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Posts posted by ginjag

  1. Maybe there are some endangered animals in they are trying to protect??? With the amount of poaching and trading in endangered species that goes on in Thailand the last thing any true conservationist would want is a tv show telling everyone where to go.

    I somehow think that wouldn't represent a severe disciplinary hearing. As though poachers would need a TV program to tell them where to get hold of endangered animals in Thailand. They can probably call the forest service directly and find out for a fee, or buy them in Chatuchak.

    What have they got in there? Wooly mammoths or some alien predator that they have been keeping secret from the world for the last 100 years???

    There was a recent thread on TV about the rise in the tiger population in Thai national parks:


    your own comments in post 3 also implied that publicity of such wasn't always a good thing.

    I read that and I don't believe it, there are more tigers in Sri-Racha than in the parks, maybe some escaped and made their way there???? Why not take half of them and set them free. NO--it's zoo money.

  2. In Thailand, if you flee the police, you risk being shot at.

    If they want to shoot you they will - flee or not, I would suspect most of the suspected shootings in the drug crackdown the men were not running, they would have been selected partly from grassing on higher officials. It is happening now, in Issan high profile people and officials control not the village kids.

  3. The election result is the result people must move on, but how it was achieved is another story.

    How on earth can you get rid of rotten apples from a large barrel?? While there are outside influences, and mob control =impossible.

    In my estimation all this is NOT going to work, as the reds cannot be separated from the in coming government, if that did happen then the government would have to go, as they would have little support to keep control. The MINORITY of Thai people voted them in, not a landslide. Good luck to most of the corrupt thugs in control.

  4. The driver of the vehicle had the option to stop when requested to do so by the police and she chose to ignore it. This does not justify the accidental killing of the child however, but we reap what we sow, a suspected drug dealer chose to flee when legally requested to stop by the police, and we all see the results of that in this basically 'law unto themselves' country.

    Suspected is what you said, not proven. Couldn't the police set up road blocks or give chase??? if it doesn't justify the killing of a child. This incident was not a life threatening one from the driver, if you thought that the police were going to shoot you wouldn't you drive on???? because it is like this in Thailand it doesn't excuse it.

    The police were in full flight and to get as many people as possible from direct orders via the P.M.

  5. still nice to see you back :lol:

    Thanks mate, good to see a Thai company giving a few jobs to some Brits, probably doing something different to Brit industrialists that have given all the jobs to Asian workers. :rolleyes:

    Thing is, when the Thai boss realises how lazy Farangs really are, they'll take all the jobs back to Thailand.

    Farang 0 - Thailand 1000.

    Lazy in Thailand is not known, because it is quite normal. The boss wouldn't realise and as for employing Thais or many foreigners pick me a selected English crew any day .

    Thai staff work if being supervised constantly, most workers unsupervised do the work how they want in general. (there are a few exceptions) not many.

    My comments are not Knocking Thais Mrs Mills just experience at first hand.

    Hope the Thai company does well, but after other companies failures, it will be a hard nut to crack. Yes and who will they employ ????? same here cheap jack workers for high profits.

  6. Hope you'll be saying same thing, should the Thai police do the same with an absolutely innocent member of your family.... Perfectly acceptable...of course.... Give them a medal....

    Sounds like an acceptable kill to me. In any war there will always be some innocent people killed, it's just the way it goes. Mai pen rai.

    This verdict IS disgusting, this in Thailand is completely unacceptable, Did the driver of the vehicle intentionally run over the police???? did the driver shoot the police???? were they defending themselves from a life threatening maniac??? <deleted> !!!! This was in the time of The P.M. of the day who gave orders for the crackdown that many posters deny or defend.

    This actually makes one feel sick, highlighting what a warm hearted man and servants Thaksin employed.

  7. Yup, and pigs will fly. :jap:

    I'm quite sure that English Teachers and Sex Tourists will point Thailand in the right direction.

