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Posts posted by IamMaiC

  1. I've seen how some Farang act in thailand   Like little children  My Mom's friend  her friend had her american boyfriend over in thailand  He complained about everything   The flight  The Food and even his girlfriend   He even shouted at her in front of everyone.

    I guess he was under the impression he was better than the Thai People,  I even had to tell him not the show anger in public   He said how come my GF didn't tell me.  Maybe because you were too busy yelling at her. 

    They then went to bangkok and he ran out of money  so he had his father wire money to him   I'll never forget him

    I know exactly where you are coming from, i have had a few run ins with some Farangs that think they are so superior also.

    Everything is always better where they come from according to them, so why the F#*K did they ever leave it?

    I think inside many Thai people just give up with rude farangs, and just accept that farangs are like that, it's all about acceptance, but Farangs want Thai people to alter their ways to suit them.

    I am Farang by the way, but i don't like the way most of them act in Thailand.

    I was born in thailand but grew up in the US I do security at a residential community, I guess I look asian My Mom is not so sure, But I had a guy come in and I didn't hear what he said at first They have model homes I could have swore he said bottles I didn't know what he meant, Then he shoots me a Line "I Guess your not from around here" What the ###### does that mean Because I'm asian looking I'm not from the US?? Very Rude of him in my opinion.

    I didn't get angry at first but after a while I was upset but didn't show it to him,

    When I was in Thailand in the past I've seen Farang haggling for a cheaper price The thing what they wanted was like 5 or 6 dollars already. :o

  2. Can anyone answer this?? If he lived in Thailand would he have to get a retirement visa? Or just a work visa? I am wondering because when I retire I want to live in Thailand 6 months out of the year Thanks

  3. I am Half thai Born in Thailand but grew up in the states  So I may be foreign man but my wife and I have many things in common   :D

    Yes i noticed that you do not have an air of superiority, i think that serves you well.

    Thats obviously the Thai half of you, so what part of you is American? :o

    I don't think I am superior to anyone I treat people like i want to be treated Actually I am Amerasian According to my Dad But I do consider myself Thai

    I've seen how some Farang act in thailand Like little children My Mom's friend her friend had her american boyfriend over in thailand He complained about everything The flight The Food and even his girlfriend He even shouted at her in front of everyone.

    I guess he was under the impression he was better than the Thai People, I even had to tell him not the show anger in public He said how come my GF didn't tell me. Maybe because you were too busy yelling at her.

    They then went to bangkok and he ran out of money so he had his father wire money to him I'll never forget him

  4. On a serious note now, as a European I think of counceling as a purely American thing. Are there any Europeans or Asians that have tried it? What did you think of it? Does it work? Also interested in the US point of view. As an Englishman it's normal to keep my emotions and problems to myself, the idea of sharing them with a total stranger are completely alien to me.

    Doubt that I got this thread onto a serious subject, but I tried :D

    As you may have guessed, Konangrit, I'm American, but I didn't realize that Europeans don't often use counseling/therapy services . It used to be that one would never admit to being in therapy in the USA, but now I understand it's rather trendy and often the topic of conversation ("So--who's YOUR therapist?") I've been away for 5 years so I've missed out on this rather nauseating evolution (devolution?)

    Actually, I DO think counseling/therapy can work--but not necessarily for everybody every time. And certainly someone who has been taught to keep emotions inside would find it difficult (and maybe irrelevant?) to try therapy (problem? what problem? :o ) So the probability of therapy working for this couple is rather low, as one-half of the couple is Thai (the ultimate holding-in-of-feelings culture.... mai pen rai na ka), though she did say she would try....

    Whoa Mr Morning Glory I'm american also and I don't have a therapist!! Maybe trendy for the group your in :D

  5. I have been wondering Do foreign men just go from the airport to the nearest bar?? It never ceases to amaze me of this fact. There are other places in thailand to meet a decent girl, My wife her friends well some of them have asked me if i could find someone for them, I mean it's not that easy.

    I don't think that all Thai women want a foreign man?? Or am I wrong? :o

  6. ....., the monthly payments will cease, and the apartment  rent  and the BMW lease will no longer be paid by my accountant.

    ehi!!! Do you want me as MIA NOI as well???

    I Know I know I'm an ugly man, but I can play pool, drink, and if the BMW is a 5 series I can give you a slice of my ass (the best part, near the bone = Parma Ham)!!!

    That is funny :o

  7. .

    The US is very violent place, I live in Florida and just recently 6 people were killed for a video game system and some clothes. It was four young men that did the crime. In California A Man and a Women were shot in the head, They worked at a neardy camp for kids. The Families can't understand why Nothing was taken from them and they were still in sleeping bags.

    I don't know if any of you know about Scott Peterson He killed his pregnant wife during christmas time back in 2002, He said his wife went running with their dog the morning of christmas and he went fishing :o Her body was recovered not far from where he was fishing. :D

    The US is a very violent place Usually because of drugs and of course Money.

