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Posts posted by IamMaiC

  1. Dosen't he do the tattoos the old fashioned Thai Style?? I wanted to get one last time i was in Thailand but my loving wife did not like the idea I saw a picture of a Angelina Jolie getting that Tattoo and it was not being done the way they apply tattoos nowadays. It looked like it really hurt

  2. What did he feed them??  :o

    The usual stuff.

    He didn't poison them if it's what you mean. And it isn't a collective suicide either.

    I was not saying he poisoned them :D but he fed them and then they were dead later on?? maybe the Food?

  3. I spoke to a good friend of mine, who married an English man and spent about a year their. She said that if she went to a nightclub men always wanted to go with her but they never wanted to give her money. From her point of view opportunities were not as good as she expected.

    Why is she doing that if she's married??? :o

  4. I've heard this news on radio yesterday. I know bus route 12 very well, i usually take this bus to the university. However, I wonder how can they do it on the air condition bus????  :D
    In an effort to combat the problem, notices on all the Route 12 buses now advise: "Thai women should preserve old culture about sexual behaviour."

    i agree with this. Why they do it on bus. Crazy!!! :o:D I not an old generation but it's really piss me off.

    I think they imitate western culture from movie and TV show such as MTV.

    :D Sao jai = so sad.

    Chat, one of Thai girl

    I agree with CG I don't know all the customs of thailand even though i was born there but i know some about how men and women should act. when i got married in 2002 I went walking around my wife's village to meet all her friends we walked around the whole place. I was holding her hand, My Mom told me that we should not do that even that in public, But my wife said it was OK now.

  5. In an effort to combat the problem, notices on all the Route 12 buses now advise: "Thai women should preserve old culture about sexual behaviour."

    What does that mean? That the amorous duo should get off the bus when it passes one of Thailand's ubiquitous "curtain hotels" and get themselves a room?

    They mean that they should not do this in public according to my wife Man and Woman cannot even kiss let alone have a little fun on a bus!!!

  6. Hello everyone :o

    I guess most of you in this forum have been living in Thailand for quite some time, and obviously 'feel' much more than I do for this country. I have been living here for a year so far, but for some reason, I find it hard to devote myself into this rather 'bizarre' society like most of the others do.

    Could this simply be a gender issue? or because I'm a weirdo?

    What do u find "Bizarre"? And where are you from?? I live in the States and my mother is from Thailand she has told me when she arrived she couldn't get over Supermarkets She had to go and grow her own food while in Thailand. Going to a supermarket it was a big surprise to her

    she thought it bizarre having all this food in one place she thought it would go bad. Last time I was in Thailand I saw the same Like Big C it was a big supermarket like they have in the states except for a few items :D

  7. I am Half Thai and Half Farang I live in the states and I am 35 just turned 35 this month and been toying with the idea of living in Thailand when I retire. I am also married to a Thai Woman, She would have to buy the Bar?? Correct? and if she were to become a citizen of the US Then what? is she still a citizen of Thailand? Can she be a dual citizen?

    Or is this just a pipe dream I have?? Is it not possible at all or possible?

  8. I can understand the need and even the occasional sincerity of the bargirls, and I don't blame them for getting money that way if they can. However, I think it is a kind of social problem- NOT about foreigners being "bad," but about good intentions gone bad. If these ladies have not been trained to understand their situation (and the life cycle of their vocation) things can go very hard for them.

    Say a bargirl has a 10-12 year shelf-life (IF that, it's a rough job that wears people out quickly). Unless she's developed OTHER skills, it's unlikely she'll ever make anything close to that kind of money from her labor again. After she's in her late 20s, she's going to be limited to hairstyling, restaurants, and soi jobs for the rest of her life unless she:

    1. finds Prince Charming and lives happily ever after (unlikely);

    2. saved up enough money to start a legitimate business to support the rest of her life (difficult but possible); or

    3. trained herself in the meantime to do some other kind of work (unlikely given the hours and the constraints of her original job).

    I think point 2 is the most likely route to ultimate security for bargirls, but they are rarely able to think about the future enough to realize the need for savings or plan for what to do with them.


    I would think a bargirl that has been doing it that long would be looking for a better life, To find a Prince Charming and have a nice family life or train to do something else or have enough money to live on.

    I have a Question Can a Bargirl now be able to go to another country say if she did get married to someone from the US or UK etc etc etc.

    Is their a stygma to being a bargirl I have heard some things that it is very difficult for them, even more difficult than the average Thai Person

  9. Lazy or Stupid, maybe?

    ssggghhhhhh <deleted> Amazing.....

    Welcome to the land of Lazy or Stupid. Leave your brain at the check in counter and choose (while you have the capacity to do so).

    Lazy brain or Stupid brain

    I agree I guess where he comes from has many lazy and stupid people including him :o

  10. If all the money going to bar girls went directly to disadvantaged children though, I reckon they would do a lot more good.

    Many Bargirls have children, many of those children would be disadvantaged if not for their Mothers money.

    The Mother will accept all donations.

    Wouldn't you?

    He dosen't understand ThaiGirlTeen My Mom before meeting my Dad worked in a Bar but she was a hostess This was back when the US military was in Thailand during the vietnam war. The Soldiers gladly gave tips The Money they got did not do much in the US and it was a kings ransom in Thailand. My Dad use to get 125 US dollars a month this was back in 1970

    Bargirls that have so called "Sponsoring Boyfriend" I say Great if the man feels this way towards the bargirl then that's his business and if he has enough income to send then so be it

    If the bargirl has children I can see why she would greatly take his money.

  11. well, i'll come clean the... my main problem is buying ladies undergarments that fit me.. you see i need a size 15(UK) & they only do small sizes here.. i guess cos most girls here have small bums... can anyone bring some back for me when they next go the london? :o

    he finally admits it :D i'm so happy for you HP :D

  12. wait a minute..

    falongs avatar and scamp in the pic look very same same

    :o  :D

    Hey splitlid ( I mean Scamp)what did u show that girl in your avatar to make her scream like that?? :D

    Are you saying that splitlip=scampi??????????????????

    Any seconds?

    It's just a guess that's all Just messing around if u think he is that's up to u Falong :D

  13. Image_118.thumb.jpg

    Enjoy the ride Scampy.


    That can't be Scampy, he said he looked young for 30 years of age, that looks like a bloke older than 30 who has had a <deleted> hard life, and will need a wig pretty soon also.

    Thats Steve Martin before he had his hair transplant!!!!!!!!!!

    Hey Falong maybe you should give him your hair looks good in your avatar!!! :o

  14. Can't say I'm too fond of Khao San Rd either. There used be hiphop on the top floor of Speed (Silom soi 4) but this is over a year ago, may be gone by now.

    For those of you who have managed to resist becoming paranoid of Africans and Arabs in the last few years, there's a few decent hip-hop clubs in the NaNa area as well. The hookah smoking and Arab coffee in that area is really good too.

    Can i ask why the Nightclubs close after so short a time?? I know it happens in the US also usually sold to another owner

    Seems like they would do good business in Thailand

  15. Image_118.thumb.jpg

    Enjoy the ride Scampy.


    That can't be Scampy, he said he looked young for 30 years of age, that looks like a bloke older than 30 who has had a <deleted> hard life, and will need a wig pretty soon also.

    He can use Ning's hair looks like she has plenty :o

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