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Posts posted by IamMaiC

  1. My wife and I are trying for another baby...

    I have just had a chat with my wife, she tells me that women are most fertile 7 days after their period, I thought they were most fertile immediately after...

    Do any of you guys know when it is most likely a woman will conceive?  (not that we do not try daily, but it was juts a conversation we just had)


    Dr Harry Palmer - MD...

    have a good sniff of the T-shirt she wears in bed... bizarre? body odours change with the different phases of menstrual cycle... it becomes sexier/ more appealing to the male when she is most up for it :o ...

    when a woman is most fertile, her vaginal mucus is stretchy, clear, thin, and slippery. when the mucus can be stretched between the thumb and index finger into a thin strand 2 to 3 inches long, ovulation is about to occur and the woman is entering her most fertile period...


    Remeber this man is looking for lingerie!!!! :D

  2. Wow!!! she told me she was shy also :D are you talking about my wife!!!! :D well I know they are full of surprises we had been watching the news and they were showing some story in pattaya and showed a girl walking through a bunch of people pretty much naked I mean she had a bikini on and my wife said she felt sorry for those girls :o and now she tells me this stuff the other day.

  3. he should not tell him it's none of his business he was staying at his home or his friends home?? I personally think it is none of his business. you would be surprised what happens in peoples lives in secret :o

  4. When in Rome, and so forth.....not really that'a big deal is it?

    You're still just 35 and a few weeks...give it some time and you'll be OK...

    // dfw

    Ha!! It's not that big a deal i just guess i didn't know my wife well enough or maybe she's just kidding!! see what i would say to it I didn't get too excited after she said it to me so i guess it didn't have the desired effect for her :o

  5. Listen I am a good guy and I don't consider myself that good looking I am married also When I met my wife after our little courtship I mean before we got married she wouldn't let me out of her sight?? Jealous?? Or is this how Thai girls act around Half thai and half farang man?? It's hard to explain :o I mean is this what Thai girls are attracted to now due to thai television and music?? or ??

  6. They had a big thing in the states about ford explorers and rollovers  the center of gravity is off in them  they also had a big stink about the tires  Firestone  I can tell you from experience Firestone tires suck!!!  the tread comes off entirely  maybe 6 months at the most you can get out of them.

    This was a big battle that Firestone and Ford went through. Ford claimed the tire peeling apart caused the roll overs, but Firestone claimed it was the front ends on the Explorers were faulty causing the tire treads to separate prematurely. Either way both companies truly suck and should be avoided. I have heard, however, that Fords made in Europe are of a higher quality, not sure though. The Japanese make the most RELIABLE cars in the world.

    I had firestones on my car i guess when u buy cheap u get cheap it peeled off like you peel a banana it even exposed the insides never again. :o

  7. It's the lure of the pussy.

    Work in Saudi; after 6 weeks in the desert feel really horny and come to LOS for some Rape & Run. :o

    Met a TG 10yrs ago and haven't been back in my home country ever since. All in all LOS has a positive effect on my life although my bank manager thinks otherwise.

    yeah he met a TG ten years ago so she must have a pretty good savings if she's either working in nana or soi or patpong :D

  8. I think you can't go wrong with a Toyota. Even the Corollas from the 70s are still rolling like champs. The engines just go for ever.

    I don't know who made datsun but my father in law still has one he said it's from the early 80's It still runs pretty good My next car is going to be a jap car heard so many good things about them.

  9. They had a big thing in the states about ford explorers and rollovers the center of gravity is off in them they also had a big stink about the tires Firestone I can tell you from experience Firestone tires suck!!! the tread comes off entirely maybe 6 months at the most you can get out of them.

  10. I know this is not Thailand related, but we are all at some time in danger from extremists and terrorists, be it in a crowded shopping mall, cinema, Aeroplanes, Trains, Bus's, and now children in schools are dying.

    This is not a political thread, but it is a post from a human being trying to understand the mentality of people that would do such things.

    My heart goes out to the people of that Russian town.

    I often here the words " They are like  animals" when refering to Terrorists and any other person that does  something outrageous.

    In fact, they are  human beings, the most destructive creature on the planet.

    Yeah but what are they being destructive for?? There will come a time when the world says enough!!!!!! Terrorism has been around a long long time and the world just sat by and said oh that's fine go ahead blow up this and blow that up After 9/11 the US had enough :o

    And about Special Forces Cmon how many people were in that place I don't care how good you are as special forces there are going to be casualties with a high amount of people in the building Go say what you said to the soldiers who cunducted the raid!!! I don't think they would be to happy with you, Could you do a better job??

  11. Do nothing ... you could be reading too much into this although it is suspicious. You could lose your friend over this :o

    Yeah do u know what is exactly going on??? it does look suspicious but is it any of your business truly??

  12. I can't believe my wife!!!! she is toying with the idea of having bargirls work there!! She never said anything like this before to me a real surprise :o Thanks for the answers I am Half thai but dont have my birth certificate just something the US military made up and gave to my dad. then he gave to me when i was older.

    He was in the US Air Force during the vietnam war.

  13. Well this is along way off but it's good to think ahead i was just thinking of the idea of spending 6 months in thailand and 6 months in the US when i retire until my wife brought up the idea about a business

    I thought of the bar but would it do good?? I mean just a regular bar not with bargirls or anything of the sort. I mean people love to drink and carry on. :o just a place friends could meet and hang out with each other.

  14. I forgot the thread starters name but he did a thread on how quick it is to bed a thai girl the thread got pretty ruanchy George directed to to another forum that they could talk about it more openly.

    I mean isn't their email?? email your friends and talk about it but don't have everyone join in I mean he seemed like he thought he was a king because he bedded alot of thai girls. That thread starter.

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