    Of course, they know more than Thai businessmen, the fact that the Thai businessmen may be multimillionaires means nothing, the English Teachers and Sex Tourists know best, after all, they're Farang. :lol:

    And Farangs always know best, take a look at Farang countries and the fine job they have made of totally screwing themselves up.

    Hopefully, Thailand will learn from the mistakes of the west and actually prosper.

    Oh ! out of the woodwork here's our own lovely ANTI farang pianist playing the same old tune.B)

    You may have made some true comments,BUT we are NOT all sex tourists, or teachers.

    Maybe for a change you could come up with Ideas on the topic ?? but I forgot it's your bit of fun to attack farangs here. Because it got screwed up in the U.K.a little- hence the reason for being here, "a change is as good as a rest". still nice to see you back :lol:

  8. Please allow me to have a try at my own fortune teller skills:

    Yingluck Shinawatra will face a big obstacle in the form of her elder brother who will triumphantly return to Thailand from self-imposed exile to make sure that his auspicious life cycle turns out really, really happy - and profitable.

    This is such a rubbish topic..................for those with short memories, when Thaksin was P.M. remember he was following the star signs for guidance many times. 5555555555 Ha Ha, hope Yingluck doesn't start the same thing. (says a lot about the man)

    Of course it's a rubbish topic. I even remember Thaksin attending some mambo-jambo Thai 'voodoo' ceremonies in his day. Even the coup leaders of 2006 allegedly visited a 'famous' charlatan fortune teller in Chiang Mai before making their move. The only reason why this sort of humbug reporting is appearing in the 'news' is because so many people in this country subscribe to that sort of b**sh**. The worst time is when they're all making their run for the latest lottery numbers because some animal or tree trunk somewhere in the boonies displays 'patterns'. And if all those monks, who are in the entirely un-Buddhist habit of predicting lottery numbers were right, we'd need no populist policies in this country any longer, because everybody would be so flithy rich that they could drive a Porsche or worse.

    555555555555555555 HaHa I have 7 dogs and a Thai said add up their ages and give him the total for the lottery. and also how many kilom-my car had done.

    A line of customers (paying) at the temple for their gambling numbers. Their lottery is very expensive compared to U.K. here about 100 bht-U.K. 48 bht here you win top prize 4 million bht----in U.K.250 mill approx.

    Where does the prize money here go ??????????????????/ ask a fortune teller. Did Thaksin start this lottery in his day I have forgotten ?????????????????????

  9. I find it amusing all the morally superior replies by farangs on here.

    Why are YOU here?

    Sex, whores, come on....you exist here because the place is corrupt....if you want to really solve the corruption, get on a plane and fly out of here forever.

    You, I, we are here for the very reason the Thais are ok with corruption....

    We are here because:-

    1) We are more intelligent than you are

    2) Without us you economy is dead

    3) your women folk find us more attractive

    Why don't you fly out on one of your piss poor airlines? What? No money? Get a hair cut and get a job!

    1. We were stupid and blind thinking that most Thais were honest

    2. with us your economy is dying

    3. Your women find our visa cards more attractive

    4. We didn't realise that our 10 year passports would only last 3 years with all the visa runs (90 days up to 3 pages)

    5. wouldn't have thought that from 80 bht to the pound sterling-it would fall to 47.

    6. Honda jazz 5 years ago was 8 thou/pound and now 13 thou/pound

    7. pleased I built a house up north-and bought a condo on the coast long time ago.

    6 and 7.... were the bonuses

  10. Surprised the pilot didn't flee the scene :whistling:

    Maybe the pilot was an ex dambuster and forgot his self for a few mins :lol:anyway he could have bribed the authorities with 400 bht for undertaking at the wrong time.

  11. Please allow me to have a try at my own fortune teller skills:

    Yingluck Shinawatra will face a big obstacle in the form of her elder brother who will triumphantly return to Thailand from self-imposed exile to make sure that his auspicious life cycle turns out really, really happy - and profitable.

