified on TV.

    And yet billions [possibly] crave it.

    How wrong these people are.

    How mis-guided.

    We should be more open to the wisdom shown and stop all drug use and all movies and TV that includes violent scenes.

    Then the world would surely be a better place.

    I like gardening programs.

    Why can't we have more of those?

    Or radio. Ban TV and listen to the radio then no one could see any violence.

    The world was a happier place when we only had the radio.

    Blind persons are not exposed to violence ?????? radio-do you mean the wireless??? I know what you mean but it would be a boring place without the TOM and JERRY violence--and gardening everyday narrated on radio????----you can't ban the T.V. and have gardening can you ??

    There is no place for addict style drugs/street style..and usually violence is connected.

  4. Stray dogs are troublesome, and an eye sore. There is not enough neutering here. Stray dogs, and even owned dogs, wander the streets eating trash, pissing and shitting everywhere, spreading disease, barking at night, etc.. One reason I like visiting Isaan is because there are no stray dogs on the streets. Why? Because they eat them. Would I eat dog? No, but I didn't grow up eating dog, and if I had I would without any thought. I say let the dog eaters eat dog and be merry. If a stray dog can fill a belly, good.

    Nearly half the Thai population lives around Issan, --you visit??? where???? I live here and dogs are everywhere-towns villages-many dead on the roadside,rotting, the others are free range and really not owned, once were when puppies =toys for the kids=I have 7 and are fantastic pets, before emancipated now loving, if I can fence mine in the Thais can, and back to the point of it's how you clean and maintain your home your kids your motor/bike on average nothing here is respected. Gardens the same, This is rural Thailand. (90% of Issan people DO NOT eat dogs, for starters they are too expensive, this food is a middle class delight. .....................rural villages and areas it's impossible, but cities and towns regulation and keeping of dogs fenced in the house/land area is possible with will.

  5. I bet I could guess the age, sex and marital status of every person saying "eat them." I bet they all fit into the exact same group. I bet I could guess how old your wives are and where you met them too.

    Unfortunately, the vast majority of westerners who end up in Thailand are not the brightest people out there.

    It's just too easy, so I'm not even going to try.

    For those who have a problem with stray dogs, maybe you could get up your ass and do something?

    Who died and made you God to judge everyone with such a sweeping statement?

    What an ignorant stuck up idiot !!!!! (I suppose your wife is from Bangkok and you think that makes you superior to others)

    It is ironic really Dog is a delicacy in poorer countries but the price of the meat is very expensive.

    So people can't keep saying oh the strays feed the poor peasants because on the whole the peasants can't afford the meat.

    Thailand does need to address the Feral dog population though it is reaching dangerous proportions. We live on a nice estate in Pattaya and there are getting to be more and more strays.

    Funny when I lived with the ex gf's family in Sakhon Nakon there were no stray dogs.......

    I had no idea trucks were going around buying and stealing them though.

    Something humane needs to be done, dogs are our friends and some of the most intelligent creatures around. Even more intelligent than Mr God at the top of this post.

    Like most things, Attitude - social problem, schooling, parental guidance, most northern kids go around kicking dogs hitting them with sticks, in full view of their stupid parents. The kids training on caring for animals will reflect the future here, Most kids become what their parents were, and are.

  6. if these dogs are strays then i dont see the problem.. as long as they are not carrying some kind of disease that could spread to

    other animals or humans...

    Its given me a great idea..if indeed they are delicacies..

    why not set up a Mac Dogals.. simmilar to the Mac Donalds..

    What about Mac Humans ???......................Dogs starving on the streets are a sad sorry sight, says a lot for caring Thais. ooopps. My idea is when you can train and educate dogs to do tasks that we cannot--Drug sniffers==mountain rescue== Tsunami victims==earthquakes==civil unrest==a true friend==a guard==THE BLIND GUIDE==old peoples therapy== I could go on and on, but it's not up to me what anyone eats, it's not my business.

    BUT some comments from some posters near condoning-lack of care about animals-is sick sure.

    The small list of what these animals do for us is fantastic, and they love doing it and it shows with the love between man and dog. Society problem....and some peoples attitude that is non caring.

    It's the nature of the plight of the animals how they are transported and kept. For sick gain. If a society cannot find a happy medium....... then I'm sorry .... this land is mostly for sick personal gain.

    Mac Humans.. you are sick...

    people already eat Dogs.. why do people try and change the subject..

    I was joking re the Mac dogs joke-in reaction to the comment. I am not sick when I say that in general most Thais do NOT have the heart to love animals in general-thats why there are the sick dogs on the streets, and if they cared they would push for something to be done about it. AND not give your pet away for a pot

  7. Sorry to say that doesn't break my heart, looking at a 5 years old kid cleaning a wind shield at 3 in the morning break my heart.

