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Posts posted by Spaniel

  1. Next week I will be going to Chang Watana to renew my 1 year retirement visa using the B800,000 and also apply for a re-entry stamp.    I have done this many times in the past using thy embassy letter but this will be the first time using the B800,000.   I think I have all the required paperwork:


    1.   800,000 in Bangkok Bank since December with copy of bank transmittal showing money wired from USA

    2.   Copies of all pages of bank book

    3.   Letter from the bank stating B800,000 on deposit

    4.   Completed  TM7 

    5.   Copy of passport and copy of latest visa issued last year.

    6.      Did I miss anything?


    Re-entry stamp


    1.   Completed TM 8

    2.   Copy of passport

    3.   Copy of new visa when issued next week.





  2. 6 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

    Sidegra is available from pharmacies, the cheapest of which is Fascino 4x100mg for 210 baht, can break them in half

    Why would you break them in half?     Because 100mg would be to strong?     Or is it economic, you are getting 8 pills for the B210?

  3. As I approach 75 I'm thinking the day may soon come when viagra could be a part of my life.    But having not needed it I know absolutely nothing about the drug so maybe someone can enlighten me.     Can you buy them at any drug store and do you need a prescription?     What do they cost?    What is the dosage.   Any side affects?    Feel free to add any additional info on the subject that you feel may be helpful.    Thanks for any replies.

  4. Thanks everyone for the replies.     I should have added that we live in Bangkok and will be applying at Chang Wattana Immigration office and I have a USA passport.    So it looks like a bit of a hassle, not unexpected, to get the marriage certified.

    So I will start off at the US consulate to get that affidavit.    Then take it and our USA marriage certificate to one of those translation places to have both translated into Thai.    Then on to MFA to have both documents certified.   When this is completed on to our local amphur here in Kannayao to register and get the Kor Ror 22 as mentioned above.     


    Kwasaki:   In your reply you mentioned their are many more things to add to the general list posted by ubonjoe.    Could you be a bit more specific as to what some of those things might be?    For the past 20 years I have been on the embassy income letter which I am sure you know was very hassle free.


    My current visa expires on 10 April 2019 and on 19 March I will be going to Immigration to extend for another year using the B800,000 method so I will have plenty of time  to get my marriage certification completed in preparation for next years extension.

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  5. (Thai) wife and I were married in the USA many years ago.     With the new visa changes I think next year I will go with married to a Thai rather then the B800,000 in the bank method.     So we will probably have to get married here in Thailand?   My question is when we get married will she have to change here Thai name to mine or can she continue using here Thai name on her passport, driving license etc?     What else is required at Immigration using the married route?

  6. If you are in the Sukhumvit area then check out Raja's Tailor on Sukhumvit road between Soi 6 & 8.    I have used him several times over the years.    

  7. On 2/28/2019 at 2:54 PM, fisherd3 said:

    Bangkok Hospital Rayong charge 34,000 thb for a 1st in course Rabies injection wrap an insurance policy around that.

    I find this charge hard to believe.     A couple of years ago I had the entire rabies series done at a private hospital here in Minburi (Bangkok) and it cost B6200 which also included the tetnaus series.     Your bill must have included other services.

  8. 16 hours ago, Yellowtail said:


    Yes, but the people using this method are rich and care nothing about the fees.


    Their portfolios are such that their earnings far outweigh any fees that may be realized, and they are much too smart to fund an account at one of the ridiculously risky Thai banks. The "dead" money you or I might foolishly put in a Thai account,  They will put to work earning them many times the interest the Thai banks pay, and with a much lower level of risk.


    Many of the people using this method also have top-secret security clearances that provide intel on how the currency markets will move, allowing them to further increase their wealth in a way that you and I could only dream of.

    What a load of BS.

    • Like 1
  9. I like Carl's and plan to go there tomorrow  for the B175 special.     Will probably go to their lower Sukhumvit branch which I think is on the corner of Soi 3?

  10. Check out the Anodard Hotel located in the old city.   It's in your price range and they have plenty of parking.    Here is there number, 053 270756/8.     You might try to Google them for more info.    For farang food one of the best in town is The Dukes.   They have two location.   Google them too for more info.

  11. 4 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

    Just returned from immigration recently, after renewing my marriage visa. The upside to this visa, is that only 400,000 is needed as a deposit, and it does not have to stay in the bank, once your visa is granted. The downsides are:


    The hurdles you need to jump over, in order to get a marriage visa are stupid, ridiculous, unnecessary, draconian, wasteful, and silly. I understand the need for them to verify that you are a legitimate couple. Upon the first application. But, the dumb requirements should not relate to renewals. You should not be required to show fresh images of the house each time, copies of the marriage papers, the house documents, either come with a local Thai witness, or bring a signed affidavit from a local Thai each time, provide new maps to the house, and dozens of other requirements.


    I just do not even know what to say about the process. I felt like a street dog by the time I left. After hours of paperwork, copy after copy after copy, each page having to be signed, and then being grilling by the surly officer, I literally felt like a street dog. The level of disrespect that immigration shows married couples here, and foreigners in general, is totally uncalled for, beyond the pale, and inane. The copy woman, the guy sorting our papers, they were all nice. But, the officers? Such sourpusses. The woman who was helping us was so difficult to work with, when she finally rejected us over the tiniest thing she did not like, after nearly an hour of reviewing every document with a microscope, so to speak, and said no, I responded by saying yes. YES, you are going to do this. Yes, you are going to do this right now. YES, you are going to stop saying NO to me right now. This ends now. She looked at me and did not know what to say. I asked for the manager. The top brass came over, and we had it sorted in 30 minutes. Took nearly 3 hours. And as usual, it will be a month, until I have final approval. Is it worth it? NO. It is my last marriage visa. I will go back to a retirement visa next year, or leave the country, before I subject myself to that abuse one more time.


    I totally blame Prayuth, and the biggest joke. Immigration has gotten worse under their tutelage and their arrogance, and their insufferable xenophobia knows no bounds. This whole thing leaves a bitter, sour, nasty, foul taste in one's mouth, and the stench can be smelled for kilometers. Thailand is moving backwards on so many levels, I do not even know where to begin. 

    Nice post.    Good reason why I will go with the B800,000  on deposit rather then the married route when I renew next month.

  12. 26 minutes ago, Spidey said:

    If you read that thread, it gives no indication as to why the guy can no longer stay in Thailand or what has changed, for him, as regards to him obtaining his visa extension this year as opposed to last year.


    The financial requirement for the visa extension hasn't change at all. 65k baht monthly income last year, 65k baht/month this year. 800k baht in a Thai bank account last year, 800k baht in a Thai bank account this year. Only the method of proof has changed, more inconvenient but still equally doable. I can't, for the life of me, understand how someone found it easy to obtain a retirement visa extension last year but finds it impossible this year.


    For French citizens, there is even less change as they still obtain their embassy income letters, leaving the 65k baht/month income route completely unchanged.

    Did you miss the requirement that you must leave B400,000 in your account?

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