    Never would've guessed that little revelation! Wow! learn a new thing every day. :D

    So I guess we shouldn't be too surprised when the US institutionalises that violence and exports it worldwide then? :D

    A few examples in the last 3 decades, but not in any particular chronological order: Vietnam .....Laos..........Cambodia.........Nicaragua........Chile.........Honduras.....

    l Salvador...........Pananma...........Grenada..........Colombia..........Indonesi

    ........Philippines.........Somalia........Afghanistan........... and now, Iraq.

    I'm sure there are several other "anonymous Latin American meat packing gliterati" countries not mentioned (add at own convenience) where direct military intervention has exported American terror and violence on innocent civilians, as well as the intended "beneficiaries". And that's not including the places where mines, missiles and other arms are exported to dictatorial governments known to use them against their own citizens (endless list). Hhhhmm......maybe you have a point IamMaiC, but not sure about your conclusions as to the causes. Still keeps the sales of Prozac healthy I guess. :D

    Some of the crimes are just senseless. A video game system!!! Don't get me wrong The US is very safe also It is just the senseless reason's people kill. I was angry the day it happend and saw a candlelight vigil on TV One of the victims just moved to florida only been in the state a few days.

  8. Most bar-girls are far more sensible than most drunken slobs that live in Pattaya bars. They will insist on protection.

    When I ran a bar in Patong Beach I made sure all the girls had a supply with them, and made sure that they charged 150 baht extra, if the guy had none himself. They soon learnt the sensible way to go.

    I also loudly identified punters who tried to make the girls ride bareback. Didn't want them in my bar.

    Smart Man When I was younger I wanted to go and be with a bargirl I never did it Maybe I wanted someone to love me and not just have fun I'm 35 now and married I'm glad I never did it. :o I would have protected myself if i did.

    My wife's friend he is a Thai man and he frequents prostitutes very much. Or Regular Thai girls. I was in his truck and he had three boxes of condoms in it.

    At least he was smart, I understand it does not feel as good with a condom. But you be alive to tell the story.

  9. ...............I mean I seen Old men with young girls last time i was in bangkok. It's pretty sickening and then I see an article about it in the nation............

    and the thread starter said Pretty much you have to be a sex tourist to have fun!!!!   :o


    When will it end,  Look I understand about guys that can't talk to girls or who think they are not handsome enough,  If you can't talk to girls  you have to pay for them?? 


    About what girls are you talking? Farang girls? Thai girls?

    Does this mean, that men, who can talk a lot to girls or who think they are handsome, do not pay anything to the girls? Never?


    Comparing other countries in this world, I do not think, Thailand is offering so much for a sex-only tourist.... There are cheaper or better destinations for that, and not all of them are located in Asia.

    What means sex-tourist?

    Travelling alone as a single man means that you are looking for private contacts at your vacation destination. Yes, for sex, for fun....

    and do not tell me now, this is not the case, but you are looking forward to study history, and in evening you enjoy to be alone in your hotel-room......

    And it does not matter, where in this world....it does not matter, in which country. As a single man, travelling alone, you are looking for some private contacts....of course! Why not? Something wrong with that?

    Why to single out Thailand?

    I think, there are some other good reasons, why many men are going to Thailand....

    ONLY because of sex is not a good explication.


    Old man - young woman..... is there any legal age-difference limit between man and woman?

    What means old man?

    50 or 60 or 70.....?

    What means young woman?

    20 or 30 or 40.....?

    Do these people break any laws? Do they disturb anybody?

    I think, you have the right to choose your partner you like, and this is nobody's else business.

    And about money? Yes, many men pay money to women everywhere in this world.....nothing new about that........

    Then why in my old job i worked with an old man he would travel to thailand I think maybe he was in his 60's he use to show me the pictures which made me sick i told him not to show me ever again, Then i told him i was half thai he didn't want to speak to me again after that.

    I don't care. Whatever a person does with his own time or money it's their business but don't show it to everyone else like it's a notch in your belt!!! And don't say that it's all you have to do in thailand!!! to have fun you have to go to a go go bar

    I know many farangs on this forum know better about what to do in thailand.

    1. I'm talking about thai girls.

    2. I don't care

    3. If the man is old eough to be your father or your grandfather their is something wrong!!! On the man and woman's side

    4. Yeah nothing is wrong with what they do but don't put every thai woman or man is in the sex industry Man A guy can shag all he wants for all I care. But don't it get boring after a while??

  10. Apologies, i was talking about last year.

    Its raining a bit, but i dont see any signs of flooding just yet

    But then, i am blind as a bat :o

    Your not blind Wolfie just seeing alot of 0's and 1's :D:D

  11. My wife's former boss her husband has a second wife supposedly she is very young I don't know her exact age. He owns a real estate business and I guess hes tired of his first wife, I met her I would be tired also. When she met me it was like an interview with her. I thought I was talking to her about a job.

    He pays everything for his second wife She has a new car Mercedes and a nice aprartment. Also going to university I think. My wife was showing me around and we "accidently" :o went near the apartment My wife screamed out he is there!!!! I told her it's time to go home :D

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