    Never understood why people over react about dogs, pathetic anthropomorphism. It's just a steak on legs for some people on poor region of the world.

    cold hearted supershot------A steak on legs--if you like..... BUT this steak on legs is NOT for the low income people it's sold at a high price per kilo. POOR region of the world has nothing to do with it. poor sick non caring people sums it up.

  8. if these dogs are strays then i dont see the problem.. as long as they are not carrying some kind of disease that could spread to

    other animals or humans...

    Its given me a great idea..if indeed they are delicacies..

    why not set up a Mac Dogals.. simmilar to the Mac Donalds..

    What about Mac Humans ???......................Dogs starving on the streets are a sad sorry sight, says a lot for caring Thais. ooopps. My idea is when you can train and educate dogs to do tasks that we cannot--Drug sniffers==mountain rescue== Tsunami victims==earthquakes==civil unrest==a true friend==a guard==THE BLIND GUIDE==old peoples therapy== I could go on and on, but it's not up to me what anyone eats, it's not my business.

    BUT some comments from some posters near condoning-lack of care about animals-is sick sure.

    The small list of what these animals do for us is fantastic, and they love doing it and it shows with the love between man and dog. Society problem....and some peoples attitude that is non caring.

    It's the nature of the plight of the animals how they are transported and kept. For sick gain. If a society cannot find a happy medium....... then I'm sorry .... this land is mostly for sick personal gain.

  9. Posts deemed disrespectful or off topic have been removed, and further such posts will be removed without further comment. I remind everyone to use their utmost discretion when posting in a topic regarding any member of the Thai Royal Family.

    My post agreeing with the queen mother, and feeling sorry for her, as it is embarrassing to have the police under the royal name not doing their duties as they should.

    It was NOT off topic to point out that they themselves were mostly to blame for the main saddened Queen in not dealing with the problem.

    I would not say wrong about the royal family, quite the opposite. so why the removal of a normal post.???.

    Seems to be an area where uniformity is not quite on song, but will abide by your removal, BUT will never attempt again to answer any ROYAL posts.

  10. So what's the real difference between a dog and a cow - apart from the endearing expression? and that's a real question...

    I have owned both cows and dogs and have no problem in seeing the difference. But I guess it is a personal thing.

    dogs bark-cows moo, we milk cows, take dogs for walks, my dogs a guard, can't get oxtail soup from a dog, difficult to have your pet cow laid in front of the fire asleep.

    The collection of dogs by these armole pick-ups is digusting. they even will steel a pet from near a home, enticing it with tit bits. I live an hour away from Sakorn Nakon- again the police and authorities do nothing-the dog meat is sold there openly in markets.

    I have 7 dogs it's very hard work to give them a home, but we manage JUST they are fantastic-loving-and I get so much pleasure with rescuing them. I get worried they will outlive me, do wonder what will happen to them after i've gone, but better this than them in cages like the photo.

    If a society enjoys dog meat, traditional food, suppose it is no different to us eating spring lamb, the difference HERE is most Thai treat a dog like dirt, get the lovely toy puppy for the stamping screaming kid, then feed it rice and fish bones and run free style until it's SOLD for a bowl.

    If you want dog to eat and it's a table treat--then care for its well being until its put down humanely for the SHOP

  11. 6 months to fix the traffic in BKK

    6 months to get rid of drugs

    6 months to implement the new ideas

    They do like that number...

    And for those that like to see it more:

    6 months until Thaksin is said to return

    Can we make the list longer?

    You have to have the famous one-we will all be rich in 6 months

    and if they don't give the promises they will all be out in 6 months :lol:

  12. I don't care about the smoke and mirrors, just give us some of those nice 350s on the London route please.

    There will be some delay, as the A380 hasn't yet actually flown, let-alone come into service with the airlines. That is currently scheduled-to-begin, as the article confirms, in 2013 ... although TG isn't a launch-customer.

    But TG has promised to use their new A380s, due to arrive in the second-half of next year, on the popular BKK-LHR route, and most reports from passengers flying in these (on other airlines) are very-positive !

    I suspect the A350s are intended for the 'thinner' daily routes to Europe. :)

    I am assuming that your A380 remark about it not flown yet was a mistake, as it's been in service for some time-Emirates-Singapore etc.

    Your other remark about the introduction of the A380 in the second half of next year, afraid you will have to check with Thai-as the previous thread their announcement was the were short of cash and that was delayed, THIS IS WHY in the last topic they were fitting out all the aged 747-400s with new seats and video's. see my thread on this page. Thai are way overdue with the new planes - but this last news seems to be opposite to their last news. Hope this is real and not more B-s##t

    their story of late is= the order of 20 or so assorted planes covering the next 7 years.

    they then said they had to delay the deliveries of the big aircraft. because of the lack of funds.

