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Posts posted by IamMaiC

  1. try absolute club in rca.


    Think Absolute is closed nowadays - the owners didn't bother to renue the contract for the building.

    I'm DJ'ing in Code Club, RCA tonight (Aug 31st) if anybody's interested. Style is UK/Dutch (cheese-free) Trance, spun 'n produced by the likes of Paul Van Dyk, Tiesto, Oakenfold etc.

    I love Oakenfold I never been to the Disco's in thailand pretty happening or what?? Do Thai people like to Dance?? Or mostly Farangs?? Alot of Thai Women?? :D

    the thai loves to dance

    and most of the places i have been to have plenty of women.

    so get off your @ss and get going.

    its always a great laugh :o

    Sorry But I have a little problem I'm in the States Well I'll talk my wife into it next time i go to Thailand but she dosen't like to dance but i'll change that :D

  2. So that is the answer is it internatioal terrorism can be stopped by Thailand charging exorbatant fees to enter the country?????

    And no I would not cry 'I didn't like the place anyway' I would be very upset... I do indeed like Thailand despite the annoyances to be found in any developing country, I have not forgotten the reason that I left the UK in the first place. How is it beneficial to anyone to have the immigration precedures of this country so difficult?

    My 6 month old baby has to have a visa to be here, I am sure that will hold back the tide of international terrorism, what a bloody joke!

    I was using that as an example I didn't say anything about charging money to stop international terrorism If all country's didn't have a immigration sysytem then it would mean real problems right??

    Whatever reason you are in Thailand You chose to be in Thailand Those are the rules so u have no choice but to live with it Correct??

    I live in the US and whatever anybody says about it is OK by me I was born in thailand I left when I was 3 had no choice really My Mom grabbed me My step dad brought us here We came here legally My Mom came by choice I don't complain about it one bit Because I know where I come from My Mom told me not much opportunity in thailand well I'm talking abut 1969 Not now I don't know what they have now because I don't live there. she told me those things about opportunity when i was a little bit older.

    Your six month old baby needs a visa because those are THAILANDS rules if you don't like it hop on the next flight out

  3. try absolute club in rca.


    Think Absolute is closed nowadays - the owners didn't bother to renue the contract for the building.

    I'm DJ'ing in Code Club, RCA tonight (Aug 31st) if anybody's interested. Style is UK/Dutch (cheese-free) Trance, spun 'n produced by the likes of Paul Van Dyk, Tiesto, Oakenfold etc.

    I love Oakenfold I never been to the Disco's in thailand pretty happening or what?? Do Thai people like to Dance?? Or mostly Farangs?? Alot of Thai Women?? :o

  4. Don't get me wrong people should be allowed to get a live where ever they want as far as I am concerned but the idea of making the immigration procedures more difficult here is ridiculous not to mention the effect that not having people coming to Thailand would have on the economy.

    Look at the effect letting people in had on the US Muslim extremists crashed planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

    What if Thailand told all farangs to bug out What would you say then "I didn't like the place anyway" Probably. :o

  5. I could be wrong. There is a small chance of you having a 50 year long wonderful relationship.

    It would not suprise me if it lasts this long!!!! I'm sure Scamp is Level Headed Well I hope he is Just because she was a Bargirl They are all the same?? I just recently read Stephen leather's Private Dancer It is about a farang that falls for a bargirl and she was married but her husband hit her all the time.

    So The Farang that loved her because he grew up in the west he was expecting her to be faithful to him well it's a long story if you get a chance download it and read it It's a good read I couldn't put it down :o

    Sure from our point of view about scamp it does not look Good I feel the same But who am I to tell him what to do or how to feel?? Maybe she does not want to be a bargirl anymore, who knows why she is with him. Thai girls are alot different from western girls They want someone to take care of them

    And in the process they will take care of their man, I should know I married a Thai Girl. Best Thing I did in my whole life. I was tired of western girls and don't think a western girl will not do the same as the girl that Scamp knows, They do.

    Like I said before Chok Dee Scamp

  6. :o

    Best of luck,sounds more like a wind up. 

    1 week with that history and you are both willing to move in together???  Couple of lost soles, but only one winner.

    You Know Who are we to Judge what scamp does?? If he Loves this girl and she said yes to staying with him What's the wind up?? Maybe because Scamp said she use to be a bargirl?? There are Good Bargirls Right?? Good Luck Scamp I hope it goes well.

    Is that the lucky lady in your Avatar?? :D

  7. Our first minor fall out was last night when I wouldn't let her drive the motorbike and she got off and sulked. When I went to sit with her she started to criticise me again, saying I'm not grown up and that I worry too much.

    Should I have grovelled and said "Oh I'm sorry babe, it's ok, you can drive" I told her if I said that then her respect for me wouldn't last long.

    Why wouldn't you let her drive the motorbike?

    Yeah Scamp What's the big deal about driving the motorbike? and by the way Good Luck Everyone deserves a Loving Caring and Supportive Relationship Whoever you are Striaght or Gay or whatever. You do what you think is right but do watch out Sir. Follow your Gut and everything will work out.

  8. I live in the states, I was picking up some chinese food the other day and overheard a conversation(evesdropping) :o The man behind the counter was talking to an american woman she had green eyes, So They Talked for a little bit and He told her If chinese girl have green eyes means Good Luck??

    Does anyone know if this is true or Myth?

  9. It's never been mentioned but these people aren't stupid.

    Then we can mention how stupid you are to make a post like this. I think its total BS but if you are sincere then you are a total jackass.

    You show up at the village and all of a sudden they start talking about going to work in bars? They did not know about that before huh? The people of your village knew about phuket bars long before you showed up.

    On the other hand--if your post is sincere and other girls are really talking about going to find someone like you... it has to be because you are being milked big time.



    Good One Falong I have been reading Private Dancer and the Farang in Love with the Thai Bargirl is being taken for a ride and that's a book!!!! Pete(The main character) said that he didn't care if the Bargirl had a husband or a boyfriend :o as long as she told him the truth. He would still Love her!!!

    Does anyone know if this book is true?? I mean did it happen to the author??

  10. I too used to see the Thai's as nothing but money grabbers and theives.

    Thankfully, I have matured and can now view them in a more understanding light. What a shame there are few who can do so.

    did anyone say that?? I was just making a joke lighten up man "Mai Pen Rai" remember your going to be dead one day so enjoy!!!!!

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