    This is such a rubbish topic..................for those with short memories, when Thaksin was P.M. remember he was following the star signs for guidance many times. 5555555555 Ha Ha, hope Yingluck doesn't start the same thing. (says a lot about the man)

  12. Kalasin-Issan ,mother and father are still trying to get answers to "Where is our son" missing in the war on drugs, He happens to be 1 of the 2.5 k international organisations do not seem to have the answers. (or are lied to) My point being the P.M. at the time ordered the war on drugs to satisfy the world outcry====what about their(victims) birthday bash???????

    At the time, In any given month in there were approximately 400 murders a month, many of which were unsolved and drug related. Almost 80% of those deaths involved a forearm. Following the blow delivered to the drug cartels and their Burmese based drug suppliers, Thailand's murder rate fell dramatically. (And before any smartass wants to play with the numbers and say there was not a significant drop off, remove the murders related to the southern insurgency which spiked in 2005-2006.) Those are the facts. Why do you think the murder rate fell by almost 40%? Do you think it is possible that the drug gangs were shooting and bribing their way to control of various regions? Yes, many people that died during the fight against the drug cartels were innocent civilian casualties, but they were often murdered by the drug trafficers. The assumption that 2500 were killed in extrajudicial killings can not be proven. There is no doubt that many people died due to the gross negligence of the police and the army. The responsible parties are the police and military commanders. It is easy to point the finger. It makes all the Thaksin haters happy because it provides a neat simple solution to what was a complex problem. The Prime Minister ordered that the people of Thailand be protected against a slow moving assumption of control by drug cartels in Thailand. Rather than taking potshots at a PM that took a tough decision you should be expressing gratitude because Thailand would have been taken over by the drug cartels had Mr. Thaksin not acted with the full support of the population.

    It is unfortunate an innocent person may have died. However, innocent people were being murdered by the drug dealers on any given day. Chances are that many of these people or their relatives or their friends would have been killed had the government of Thailand not intervened. Civilians always die in wars. That too is the reality.

    Respectfully, you did not mention the thousands of children, who are daily being done in slowly by the brain-killing effects of these drugs, Same goes for the drug-addicted pregnant moms. But no one wants to see this. There is a lot more to paint an ugly picture. At the end of the day, what is going to be done? Well. Mr. Thaksin made a move. Now he is being vilified. This sends a bad message. "Don't make a stand against the drug scum, because somebody's poor baby might get caught in the cross fire." Sorry to jump in on your post, but this steams me.

    The point being that the people that were bumped off for numbers to be presented (didn't I do well/look good) but what happened to the big guys - yes the big dealers- how many of them were caught?? or bumped off, SORRY but anyone can go out and get the smokers/small time sellers, they are in most villages NOW-with the local authorities AWARE. who were the ones who were making the dosh ???? business and government bosses?? you know and I do, but you cannot bring power to order here, not often.

  13. I can't believe crap like this actually makes the news.

    Instead of letting all this Thaksin rubbish slowly sink into the background someone is pushing these stories onto forum every chance they get. For the good of all lets have what we have and get on with it-right or wrong, but for hells sake fade him out, don't give him the pleasure of getting a bigger head than he already has. he has some earned penalties to serve, so why the (promotion)

  14. Oh it definitely stinks to high heaven. Somebody on this thread expressed the notion that no one was charged and convicted, and implied that this absolves of them of everything, even Thaksin. What a ridiculous notion. It would be laughable if it weren't so sad.


    "In The Last Battle, by C. S. Lewis, some dwarves have an interesting role. They refuse to believe in a false Aslan, and also refuse to believe in a real one. When the Calormenes throw them into a dark stable, they refuse to see anything but what you would expect to find in such a building, even though other characters in the book can see that the stable, in reality, is not dark, and has no walls -- just a door.

    Lucy Pevensie, who has a soft heart, tries to get the Lion, Aslan, to make things better for the dwarves, Aslan produces a banquet for them. They eat, but they think they are eating old cattle food, or drinking from a trough for animals. When a dwarf is picked up and carried toward the outside, he experiences being slammed into the wall, even though there is no wall. Aslan says that they have chosen not to believe, and there is nothing he can do for them."

