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Posts posted by Spaniel

  1. Can anyone recommend a Dermatologist in Pattaya that is familiar with identifying skin cancer?   I n


    the past I have seen Dr Anna at BKkPattaya Hospital. But recently she has cut her schedule to 1 day a month so a bit difficult to see her.

  2. Is anyone familiar with this procedure?  It is a out patient procedure and I am trying to get any info particularly from any who have experienced it.  Unless someone can convience me other wise I would probably have this done at Bangkok Hospital (Bangkok).

  3. 22 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

    As above, technically a US license is fine (as per motor vehicle act below) but some police may insist on an accompanying IDP (an IDP is not a license its a translation of your licence). There is no such thing as an international license.


    Motor Vehicle Act B.E. 2522

    Section 42-2
    In case there’s a treaty between the Thai government and a foreign government regarding mutual acceptance of driver’s license, an alien who doesn’t have an immigrant visa may drive a motor vehicle with a driver’s license issued by such a foreign government



    Thanks to everyone for the replies.

  4. 21 minutes ago, Tanoshi said:

    Is your son staying in a hotel or with you.


    If with yourself, did you file a TM30 and he'll need copies of the Blue House book and Thai ID card.

    No, our son is staying at home with my wife, his mother, and myself.  He is a dual national (Thai/USA) and his Thai passport had expired and he did not have time to renew prior to departure.   He will renew his Thai PP next week.


  5. Our son arrived from the USA on 60 day tourist visa but now it looks like he will need about 7 to 10 additional days.   Expected departure is around end of July so what must he do to get the extension ?


    Would assume a trip to Chiang Wattana Immigration Office but what form will be required, picture, cost etc. and is the extension issued immediately?  He has a US passport and we live in Bangkok.


    Thanks in advance for any assistance.

  6. Thanks for the replies, both very helpful and informative.   I guess I should have spoken to my wife in a bit more detail as to what I was planning to set up for her regarding investments.   Well, seems she is happy enough with bank CDs,  MMA, etc.   Not very exciting stuff but very safe.


    Please, no more replies needed|

  7. I am quite knowledgeable about mutual funds in the USA but know nothing of Thai mutual funds.


    I would like to set up some sort of investment scheme for my (Thai)


    wife, in her name here in Bangkok.  All my personal (equity) assets are in my name in US brokerage accounts with my wife listed as POD to her.  Whatever fund(s) I invest in here, the total amount would be around 1 million bhat.


    So, firstly, any suggestions where I can start researching info.  I am quite conservative in my investment outlook so  a few fund  suggestions too would be appreciated.


    Thanks in advance for any help/suggestions.

  8. Our 31 y/o son will be returning to Bangkok on a 60 day tourist visa and it looks like he will need  another 15 days as his departure for the US is late July.   What documentation will he need for this extension?


    He has arranged the 7 day quarantine at the Ibis Hotel, has purchased the required insurance and has the visa.


    Our son is a dual national, American/Thai,  but unfortunately he had let his Thai passport expire and per the Thai Consulate in Washington,DC he did not have time to renew it there.


    So, he will renew it here.   Should he then forget about getting his visa extended and then depart on his Thai PP or just extend the visa?


    Thanks for any suggestion.

  9. Sheryl,

       Thank you, for as expected, an excellent reply as well as those others that replied too.


       Dr Ekapong at the Sukhumvit Hospital did come highly recommended by a friend of my wife’s, who had a similar problem and was treated by Dr.  Ekapong.   The doctor at Synpact Hospital was also on a recommendation of a friend.   An the hospital is about 10 minutes from our home,

       I do agree one should never let hospital staff select the doctor.



  10. Back in October 2020 I visited Ramkhahang Hospital, Bangkok concerning my right knee,  that I had recently twisted.  The doctor that I saw examined my knee, but did not order a x-ray. After several months of treatment which included monthly blood test, some rather expensive medication (only the imported version available I came to the conclusion that this doctor was not helping my condition


    So about a month ago I had an appointment with Dr Panya at Bamrugrad Hospital.  He ordered a. x-ray and advised that a full knee replacement would be needed at a cost of B380,000..


    I decided another opinion was needed so I went to a hospital near my home in Minburi, Synpact Hospital.  The doctor examined my knee but did not have an x-ray and said all that was required would be to drain the fluid around the knee and this procedure could be accomplished as an  outpatient service.  I told him I would let him know later about doing this.


    Wife and I decided on another opinion!   So we made an appointment to see Dr Ekapong who is a Orthopedic doctor at Sukumvit Hospital on 21 April.   X-rays were taken and consultations with Dr Ekapong resulted in his advising only a partial replacement would be needed, utilizing a new procedure, UKA, or Unicompartment Knee Arthroplasty.  The cost for this procedure is about the same as the full knee replacement cost quoted by Dr Panya at Bumrugrad.  Dr Ekapong at Sukumvit. Hospital was very professional and I felt confident in his abilities.  Has anyone been treated by him and if so would you recommend him?

    Also,  the. aforementioned UFA procedure.  Is anyone familiar with it?


    I am considering getting another opinion!!!   Any suggestions?


    Thanks in advance to those who can offer any help.

  11. I know, not exactly a deadly disease but can be pretty irritating especially when you are 76 y/o.  I have had this condition for nearly a year, 3 dermatologist, and a basketful of assorted ointments, creams, shampoo etc and still the condition persists.

    The most troubling area’s are forearms, neck/shoulder and scalp.   I have been using DiabeDermi 10% cream which offers some relief and Desoximetasone Creame, which I was advised to use very sparingly as it is steriod (sic?} based.


    So, hopefully other dry skin suffers can offer their own remedy?


    Thanks in advance for any suggestions.


  12. Is anyone familiar with the above hospital, and would you recommend them?

    I am looking for a knee specialist as I may require knee replacement so any doctor suggestion would also be appreciated.


    I remember this hospital from years ago when it was the US Army 5th Field Hospital.   I would guess that it has expanded since then?


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