    Then the announcement to refurbish all the aged aircraft, AT A MASSIVE COST.

    now this thread telling us that apart from the massive orders already placed, they have placed orders for the new XLRange ones. the mind boggles.

    SUM UP.. no cash=== billions to refurbish === new orders. ????????????????

    Off topic--sounds like the election promises. :lol:

  13. And how long has she been the PM?

    Not long, but she has raised suspicion about her competence with both the clone issue and also pretty much totally avoiding talking about issues in her campaign. So she's rather a virgin. Time for some action!

    Virgin on the ridiculous more like- My advice would be PAY UP ALL YOU PROMISED. don't undermine Thai peoples intelligence, What are you wanting time for when you already did your homework in your campaign ==well surely you did ..didn't you ???? or do you think that the Issan folks will not remember ??? sorry I live in your stronghold area and even now local Thais are asking will '' The Family'' pay up all they promised.....

  14. I would like to say to all of the PTP supporters who cried for democracy and believed that Thaskin and his party were wrongly accused. Well now you see what is and has been the agenda of Khun Yingluck and her brother. Much more of the hidden agenda will surface.

    This is democracy?

    If you look at the changes you are ridicule, they all seem to be a positive step. The corruption associated with Newin will be dealt with and everyone's source of scorn in TVF, King Power is going to get a wake up call.. The suggested new appointees all seem to be as qualified if not more so than the people they might replace. Why shouldn't the new government appoint personnel that can be counted up to do their jobs?

    I'm simply lost for words at your ignorance!!! What about dealing with Thaksin's corruption first - there's a nice prison cell waiting for him for his part in committing massive corruption but for some reason he doesn't want to serve his sentence. Do you not accept that he partook in corruption, with his young sister (you know the prome minister of Thailand) being heavily involved and implicated (even committing perjury) in her trial. I suppose you agree that signing over millions of shares to his butler/chauffeur/maids was "AN HONEST MISTAKE" as he tried to make out in court - they believed this by the way, incredible!!!

    Just how you bring corruption into the equation as a form of defence is simply breathtaking!!! I'm not only lost for words but cannot write anymore as I am absolutely flabbergasted by your posting and general take on the situation!!!:blink:

    I agree. Geriatrikid is totally in denial of the facts, always smothering over them and using some sidetrack. (but he was right about Newin and King power) but why the denial re Thaksin ??? Surely it's better to see the full picture and discuss that...surely Geriatrikid you can smell the wrong-maybe not !

    This is fiction as the reporter is only trying to think what MAY happen. But my opinion is it will take place, it's bound to do...wouldn't you pick VIPs beside you that will do as you tell them.

  15. A couple of months ago 2 theads about Thai orders for aircraft, these were many== forget but a dozen or so. This or these orders were to be delivered covering a period of about 7 years.

    The earliest deliveries and I think they were due 2011-2012 included the A380--BUT the order had to be put on hold (until when didn't say) because of a SHORTAGE OF CASH. ???????????? would the Nation care to explain this report about the fresh orders. Is Thai International playing games with the public (passengers) because last week they said they were going to re furbish at great cost the aged 747-400s.

    Why would they be spending this money if the new planes are going to be delivered.???? It will be a very expensive short term stop gap. Just totally mystified. Could we please have an up to date from the Nation on what is-and what is not ordered. and the run down to when the deliveries are due.

    Do airlines normally boast about orders to pacify the clients, hoping to win new business and the new passenger books and finds he is still getting on an aged plane.

  16. Poorly written article: former billionaire telecoms tycoon-turned-premier Thaksin. Thaksin was a milonaire telcom tycoon-turned-premier-with the help of his children-turned-billionaire. If they are intending to talk in terms that reflect what happened say what really happened. But aren't some assets frozen? So what does that make Mr T? Sounds petty as the writer may not like people who has more money then him?

    Yingluck a novice? And what family did she grow up in, together with the position in the company? Yingluck has made her decisions within the time frame's permitted and is quite clear in the aim to re-unite the country. Nothing is being given away at the moment.

    Am I the only one that saw her on CNN?

    To name Aussie T.V. and a brief humiliation on Hard Talk, BBC.. and her refusal to meet Abhisit for fear of being embarrassed. If she is the right person for the job why the evading-posters know. If her brother was the invisible man life would be a lot easier, he could be with her, it would save mailing and calls.

  17. put the whole family in the jail for lying and stealing, not paying taxes, illegal profits on the SET (speculation and pre knowledge) ? anyone ?

    Yes me.......................But you would need more than a jail to rake in the "FAMILY", helpers, aiding and abetting.

    Plus all the corrupt Gov,officials, most of the police, what about using Phuket--or Samui, sort of an Alcatraz, as both Islands are corrupt to the core. Sorry for the people living there, didn't really mean it.