    Someone in this thread expects you to type this kind of response. That is alright, as well as expected. There is nothing anyone can do for your kind. That is not a bad thing or a good thing. It simply is. The damning thing is you may be too ignorant or stiff-necked to admit it, and simply keep on playing your trump cards over and over and over. When you admit this, as the one poster admitted he has not liked Thaksin for over eleven years, then maybe we can move forward. The constant tripe about Thaksin really does get cheapened as oft as it is resurrected, along with the inferences to Hitler and the Jews, and all the sickos in the past.

    It really is amazing how much posters get away with in this forum when it comes to this man. For example the sick comment about Thaksin's sex life with his wife. That is the amazing thing. Any other person in Thailand and I am sure there would be warnings and banning left and right.

    I will agree with you on the point of comparison re-Hitler/Jews but apart from that majority of posters are saying what actually happened here over the years, it always reads to a Thaksin believer that anyone who is truth telling automatically hates the man, and some do ,but I think most show their dislike for him for having his fingers in the Thai till(sticky fingers)-and the massive abuse of power-+the war on drugs that was hushed up to the where abouts of the victims, he was responsible as he ordered the crackdown and then brushed it under the carpet.

    So it's not so amazing really is it if truth is known. Also yes he did good things-BUT HE GOT ELECTED AND PAID> it was his JOB so all the rubbish about some good things does not cancel out the shocking things.

  15. You may well be correct,but does it not strike you as rather odd that of the 2,500 or so deaths ,no one was ever wounded ,and no one was ever charged with a single death!

    This is the thing isn't it? It hit a point where the questions just stopped getting asked b/c there weren't any answers. That's just never right, not only this once.

    Let me put it this way DF if in the last 3 months 2,500 people had been gunned down and not one case had been solved , would you think that this was quite normal and the "clear up" rate of 0% was quite satisfactory,if the excuse given by the police that many lost their lives during "gang warfare" why was no one ever wounded? .

    Oh it definitely stinks to high heaven. Somebody on this thread expressed the notion that no one was charged and convicted, and implied that this absolves of them of everything, even Thaksin. What a ridiculous notion. It would be laughable if it weren't so sad.


    Kalasin-Issan ,mother and father are still trying to get answers to "Where is our son" missing in the war on drugs, He happens to be 1 of the 2.5 k international organisations do not seem to have the answers. (or are lied to) My point being the P.M. at the time ordered the war on drugs to satisfy the world outcry====what about their(victims) birthday bash???????

  16. Oh boy, this thread's going to be fun! How the Thaksin haters will be seething! :cheesy:

    (..and saying it will never happen, just like the election result. :D)

    You are confused. No-one said the election result wouldn't be happening. Nor that his birthday celebration wouldn't be happening. Some just had wished that they did not. Not the same thing.

    555555555555 Ha Ha A good birthday BASHing would be more in order.:lol::jap:

  17. Yes amazing posters complaining about Thailand but keep coming and or living here.

    Did you read the thread, ??????????????? it was Thai's that are the ones complaining for starters, and most posters thought people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, we were commenting and replying to the topic. NOT as you put it, anyway why didn't you give an honest opinion on the subject rather than bash other peoples opinions, or is this your way of posting farrang bashing. I commented honestly on the topic, just how I felt.

    Most posters are or do try to keep on topic, so why don't you have your say (on the subject)

  18. In my years in Thailand I have never engaged in any crimes against anyone nor have I ever bribed any officials -- and I have a dream that others would see this as the norm.

    If you don't, don't expect me to have any respect for your view or wish of how the nation should be administrated.

    With you on this one, so you were brought up firmly with love, and taught to respect. In my young days it was the NORM to be taught -right and wrong by all-parents-G parents- schools-the country-other elders-police-courts,etc.

    I see 1 poster defending the Thai ways, and picks on western examples-typical- there are younger element in Europe that do not respect and tend to be more lax when bringing up kids. BUT the % is much less than here. where kids run around free style and parents are to lazy to teach OR they do not know how to bring up children, Better the parents get guidance ???

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