  18. It is amazing that so many in this forum has such an obsession with Thaksin and everything related... can't be healthy .. get over your obsession and try to contribute to the society in a positive way instead and no I do not mean have an extra Singha at the bar or where ever you office is .;-)

    You have your obsessions, I'll have mine. I will continue to criticize thaksin in the hope that more people realize what a snake this man is and realize the huge and multi-facated damage he has done to thailand, in the hope that people learn to not allow scaly people like this gain so much power over the country.

    Getting more people to be aware of what values and moral mean and how they are important to building a strong country with equality and better opportunities for all is a positive contribution.

    The sad thing is however that many people who voted for Thaksin know that he is a cheater and liar however they would prefer him over a gentleman who is incompetent. At the end of the days the people vote for the person who puts money in their pockets and Abhisit failed badly.

    Problem 1. They are IN, so now cough up what you promissed. I dare you ""FAMILY""

  19. PM designate seeks time to prove her abilities.........

    Except from some Tvisa political commentators, who appear to adhere to the belief that Rome was built in a day

    Well they dished out the promises via Dubai NOT Rome in a day, so why would she want time to give the gifts??? it was all clear for all to see =YOU KNOW= you will be rich in 6 months- 15k Univ dosh- 300 b min -Taxi drivers would get special rates for cars - didn't need time telling the poor what they would receive, so why would she want time now ???/\ - dont forget the SAMSUNGS for the kids. So lets not push the Lady, it will take her a bit of time to e.mail and get a reply B)

  20. Yeah Its a "bad do" for the Issan MP,s having forked out all that dough buying votes and only a few being able to get their noses in the trough!.

    n do u have any proof that vote buying actually occurred?

    It is like one idiot says there was vote buying and all chant the same thing without using their brains...

    Look at Abhisit government :bah:

    Is there anything to his credit? except for inflation and ruined economy?

    Yes Thaksin was bad because he tightened visa policy (for farangs), he was bad because poor people get the benefits (foul cry by the elites)...

    This government is democratically elected unlike the previous one... :whistling:

    you don't have to look any further than farrangs wives to confirm about yote buying. have you fell off the back of a No 9 bus?? The other government was elected in because the previous guy did a runner, for unknown reasons B). Abhisit' was too nice a guy --compared to WE ARE FAMILY.

  21. Seems this is a bad attempt to remind people that the Monsoon Season is near.

    From the April water festival through to November in the northern areas it is expected to be the wet (monsoon ) season, cool and dry through to April. ( this does vary a little)

    This spokesperson from the centre doesn't know the difference between a storm-hurricane-tempest-typhoon-from a monsoon season.

    If we only had monsoon from August to November near all Thai rice and sugar cane crops would be lost.

    I didn't realize the north had a different raining season than the central region. Now knowing this, I am more perplexed by the OP.

    The centre put out this warning about flash floods, thats good at least he is doing a decent job, THEN to say that monsoons occur August to November up north is CRAP expect anytime heavy rain from April to November, He had better live up in ISSAN does anyone remember Khorat underwater 3 months ago--was that a burst water main ?????:lol::cheesy::redcard1:

  22. If you have a national park the law is you cannot build houses or businesses there ??? so how can anyone produce a deed paper to say the place is legit. Sick corrupt lot is all I can say......

    Thank you for your post.

    People who follow this thread should be able to answer your question.

    But what I like more about this post is it shows a typical poster, with absolutely no knowledge and no understanding of the problem at hand, making a definitive, and usually very negative, judgement about Thailand and Thai people.

    But there is optimistic moral to that. Educate yourself and you will definitely learn to enjoy Thailand and its people.

    On this topic I must apologise to posters, as Jurgeng stated above I must educate myself more, and sorry for posting a stupid post. All yours Jurgen

    Awwwwww Ginjag dont get pissed off with Jurgen G, you were quite correct in assuming sick corrupt people is how they got thier paperwork, Jurgs obviously felt a need to belittle you as he feels there should be no negativity about the saga unfolding.Blatant encroachment of any National Park is negative in my view.Pssst..... maybe Jurgs "owns" a lil holiday cottage up in the hills.

    Thanks mate I feel better for that, pay you later :lol:

  23. If you have a national park the law is you cannot build houses or businesses there ??? so how can anyone produce a deed paper to say the place is legit. Sick corrupt lot is all I can say......

    Thank you for your post.

    People who follow this thread should be able to answer your question.

    But what I like more about this post is it shows a typical poster, with absolutely no knowledge and no understanding of the problem at hand, making a definitive, and usually very negative, judgement about Thailand and Thai people.

    But there is optimistic moral to that. Educate yourself and you will definitely learn to enjoy Thailand and its people.

    On this topic I must apologise to posters, as Jurgeng stated above I must educate myself more, and sorry for posting a stupid post. All yours Jurgen

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